Loretta closed her eyes and focused lightly on Rupert’s silhouette and pushed.
“What the hell was that,” Rupert said falling back against the coach in utter surprise at the overwhelming pleasure he just felt.
“What was that? Okay, that was what you’d get for a B effort in your girl studies. Just so you know, a C would get just a bit less, while an A would probably require you to sit for a longer amount of time till you could stand without wobbling,” Loretta said.
“What would straight A’s do for me,” Rupert asked smiling.
“Seriously Rupert? A’s might require a half day to recover,” Loretta said snickering.
“Well, just so you know, you ruined a perfectly good diaper doing that just then,” Rupert said snickering as he added, “thank you very much.”
“You’re welcome,” Loretta said and then added, “so, can I convince you to come live with me, become my Familiar and take on the toughest role you’ve ever taken on.
“When we’re talking about A’s, does that include you know… lots of homework assignments, class work and finals,” Rupert asked.
“All of it. This role is going to take lots of encouragement,” Loretta said moving close enough to bend down and kiss him. He kissed back and as he did so she hugged and pushed slightly as she whispered, “it’s okay honey, the diapers ruined anyway.”
Loretta took Rupert’s hand and walked him to the room. He could feel Loretta pushing or at least he believed she was pushing.
“Loretta are you pushing,” Rupert asked.
“I am, but just a tiny bit,” Loretta said.
“If you’re forbidden to push, how is it your daring to risk it now,” Rupert asked.
“I’m not forbidden to push per se, I’m forbidden to destroy the world! Kidding! Dissipation honey! It’s a puff push,” Loretta said and then added, “think of it as the difference between a needle and a ball of cotton. Your needle would represent focus while a ball of cotton would be a dissipating cloud.
“Okay, so I get that you can dissipate your push so it goes undetected, but how does messing with my brain give me this feeling,” Rupert asked before adding, “not that I’m complaining mind you.”
“Well, if you haven’t learned this by now then it’s a good time to know that you’re brain really is the master and most everything about the mind there. the more blood flow,” Loretta noted.
“I know about that part,” Rupert said.
“Ah, Rupert and herein is why you need to study more, because you didn’t know that at the same time that is happening a substance called cyclic guanosine monophosphate is causing you also to relax. That too allows more inflow of blood
“Damn, how do you do that,” Rupert said.
“Well honey you’ll learn about this in school, I hope, but when I stimulate your nerve endings and endothelial cells they release chemicals within your muscles.
To be blunt precious, the very thought of this is actually its own chemical cascade of stimulations that I foster in you. I simply tickle and you scratch, or put another way I foster a cascade you further produce for the events you begin to feel in your diaper,” Loretta says.”
“Amazing,” Rupert says.
“Even better if we were in bed precious,” Loretta says
“Does the diaper stay on,” Rupert asked.
“I’m afraid so honey,” Loretta notes and then added, “but in a few weeks when things start to settle down and that too goes we can make love properly. Till then I’m going to teach you the proper way to make love to a woman as a woman.”
“Can you do this to yourself,” Rupert asked.
“I wish, then again perhaps it’s a good thing that we can’t, but no, we can’t. Like the proverbial snake consuming itself, your brain cannot wrap itself around itself,” Loretta said and then added, “in the meantime I have found a partner who can provide me with stimulation and for that I am profoundly grateful.”
Rupert spent the next thirty minutes learning about Loretta and her mind control. Someone Hazel said must have had one hell of a fun time learning about it.
They were both exhausted at the end of it and Rupert’s diaper was terribly soiled.
They showered and dressed and Rupert went back into the culottes he wore when Rosaline visited except this time he added a white polyester blouse over a white nylon camisole.
“So, if I was a student what kind of grade would I be looking at,” Rupert asked.
“Well, you didn’t freshen your lipstick after brushing your teeth, so that’s going to knock off the plus you might have earned, but I’d still give you an “A”.