Part 1: Mischief
A tiny winged creature was flying through the dark streets of a small sleepy town of Galway. It is just past midnight. The little creatures is looking for a place to cause trouble, strife and mischief in. He finds a perfect house and he detects a great deal of power there, however he dismisses it when he comes to the open upstairs window and finds only a little girl sleeping in a very pink room with cute soft toys on some shelves. Above the girls bed was also a dream catcher. On the end of the girls bed was a lovingly engraved name Bethany. He sees the first thing he can cause mischief with. There is a bowl of cold water on the side of the girls bedside table her hand is hanging outside the bed, the Imp picked her unresisting hand up and put it into the cold water and within seconds he hears a rushing sound and sees wetness creep along the sheets.
He then decides to throw her teddies all around the room and rub a couple in the wetness on the sheets.
The imp decided t o go to sleep then knowing he had done enough mischief for one night and curled up on some soft clothes on the floor he was content. If only he knew what was awaiting him when he got found and Bethany realized he was the one who made her wet the bed and threw her favourite teddy around and rubbed it in her pee. You see readers that little girl Bethany was a witch just like her whole family are…
Part 2: consequences
Bethany woke up to find her quilt and sheets that were clean on last night were wet and she felt cold around her crotch.
She knew she had wet the bed but what she didn’t know was why she hadn’t wet the bed for about 3 years.
Once she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes she realised that one hand was colder then the other s, so she knew what the cause of her accident was. Also her teddies were everywhere, finally she saw he favourite teddy that was a small fluffy pink one with a diaper on soaking wet and smelling of pee. The young girl was furious and was about to shout for her sisters then she realised her sisters would never do what has been done then she catches sight of the ugly, scaly, red creature curled up on her school uniform and immediately knew who the culprit was.
She picked him up by his legs and shook him awake.
“Why you slimy, disgusting creature, You put my hand In the cold water by my made and made me soil my new sheets ,you threw my teddies everywhere , you sleep on my school uniform and then to top it all you rub my favritie teddy im my pee. You are gonna have to be punished for this you scaly little rat.”
The imp smiles showing lots of sharp teeth in an almost cute smile with his big green eyes. He talks in a very high pitched voice
“*giggles* you no gonna hurt poor Benjy are you?, Me only doing what benjy does best bedsides what can you do to Benjy. Me is imp, me have magik. What you have.*spiteful laughter*”
With that her spits black slime at Bethany’s face forcing her to drop him then he is up flying and cackling. She soon wipes the slime and screams “what do I have? Petrificous totalus im a witch, what do you think I have. After saying the words a jet of green light shot form her fingers and caught the imp square in the chest and h drops like a stone. Bethany then gets one of her dolly’s diapers and puts it on the petrified imp and then puts a bonnet on his head. Then gets another dollies dress and puts it on the little creature. Then unparislis him and when the “Baby” wakes up she says to him “from now one you’re going to be my little baby girl toy and later I might introduce you to my sisters.”
The imp was terrified so much so he involuntarily wets his diaper. He knows he will never again be able to make
mischief and especially not for witches And the distruaght Benjy the Imp becomes Becky the Baby Doll.
Part3: family
So Bethany took her little imp sissy baby doll down to see her family telling them with great glee “look at my new dolly mummy, lexi isn’t she cute.”
Bethany’s mum Marian answers knowing full well that the little creature is an imp having dealt with them before.
“Err Huni do you know what that is?”
“Yes mummy it’s a little rat with wings that made me wet the bed and soiled my favourite teddy I thought he deserved punishment.”
Lexi, Bethany’s big sister comes down and immediately goes up to the “Baby” and coos and tickles it ,the imp doesn’t like this, “she” tries to claw Lexis eyes out then lexi actually spanks “Her”
“No,*spank*no*spank*no*Spank* Bad baby you need a widdle time out *spank* you*spank* nasty,*spank* Evil*spank spank* little demon*SPANK!*”
After this the imp is howling and crying and very wet. Miarina lets her girls get on with puinisheg the imp beacasue its clear they can handle him and bethnay said he made her wet the bed and spoiled herfaivirite teddy so she aggred with thepunishet cos wet sheets meant extra wasshing.
So she goes out to sort out breackfast
“Benjy sowwy*Sobs*, Benjy be good lil imp, no more pain for Benjy pwese.”
Bethany decided to make “Her” remember “Her proper name…
Bethany shouts:
“Your very bad baby girl Becky using your old boys name your name is not Benjy any more and it never has benjy you were always Becky you were always my Baby Doll.
With that both Lexi and Bethany cast a spell that lead Benjy the Imp to think of himself as Becky the Baby Girl and suddenly the wet mess in his diaper became kind of pleasant for him but there was more torment in store for him yet The Hollenbeck sisters had not yet come close to finishing the Evil little imps punishment but they had to be fair and didn’t want her getting diaper rash so they changed her diaper lovingly so she was all clean and fresh.
Once the girls had finished with Becky she would be helplessly using her diapers for everything with a bit of suggestion and training and the Hollenbeck sisters would have their very own Baby Doll to play with…