Julia and Fiona went back to Fiona’s room. They chatted for a bit, but eventually Julia decided she needed to head home. Julia got ready to take off and was about to head out the door when Fiona stopped her and gave her a big hug.
“Thanks for telling me everything Julia.”
“Thanks for being so supportive. I felt really bad about not telling you, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. And I certainly wasn’t going to talk about it at lunch.”
“Yea, I don’t blame you. What’s your plan on telling other people though? I mean, I don’t think anybody is suspicious or anything. Are you just gonna wait until next week when it’s over and not say anything?”
“I was kind of thinking that, yea. Do you think anybody else might find out though? I always wonder how obvious it is, you know? I mean, it’s hard to see on myself, but I would think you could totally tell I was wearing a diaper if you looked close enough. Can you tell?”
“Well, I guess it depends on what you are wearing. There were a couple of times I thought I noticed something different, but it never occurred to me you might be wearing a diaper. I just thought you had new jeans or something ‘cause they looked a bit different. And I think one time you were wearing a dress or something I kind of heard something, but I didn’t think what it was. I mean, now that I know, yea I can kind of tell. Like when you were wearing your PJs, I could tell you had a diaper on underneath for sure. I mean you can hear it and see it. But I don’t think most people would really notice.”
“I guess I don’t really get what you mean when you say you noticed, but couldn’t tell.”
“Well, it’s like this. Like you were wearing something the other day, and I know now that what I heard was your diaper rustling underneath. But at the time, I just heard something. I didn’t think much about it and figured it was probably just your clothes or something. It simply never occurred to me that it might be a diaper. And I’m sure it’s the same for everyone else. Well, maybe not everyone…. Kate would probably be able to tell. But seriously, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”
“Well, I guess you are right. It’s just hard to think what it would be like. I mean, for me, it’s hard to forget that I am wearing a diaper.”
“Well, think about this. Ms. Barnard said there are a bunch of kids at our school who wear diapers like you. Have you ever seen any of them? I know I haven’t. But odds are we actually have. But more importantly, have you ever looked at somebody and even thought that maybe they were wearing a diaper? Like, did you ever think it might even be a possibility?”
“No, I didn’t. That’s a really good point.”
“Well, now you know what it’s like for everyone else. No, I think you are gonna be fine, barring sleepovers, your pants falling off, or forgetting to get dressed in the morning.”
“Or an untimely gust of wind and a dress….”
Fiona laughed. “Ok, yes, I didn’t think of that. Ha, that would actually be really funny. Or like if you were standing on a subway grate like Merlyn Monrow.”
“Note to self, avoid subway grates.”
“Yea, good plan. OK, get out of here. I’ll talk with you later.”
Julia walked home and found her parents working in the yard. Mom was futzing about one of her flower beds and dad was watering some plants out back.
“How was date night mom?”
“It was lovely thank you. And how are the Haymans?”
“Fine. By the way, thanks for dropping off some diapers for me. I totally spaced on that.”
Shirley laughed, “Yea, you did.”
Ted had stopped watering and had come over to join the conversation. “Yea, lucky for you your mom was thinking for you and we were able to just drop off a few on our way to dinner. Hopefully you didn’t go through them all.”
“I have no idea….” Julia started.
Shirley looked at her and said, “Don’t worry, I asked Mrs Hayman to let me know when she needs more. I’m sure you will be fine. By the way, how did it work out last night. Mrs Hayman said she wasn’t sure how she was going to be able to get you changed without Fiona….”
Julia cut her off, “I told Fiona.”
Ted raised his eyebrows, “How did that go?”
Julia didn’t seem to understand the issue. “It went fine. Dad, Fiona is my best friend, she didn’t care at all.”