Two Lonely Hearts: Part 6

Amy was taken aback; was Molly able to play a table game? Ludo was quite a simple one but she still wasn’t sure:

“Molly, will we play games?”
“Is dis fun?”
“Yeah, it is for sure.”
“We pway,” Molly nodded and pulled Amy towards the common room.

The old couple followed them and the lady laughed: “We have an enthusiastic gamer here.”

Molly found the ludo instantly and brought it to the table: “We pway?”
“Yeah, sweetheart,” the old lady stroked Molly’s hair: “Open the box.”

She showed Molly how to put the tokens on the starting places and stopped. Molly didn’t have any idea of colors.

“Molly, this is red, this is yellow, this is green and this is blue,” she pointed at the tokens.
The little girl stared at the tokens and tried to guess what the lady meant. How did they differ? She pointed at the red tokens: “Gween?”
“No, this is red.”

They had to repeat the words several times until Molly understood the meaning of colors. However, she had to learn that the colors didn’t belong to tokens only.

Amy had an idea; she took the die: “What color?”
Molly looked at the die. It was yellow. Amy put the die next to the tokens: “Red, green, blue, or yellow?”
All of sudden the idea hit Molly: “Yellow!”
“Great, Molly. Now find red,” Amy was curious about Molly’s abilities.
“Dis red,” Molly pointed at Amy’s T-shirt. It was red indeed.
“Find blue.”
Molly looked around and pointed at a blue box on the shelf.

“Molly put blue tokens onto blue points,” Amy took a blue token and put it onto a blue starting point. Molly followed her and then took a green token and gave Amy a questioning look.
“Yeah, sweetheart, put the other tokens too.”
Molly put all tokens on the respective starting points; however, she needed some relax:

“Amy, I not pway; faiwy tawes pwease.”
The lady smiled and nodded: “Miss Amy, let her make a break; she has advanced a lot. Maybe she would play later.”

Amy switched on the TV and picked a children’s channel. While Molly was watching, the old lady kept talking with Amy and her husband joined Molly.

“Miss Amy, my name is Helen Blake,” the old lady revealed her identity to Amy. Amy was taken aback a bit; usually, people introduced themselves at the first encounter but the old lady didn’t do it the day before and Amy suspected there was a secret behind that behavior.
“Why are you spending your vacation in this small pension?”
“Why not; it is a very nice and quiet place darling? Moreover, we’ve met an amazing person like you. To be honest this has been the most pleasant vacation so far.” Mrs. Blake’s voice sounded familiar.

“Don’t you feel lonely here?”
“We don’t have children and, after all, we have met you and Molly. It is more than enough. The little girl is lovely and I hope she could become a normal teenager later.”

Molly kept watching the fairy tale and she leaned to Mr. Blake instinctively. He put his arm around her shoulders and stroked her hair.


Part 6b

Molly’s bladder was getting full and she again felt the pressure. This time she got more curious. Earlier that day she relaxed the muscles instantly because of the unpleasant sensation of pressure. Now she tried to find out what would happen if she wouldn’t do it. She clenched the muscles instead of relaxing and the diaper didn’t get warm. That was a discovery. However the pressure was growing and she finally relaxed the muscles to ease the pressure. After all, the warm hug of a wet diaper was much more pleasant than a pressure in her guts.

As soon as the fairy tale ended, Molly turned to Mr. Blake: “We pway?”
“Of course sweetheart, let’s invite the ladies as well,” he turned to his wife and Amy.
They returned to the table and ludo. Mr. Blake took the die and showed it to Molly: “Molly, look how to roll a die,” he rolled the die and read the dots: “Three.”

Molly nodded, took the die and rolled it but she didn’t estimate her strength and the die flew away to the corner.
“Try again,” Mrs. Blake and Amy laughed and encouraged the little girl.

Molly laughed and hurried to the corner to get the die and repeat her attempt. She was more careful and the die stopped on the table. “Two,” Molly read the dots.

