Robbery at estate office

The Times, London, 29 April 1933, p.4

At the Central Criminal Court on Thursday HUGH HUGHES, 25, draughtsman, and SIDNEY ALBERT BARBER, 25, wireman, pleaded “Guilty” to being armed with a dummy revolver and robbing Cecil Thomas Stickings of the sum of £6 at the estate office of the Worshipful Company of Skinners in Skinner Street, Clerkenwell. Mr. H.E. Morris prosecuted; Mr. Laurence Vine defended Hughes; Mr. Milton appeared for Barber, and Mr. H. Stevenson held a watching brief for the Skinners’ Company. In a statement, Barber described how he and Hughes cut a pack of cards to decide who should use the revolver. The RECORDER (Sir Ernest Wild, K.C.) sentenced Hughes to nine months’ imprisonment with 15 strokes of the birch, and Barber to 10 months’ imprisonment with 15 strokes of the birch.