When she returned I saw a school cane for the first time (apart from pictures in comics) and I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. I cannot remember the exact dimensions but it did have a crook handle just like the school canes in the comics. I did remember my cousins said it was very effective and I was very relieved that I was about to find out for myself after years of fantasizing about it. I was expecting it to be painful as that is the whole purpose of corporal punishment and I wasn’t going to enjoy the pain. I was going to enjoy the whole ritual of a school caning of which experiencing the pain is part of that. Also, I was going to enjoy the satisfaction of submitting to a person in authority and enduring the pain until it was over.
She told me that she had always given my cousins six strokes and she would give me the same. She told me to bend over the end of the kitchen table and remain in position until she told me that I could stand up.
She proceeded to cane me and it was probably over in less than one minute but it really did sting and I realized why it was so effective as a punishment. I did struggle to remain in position but holding onto the sides of the table was a big help. I don’t think I could have remained bent over if in the touching-toes position.
You remark on the mixture of excitement and nervousness you felt on first seeing a real school cane, which in your case would be heightened by knowing that it was shortly to be deployed on you.
I remember the nervousness instilled by such a visual confrontation very well. Prefects’ court, 1955. Happily unlike you, I didn’t have to shed my nether over-garment or even bend over to present the tightly stretched seat of the short trousers as the wicked-looking cane on the court table wasn’t deployed
I am now over 70 years old and this happened well over 50 years ago so some detail is a bit hazy although I have done my best to recollect the event as accurately as possible. I cannot remember my exact thoughts when the first stroke was given and I don’t think anything was said during the caning. I think I was just concentrating on remaining in position until it was over, after which my Auntie left the room and I was alone with a very sore bottom. I composed myself and returned home, aware that there had been an awakening within me and my fantasy had been fulfilled at last. I also knew that I would want it again, particularly after looking in the mirror at some very impressive bruises.
When I next saw my Auntie, absolutely nothing was said about what had happened and I continued to work for her. However, a few weeks later I started to feel that I wanted her to cane me again and saw an opportunity to achieve this. There was another bottle of wine on the kitchen table so I opened it and drank about half of it, expecting my Auntie to cane me again as before. Perhaps I wondered if she would be stricter and pull my knickers down or give me more, or even harder, strokes. Anyway, that didn’t happen and when my Auntie saw what I had done she was absolutely furious and said that the caning had obviously done me no good whatsoever and I hadn’t learned from it. She dismissed me immediately despite my request that I would prefer her to cane me with a promise from me that if she did then it would never happen again. I can only assume that she got no pleasure from using the cane and was not aware that I craved it so that answers the question – no, my Auntie never caned me again.
As I said earlier, it had been an awakening for me and I later met other people for what is now regarded as recreational canings. I have met some lovely people in my life and got a lot of pleasure from my ‘hobby’