“Well… it’s just a school uniform. You don’t get a choice about yours in the same way they don’t get a choice about theirs… but at the end of the day, you’ll come out with a much better education than they will. After sixth form you’ll be probably be off to uni and by then everything will be back to normal. No more uniform, no more educational petticoating…”
“They don’t wear uniforms in sixth form.” Peter stated.
“No but there’s still a dress code.” Kate reminded him. The sixth formers all have to dress in ‘business’ or ‘office’ attire, so it’s tailored frocks, buttoned blouses or shirts, pencil skirts, two piece
“Really?!” Peter exclaimed. Kate nodded. “That means…” he gasped and gulped. “That means I’ll be petticoated ’til I’m eighteen!”
“If you go to sixth form.” his sister stated. “You could go to college to do your A levels.” she told him. “I know a couple of lads in my class are applying to colleges in Rugby and Leicester.”
“That’s going to be a fair trek every day.” Peter retorted.
“I know… and at the end of the day, the sixth form at Butterworth High is still going to be better even if they do have to wear a skirt suit and heels.”
“…and tights and make-up and big knickers and a training bra.”
“I don’t think they regulate your underwear in sixth form.”
“No but Mum would.” Peter grumbled. “She won’t even let me out of my bra for one day whilst I’m visiting my friends…”
“And your girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Well… she’s a girl, and she’s your friend.” Kate stated. “Does she know your wear a training bra?”
“Not that I know of.” Peter glumly replied. “But if she’s read the Cyber’pedia page on EP I’m sure she’ll ask.” he reckoned.