Julia had not seen this coming. Not in a million years. But hearing the story and watching Kate tell it really touched her. Kate was cool. Kate had confidence. Kate was a popular girl who was supposedly an amazing volleyball player, and still was kind enough to do something like this. Some part of her really wanted Kate to be her friend.
“Wow, Kate” Julia said slowly, she was still getting used to talking with this girl, “Wow, that’s really crazy. I’m kind of not sure…. How did you even know I wear diapers?”
Kate laughed. “Well, as I said, I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to be stuck outside Mrs Bernard’s office waiting. So I kind of knew right then and there. But I wasn’t like, 100% sure, so I kind of kept an eye out for you. I was pretty confident, but I knew for sure just now. When I was like “trust me I’ve been there” I could tell by the way you reacted. You were like “wait, does she mean…?” And then I knew and decided to really talk with you. Don’t worry, it’s not like it’s obvious you have a diaper on.
“I thought you were in there about you knee…”
“My knee? No, the trainers do that kind of stuff. I was in there for the same reason you were waiting to get in. I can’t stand changing in the bathrooms stalls.”
Julia was still processing everything Kate had said and the conversation kind of stalled here for a second. Julia wasn’t really sure what to do or say. Kate eventually started speaking.
“So anyways, I know this is short notice and all, but we, the D Club, are going out to lunch tomorrow. And I wanted to see if you wanted to come? I mean, it’s totally cool if you don’t want to. I haven’t told anybody else, and if you want to keep this whole thing a secret, that’s your call and your business. I can totally understand if you don’t want to meet other folks and for people to know about this. But I will say, I was really hesitant to do it when I was in your shoes, but I am so glad I did.”
“Wait, you mean you all are meeting for lunch tomorrow?” Julia asked. It was a dumb question and Julia regretted it the second she said it. But this was just all happening so fast.
“Yea, that’s what I mean. And you need to get your parent’s permission to go off campus. But it’s totally cool, Mrs Bernard knows all about it so they can call her if they want to check up on it.”
“I, I guess I don’t really know.”
“Looks, its fine either way and you don’t need to make up your mind right now. If you wanna go, just show up at the parking lot circle at lunch. We leave like 5 minutes after class gets out, ‘cause it’s not like lunch is really long. If you wanna come, just show up.”
“Well, thanks, I’ll think about it.”
“Ok, do that. Look, I’m gonna split and go grab lunch. It was nice to meet you Julia. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With that Kate got up and started to walk away. Julia suddenly wanted to ask her a ton of questions, but she was gone.
Julia was flustered and a bit out of sorts afterwards. She stumbled over to lunch and joined her friends, who fortunately didn’t ask where she had been. She glanced over at Becky who did give her a look that said ‘You ok?’ to which she responded with a nod of the head and a blink of an eyes that said ‘Yea, tell you later’.
Later turned out to be on the phone after school. Julia did her best to relay the conversation to Becky as best she could remember it.
“Wow Julia, that is almost unbelievable. So, does this mean Kate wears diapers too?”
“I guess so. I mean, she didn’t say no when I said ‘you wear diapers’ and she said she hates changing in the bathroom stalls….”
“Well, yea I guess that kind of answers that. So are you gonna go?”
“I don’t know. I mean, on the one hand, I’m not sure I want to have a bunch of strangers know I wear diapers. Who knows, they might be jerks or something. And what if they started telling other people?”
“Julia that doesn’t seem likely. Don’t they all wear diapers too?”
“I guess so huh. Yea, I didn’t…. I mean yea, you’re probably right.”
“Well, do you want to go? I mean, do you want to meet other people who wear diapers? Or do you think that would be like, weird? I know this is still pretty new and all.”
“I mean, yea, it’s new and stuff. But maybe meeting other people would be a good thing.”
“Well, the way I see it, I don’t see how it could be a bad thing. I mean, you wear diapers, they wear diapers, plus it’s off campus lunch. I don’t see much downside. Plus,” Becky added with her smarty pants voice, “It’s not like we know a lot of seniors and you seem to think this Kate girl is nice.”
“I know I hardly know her, but she seems really cool.”
“Julia, Kate is really cool. She’s a senior. She’s the captain of the girls volleyball team, she is beautiful, she supposedly has college scholarship offers…. That pretty much makes her the coolest person you know.”
Julia laughed, “Aww, you are still the coolest person I know Becky.”
Becky sarcastically replied “Thanks, I love you too. But I’m serious. And my point is, if Kate thinks this D club thing is cool, I bet it is. Seriously Julia, what do you have to lose?”
Julia thought about it for a minute. Wasn’t part of the trying policy learning what it was like to wear diapers? And wouldn’t meeting other diaper wearers help her learn? The answer was obvious.
“I guess I need to talk with my mom and get her to sign a permission slip…”