That afternoon he got teased about his gym slip by a couple of girls who he’d played dodgeball with. However a few other girls from his team came to his defence, saying that he’d played well. One added, “Anyway we were all in gym slips so what does it matter? Plus… our team did win after all!” She triumphantly reminded them.
Jon smiled. He didn’t like being teased but did feel a warm glow inside when the other girls defended him. It was nice to have some allies.
When the last bell rang it sounded like an anthem to Jon. Finally his last day of having to dress as a school girl had ended. “Mrs. Beadle would like to see you Jon.” Said the teacher before he had chance to leave.
He headed to her office. “How have your classes been today Jon?” She asked as he entered.
“OK Miss.” He replied.
“Well, yet again I’ve heard nothing but good reports about your behaviour.” She said. Jon smiled. “Now…” She said in her stern voice, “…I don’t want you going back to your old ways on Monday when you have your pants back on!” She paused. “Do you understand?”
“Yes Miss.” He replied.
“Well I certainly hope so.” She replied. “As you know I’m now more than happy to hand out new uniforms as punishment for gross misbehaviour…”
Jon hung his head as she spoke. “Yes Miss.” He muttered.
“…so don’t think for one moment that you’re somehow exempt.”
“No Miss.” He murmured.
“Good.” She said, standing up and opening the office door for him. “I’ll see you on Monday young man.” She smiled.
“Thanks Miss. Bye Miss.” He replied as he left.
She smiled to herself as she watched him run down the empty corridor in his little shoes, knee socks and grey pleated skirt.
He walked across the playing field towards the gate where his sister Mary was waiting for him. He received a few taunts as they headed home together, but he ignored them. Mary told him that one of the boys in her year had spent the day in the girls uniform because he’d sworn at his teacher.
“How come they only get one day and I got all week?” He protested.
“I dunno.” Mary replied, before adding cheekily. “Maybe because you suit it better?”
“I doubt it.” He said, looking down at himself.
As they turned into the lane, Mary asked if Jon had much homework to do. “Loads.” He replied. “It’ll take me all weekend to finish it.” He surmised.
Mary smiled at this, before saying, “I was looking out for you on the playing fields when you had PE…” She said. “But I didn’t see you.”
He told her about Miss Hurd letting him change in her office, and about the dodgeball game he’d played in the gym with the other girls. He described how he got a few of the girls out and was genuinely chuffed that his team had won overall.
“Sounds like you enjoyed it.” She said. Happy that it hadn’t been the ordeal he expected.
“Yeah it was fun.” He replied.
Eventually they entered their house. “Hi kids.” Said their mother as the trundled into the kitchen. “How was school?” She asked.
“Fine.” They replied in unison as they hung up their blazers.
“Can I get changed please Mum.” Jon asked hopefully.
“Not until you’ve finished your homework.” She insisted.
“Hey Mum!” Said Mary, “Jon said he’s got sooo much homework it’ll take him all weekend to finish it!” She looked at Jon as he sat bashfully in his pretty little blouse. “Does that mean he has to wear his uniform all weekend too!” She hoped.
“No!” Jon retorted.
“Surely you can’t have that much homework Jon?” His mother quizzed.
“Well there is quite a lot.” He replied reluctantly as he unpacked his books.
“Well lets see how you get on with it tonight shall we?” She smiled as she picked up his bag to launder his games kit. “I must say it is nice when you fold your kit up neatly instead of stuffing it in as usual.” She observed as she removed his neatly folded games kit. When she noticed his white knickers she told him she’d need to launder his gym knickers.
“I’ve still got them on.” He replied.
“Well go and change into some clean ones.” She replied.
Knowing he’d worn all three pairs of knickers his mother had given him on Tuesday evening he replied. “But I’ve none left, only my er… boys pants.”
“No there’s clean knickers in your drawer.” She replied matter of factly. “I’ve already done one load today.”
Jon did as asked and went to his room. He opened his drawer and removed one of the two pairs of knickers which lay beside his normal pants. He wondered why his mother had put Mary’s knickers back in his drawer seeing as his punishment ended today. On his return he gave his mother his gym knickers and asked. “Why did you put those knickers back in my drawer? My punishment ends today doesn’t it?.”
“Well I’m sure Mary doesn’t want them back…” She smiled, glancing at Mary who silently said ‘no I don’t want them back’, before smiling back at her. “…and they’ll be a good reminder of what may happen when you misbehave….” She smiled.
Jon sulked into his chair and began his homework until supper was served.
Jon got straight back to his homework as soon as he and Mary had finished doing the dishes. He didn’t watch any TV that night and worked at his studies right up until bed time. As you’ve probably guessed, he also remained in his uniform until bedtime too.
For once he wasn’t woken by his Mother opening his curtains at 7am. He woke to his radio alarm clock at eight, and stole another 15 minutes before getting dressed. He opened his drawer and snatched a pair of his own pants, but couldn’t help but notice the knickers and lacy vests which were also present. He noticed his legs were ever so slightly bristly when he pulled on his jeans.
“Hi love.” Said his mother as he entered the kitchen. “Sleep well?”
“Yes thanks.” He replied as he made himself some breakfast. He then watched a bit of TV before sitting back at the kitchen table to continue his homework.
“Hey Mum!” Mary teased when she entered the kitchen. “Don’t you think Jon should wear his uniform whilst he does his homework?”
“Oh thanks Mary!” He retorted.
Their mother smiled as she looked at him, working away in his jeans and t-shirt for a change. She did visualise him dressed in his little blouse and short pleated skirt, but decided to leave him be. “Well as long as he’s working.” She said.
Jon had finished all of his homework by lunchtime. At his usual rate he would have spent all weekend doing it, or not doing as the truth maybe. As he lay in bed on Sunday evening, he looked forward to going to school in his own uniform. Everything will be back to normal, he hoped.
He expected his mother to wake him as she had the previous week, but he got himself up and chose his own underwear for once. He did almost shudder when he saw the knickers though.
He buttoned himself into his own shirt, tied his boys tie instead of that thing the girls wear. Wore his trousers and his socks and his shoes. Life is good! He thought as he bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen.
“Do you have to make so much noise?” His Mum asked as he entered.
“Sorry!” He replied. “I’d forgotten how heavy my shoes were!”
They had breakfast and before long, Jon and Mary set off for school. “Bye Mum!” They both shouted as they headed out of the door. As usual, they were watched by their mother as they walked down the lane together. She smiled as she visualised Jon on the previous Friday, dressed like his sister in his knee socks and skirt. She missed watching ‘her girls’ head off for school already.