Corporal punishment survey 6

orporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
Hi everyone, and thanks for all the above contributions to this thread.

I’ve not posted here for a long while as I didn’t wish to interrupt all the positive response to my questions. I have however been reading all the posts with great interest. I especial appreciate Doctor Dominum’s epic response.

Re: Did anyone ever get a reply from Lucy Buckingham above? If so, what were the details. posted by Yetanotheranotherlurke. Lucy emailed me confidentially, so I’m afraid that these details have to remain confidential.

I have received emails from a number of ladies who have willingly provided a level of detail which proves there accounts to be accurate. But sadly they did not wish to share their experiences here.

It would be great however if there were more female contribution to this thread as although less common, the girls undoubtedly didn’t escape cp entirely. So thank you Jenny for your comments above, maybe more ladies will be encouraged to post.

Thanks again, and I look forward to reading many more interesting contributions. Robin.
SIX likes this post


Jun 22, 2010#52

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Gender : Male
Age : 11
Year : 1968
Crime : Running along corridor

Administered by : Mr Hewitt ( housemaster)
Location : Classroom
Type : Plimsoll
Number : 6-12 (definetly more than 6)
Applied to : Bottom
Position : Bent over knee
Dress : Trousers
Privacy : Punished in private

School : Parr central St Helens
Never punished for same offence again

Other info : Was warned in morning assembly about running along corridors as a pupil was injured the
previous day. I was caught by Mr Hewitt himself. Most painful slippering i ever received. Could,nt
hold back the tears.Bottom sore for rest of day,warned if i was caught again it would be six with the
Punishment most certainly deserved,Mr Hewitt was very strict but fair. Met him at school reunion few
years ago, course no mention of the punishments he administered at school

hold back the tears



Jun 23, 2010#53

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

About You:
Gender: M
Approximate age when punished: 11
Approximate year of punishment: 1982
Crime committed or alleged: Pursposely tripping a boy over during lunch.

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: Headmaster
Gender of staff member: M
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): Office
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): Cane
Number of strokes: 4
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): 2 on each hand
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): standing, hand outstretched palm flat
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): school uniform
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): private

About the school
Name of School: Gladesville Public School
Town: Sydney
Country: Australia

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: No
Do you consider the punishment effective?: Yes as I never purposely tripped someone over again


Jun 27, 2010#54

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Gender : Male
Age when punished : 11
Year : 1968
Crime : Kicking football in physics lab

Administered by : Mr Parfit Physics master
Location : Physics lab
Type : Paddle
Number : 3 strokes
Applied : Bottom
Position : Bent over stool
Dress : Trousers
Privacy : Front of class

School : Parr Central St Helens
Never punished for same offence again
Punishment deserved lots of glass containers in physics lab

Other Info : When i say paddle, not like american type,this was a piece of wood about 2ft long and
about an inch thick, with a 6inch handle. When applied it made a loud SLAPPING noise and boy did it



Jun 28, 2010#55

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Sarah Burnheart, 56, has a sad tale that mirrors school corporal punishment so different than told on this estimable Forum. The authenticity of her experience growing up in an Catholic urban Northeast are different yet similar to mine. Her life seems to have unraveled.

They must have stayed up nights thinking of new ways to torment their charges. IMO Catholic school children, coming often from strict homes like mine, were very well behaved but we weren’t being trained to be nuns and priests as they wished and their negative impact are manifested in their decline in numbers. Priests sexually abused and nuns physically abuse but abuse is abuse no matter how you look at it. It’s hard for me to fill out this survey for the questions don’t often apply. … e_me_do_it

tom g

Jul 01, 2010#56

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

About You: Tom G
Gender: Male
Approximate age when punished: 6-7 years of age
Approximate year of punishment: 1960’s
Crime committed or alleged: Being Left Handed

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:Class teacher
Gender of staff member: Feamale
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): classroom paddled in hallway
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): hand slapping, paddleball paddle
Number of strokes: at least once every school day for 2 years.
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): hand, paddle to bottom
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): sitting at desk, standing in hall
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): full dress
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): hand slapping in class and paddle in hall.

About the school
Name of School: towanda elementary (secular, not religious)
Town: towanda
Country: usa

Effectiveness some what
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: every day for 2 years anywhere from one to ten times aday.
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
welllll I can write with my right as well as my left hand . you be the judge.