Anyway Molly had the hard part ahead and Amy needed a longer time to explain the rules to her. Surprisingly Molly was able to play even if she got angry several times and Mrs. Blake had to calm her down:

“Sweetheart, do you know the other name of this game? It is ‘man, don’t get angry’.”
“Weally?” Molly suddenly found it fun and laughed. Her bladder voided itself into her diaper and it got soaked. Molly realized she needed a change.

“Amy, I peed, I need change.”
“Okay, let’s go to our room,” Amy turned to Molly.
“Why? Stay here, Molly, and Amy brings you the clean diaper. Do you stay with me?” Mrs. Blake interjected.
“I stay,” Molly nodded and cuddled to Mrs Blake.

Amy shrugged and left the common room; she returned with the clean diaper and baby wipes. She was surprised both by Molly and Mrs. Blake. However she had to experience one more surprise.

“You change me?” Molly took the diaper and passed it to Mrs. Blake.
Amy and Mrs. Blake stared at Molly; was she serious?
“Sweetheart, I haven’t done it,” Mrs. Blake was taken aback by the request.
“Dis is simpwe,” Molly insisted; she lied down on the couch and pulled down her pants.
“I help you, Mrs. Blake,” Amy offered help and explained Mrs. Blake what to do. Molly closed her eyes and smiled.

When Mrs. Blake finished, Molly pulled up her pants and stood up: “Danks,” she smiled at Mrs. Blake and then she returned to the game.


They spent a nice afternoon until dinner. Amy showed Molly how to pack the game and put it back onto the shelf. In their room Molly changed into her dress and that time she managed to put on the tights. The thick diaper still held and it was dry.

Molly’s skills improved and she was able to eat on her own. She even was proud of herself and so was Amy. After dinner they met Mr. and Mrs. Blake and watched a children’s channel on TV for an hour. Molly somehow liked Mrs. Blake and cuddled with her.

While watching TV Molly felt the pressure in her bowels. Anyway she didn’t want to be changed immediately. What id she didn’t push? She ignored the pressure and the sensation ceased slowly. It was another discovery.

Molly was getting tired and she yawned:
“Sweetheart, let’s go to bed now. Good night, “ Amy stood up.
“Doo nite,” Molly smiled at Mr. and Mrs. Blake.

While walking to their room Molly pushed and she felt the poop in her diaper. Now she realized she was able to control pooping. However she didn’t tell Amy anything. The diapers still were a source of comfort and a warm hug.

Amy changed Molly and gave her a warm bath. The next pleasant day ended and they fell asleep in a tight hug despite the snowstorm behind the window.

The rest of the vacation passed quickly; Amy and Molly spent many wonderful days along with Mr. and Mrs. Blake and Molly made a great advance in speaking. Mr. and Mrs. Blake almost looked like grandparents. However Amy couldn’t get rid of a feeling that Mrs. Blake was hiding somewhat.

The last evening Amy put Molly to bed and Molly fell asleep immediately. Amy was about to go sleep when she heard knocking on the door.

“Can I talk with you, Ms. Amy?” Mrs. Blake was standing in front of the door.
“Of course, Mrs. Blake.”

They sat down on a couch in the hall so Molly couldn’t hear them.
“Ms. Amy, you took Molly for vacation.”
“Yeah but I didn’t have any idea about her true condition. She probably is not retarded.”
“Now she has to get back to the Centre, hasn’t she?”
“Yeah but I wish I could teach her more. She can become a normal girl.”
“Adopt her though.”
“I can’t; I can’t lose my job and I live with my parents after my divorce.”
“Maybe you could use some help.”
“Who could help me? My parents are not wealthy and I’m grateful I can live with them.”
“Don’t lose hope; good night” Mrs. Blake stood up and left. However there was a strange smile on her face.
“Good night, Mrs. Blake and thanks for your encouragement.”