On this particular day, I was in the mall with my mommy and I has been put in diapers to avoid any accidents. Whilst out I told my mom that I needed to go to the bathroom, however, we could not find one in time and I ended up pooping myself. Having realized what I had done my mommy told me to wait on the bench while she went and got my diaper bag. We then went to the bathroom to get me changed.
I wondered for a second and asked mommy what bathroom are we going to use? the boys or the girls?.
She duly replied, “the girls, of course, after all, mommy can’t go into the boy’s bathroom now, can she?”
“Well I can’t go into a girl’s bathroom looking like this, after all, I am a boy ” I answered in a confused state of mind.
She then asked me
” Would rather go into the bathroom dressed as a girl ?”
In my state of confusion, I thought about it for a moment and realized that because I had long hair and a very feminine face I’d be ok
She told me to wait there again while she went and bought some clothes and go the diaper bag so I waited.
After a while, mommy came back with the diaper bag and 2 bags of clothes. She then took me to the ladies Bathroom.
She had bought with her a pair of shorts, pants, a long skirt, and a mini skirt.
The shorts and pants didn’t go high enough to cover the diaper so we put me in the mini skirt for the time.
In the bathroom, the miniskirt was pulled down and I was changed.
After the diaper change, I asked my mom if I could go to the changing room and be changed into my boy’s clothes.
Her reply was a definite
She told me that if I had to have my diaper changed again I would have to get redressed again, and that would take far too much time
I then asked mommy if I could wear the long skirt then because I knew if I bent over it would show off my diaper.
To that, she agreed.
When we got home I was allowed to be changed into my boy’s clothes but had to put the girl’s clothes in my own dresser.
I went downstairs and when my dad got home he looked at me and asked if I was wearing makeup.
Naturally, I lied and said no. Never the less he thought I was so he asked mommy.
I was then called up into their room and my mother and I had to explain everything from when I started to wear diapers to this day’s events.
Thankfully daddy did not think of it as anything weird, however, what was to happen next would be a little peculiar.
So from that one day when I was in girls’ clothes, the thoughts just stuck. I had enjoyed it so much that I kept having the urge to wear the clothes whilst sitting in my dresser!
One day I went to do some laundry and noticed some of my mommy’s panties in the laundry room.
In my curiosity and somewhat confused state of mind, I grabbed a couple of pairs took them upstairs to my bedroom.
When I got to my bedroom I pulled the garments on and put my shorts on over them.
I then realized that my leg hairs and even my arm hairs were way too noticeable.
As luck would have it I shared a bathroom with my mom and I was able to use her Phylis shave the next day to remove the hair from my legs and arms.
After that shower, I went back upstairs to my bedroom, put on the panties, shorts, and shirt, and just hung out.
I figured the shorts were short and tight enough as was the shirt that if my parents came home I could just put on a pair of longer boys shorts and a regular shirt and go.
Well, that’s exactly what I did, but unfortunately, I happened to forget a belt.
On this particular day, we went to my aunt and uncle’s house.
At my Aunt and Uncles house, my little cousin had put makeup on my mommy, my aunt, my other little cousin, her brothers, and wanted to make me up next.
I was a little reluctant due to what I was wearing underneath my boy’s clothes but after some very incessant nagging from my little cousin, I agreed.
When my little cousin had finished putting makeup on me, we all went back downstairs and started roughhousing around.
Either due to lack of my belt or my cousins pulling at my legs or a combination of both my boy’s shorts fell to the ground revealing my very short very tight girls shorts.
To my complete embarrassment, all the adults of the house started laughing and they all bade me to take off my boys shirt to see if I had a girls shirt on underneath.
I think a few of them had already seen the pink and already knew what I was wearing. However, I did as I was told to do and removed my shirt
Immediately this caused an eruption of laughter from the younger group as they realized I was dressed as a girl and now even wearing make-up!
I immediately started to cry which aroused even more laughter and more tears.
I ran straight upstairs.
After some time when I had calmed down, I was told it was ok and if I wanted to join the party again I could.
I was also told that no one would laugh or they would be duly punished.
I decided to go back down after a bit and my mommy was right no one laughed and I continued playing as if nothing had happened.
After leaving I was asked by both of my Mommy and Daddy if I wanted to be dressed as a girl for good.
I immediately yelled yes startling my parents.
They altered the course a bit and we ended up at the local clothing store.
We bought massive amounts of clothes 20-25 panties, skirts both long and short, short shorts, pants, dresses long, short and everything in between, 1 formal gown and about 30 t-shirts and blouses.
We got me a few purses the makeup to fill them with and some earrings I already had both ears pierced.
We also got me 4 pairs of shoes including 1 pair of heels.
When we got home we put every single piece of boys’ clothes I had into 3 large trash bags that would be given to the salvation army later that week.
During that week my mom dropped me out of school (I was to finish the year and then to be homeschooled).
I would start again next year under a new name (we had my name legally changed to Ashley).
Also during that week, I was taught how to act, play, walk, and even talk like a girl.
We kept my pee-pee from growing by me ingesting hormone pills every day which also kept my voice at a higher more girly pitch as I grew older.
I was loving my new life as a girl until the one day where I would be introduced to my family as a girl!
My parents decided to have a summer party that included both sides of my family and would be my introduction to the family as a girl.
We went shopping the day before to get me a brand new dress which was white, pretty short, came about three and a half inches above the knee, and had a big pink ribbon that tied into a huge bow in the back.
It even came with a lovely sunbonnet that I agreed to wear but not for the party.
I wore ankle socks and brand new white Mary Jane style shoes.
I was introduced as Ashley-Matthew Tatalo (which was my new legal name too. After suffering some mild teasing I soon got over the humiliation and my family accepted that it was my choice to dress like this and I’ve been a girl ever since.