Miss Hathaway was my teacher back then. The only crime I committed in her class was being left handed. Two girls rated the slapping on the the hand (note the left hand was the one slapped) but usually just once a week or so when they slipped up. I was stubborn.
She got tired of slapping it one time and took me into the hallway and gave me five with paddle which didn’t hurt as much as my hand.
She also put me in the corner lots of times and in the punishment desk which was in the corner and faced the playground.
Her words,Which I can’t forget ,

“Tommy, the left hand is not for writing or drawing”


Jul 01, 2010#57

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Hi tom g. Just in case you are only reading this thread, for reasons not entirely unconnected with the strange way this estimable Forum works, there has been some discussion arising from your post above in the ‘Is it right for AD/HD students to receive CP?’ thread, which is to be found here.

Mr. Strong

Jul 03, 2010#58

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

About You:
Approximate age when punished: 5-17
Approximate year of punishment:1981-1990
Crime committed or alleged: cheating, fighting, stealing, smoking, skipping school,

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:Principal,Coach, and Teachers
Gender of staff member:Male and Female
Location punished: Classroom, Office, Hallway
Type of punishment: wood paddle
Number of strokes: 2-5
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):bottom
Position adopted: Bending over chair, bending over desk,grabbing ankles,
State of dress: fully dressed, pants and boxers pulled down,
Privacy:in the principals office, in hallway, in locker room and in the weight room, both the locker room and weight room were in front of other kids,

About the school
Name of School:
Town: Small Town in Texas

Effectiveness: Not at the time
Were you ever punished again for the same offense?: yes
Do you consider the punishment effective?: they were effective in motivating me not to get caught

Any other relevant info: Spanking taught me that all choices have consequences, good or bad. I served 16 years in the United States Marine Corp. as Force Recon scout/sniper and spent 2 years fighting in Iraq. After discharge I became a teacher and now work as a religious school principal.

Alison Wright

Jul 03, 2010#59

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

About You:
Gender: Female
Approximate age when punished: 15
Approximate year of punishment: 1989
Crime committed or alleged: Supplying and drinking alcohol.

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: Headmistress
Gender of staff member: Female
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): Office
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): Cane
Number of strokes: 6
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): Bottom
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): Bending over along the desk.
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): Dress folded back, over knickers.
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): With 2 other girls, and with our Form Mistress as witness.

About the school: Mixed boarding school
Name of School:
Country: UK English midlands

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: No
Do you consider the punishment effective?: Yes, very, I didn’t do it again!

Any other relevant info: For my birthday I arranged to have some cans hidden in the grounds and had a little celebration with 5 others from my class but we got caught. The Headmistress had us all in together with our Form Mistress. She said we would all be caned, and that we’d be gated for the rest of term unless whoever purchased the alcohol admitted it. I owned up but she wanted to know how I’d got it in but I wouldn’t say. She said I was going to get an exemplary punishment. She told the boys they’d be dealt with by the Senior Master and dismissed them, then got the cane out. She caned the other girls first, 4 strokes each holding their ankles. When it came to my turn I stepped forward to bend over but she told me to bend over the end of the desk instead. She folded my dress up over my back and said I was getting 6 strokes for rule breaking and defiance. It was the worst thing I’d ever experienced, it was absolute agony and I yelled and cried like a baby. I’d had the cane twice before, but she hit a lot harder than normal and it took much longer. I don’t think the dress made much difference. We were only wearing thin gingham summer dresses anyway. I think she was just making a point with that, to me and to the other girls. The boys got 4 each as well later that day.


Jul 03, 2010#60

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Hi Alison

I don’t believe you’ve posted here before so please let be the first to welcome you to our happy circle. I hope you continue posting. There are very few women contributing here so it can get a bit lonely for us and it’s good to have the opinions of both sexes.

It seems your school had the same fair minded attitude as mine. In many schools, the boys would have been caned and the girls either all but let off or, given the serious nature of the offence, suspended or expelled. Your six of the best was probably comparable to my third caning, aged 16, for (being caught) smoking. I got it though my skirt but I doubt it made much difference. Painful as it was, it was still preferably to being expelled – especially at that stage of my education.

What were your other canings for and do you think you were treated fairly?
