When Monday morning came Jeff was woken up by his roommate. “Get up Squirt. You better not tell Mom what happened last night or I’ll beat you up. I can do it cause I’m older right?” Jeff knew Michael wasn’t joking and he had had enough humiliation from his son. Cowering under the bed covers Jeff meekly replied “Okay I agree and you are the older one.” With that Michael, left the room triumphant over his sibling.
Jeff got up as his pajamas slid down voluntarily off his waist. He turned and looked in the mirror, he had regressed over night. “I can’t be more than 8 years old! No wonder I lost the fight to Michael.” He could see his manhood had all but disappeared. His skin was much softer and not the dry somewhat wrinkled skin of his middle-age. Even his teeth looked smaller with gaps in between. “At least they are white now instead of coffee stained yellow like before.” After getting dressed in some of Michael’s old clothes, he made his way downstairs. It was Monday morning and everyone was in a rush to get to school or work. As they all piled into the min-van, Margaret turned to Jeff, “Honey I don’t have time to take you with me to work however Tim suggested he could watch you at the lab for the day.” Tim was almost stunned by the statement. “Are you suggesting I need a babysitter?” Margaret gave a little smirk. “Of course not honey but I don’t want you to be alone either.” Margaret turned and started herding the children and Jeff towards the vehicle.
Jeff went to sit in the front seat but Margaret stopped him. “No honey. I know you always sit in the front seat but I’d be more comfortable if you sat with the other children in the back seat and have Susan ride up front. She is larger and will fit in the front more comfortably. Jeff just hung his head and went to sit with the younger children. Was strategically placed between Michael and Mary since they squabbled all the time in the car. On one side was Michael who looked to be far superior in size and strength.
Mary seemed more frightening than her 10 year-old brother. Not by her size but that she was sitting in a booster seat. Jeff knew the childish booster seat was only a day or two away and if the regression continued he would be sitting in a child’s car seat by the end of the week. He sat back and looked at the tormentor on one side and his future on the other. Jeff felt helpless as he could do nothing but sit in his seat, he couldn’t drive let alone look out the window. Neither image seemed inviting. “At least the booster seat might give him a better view outside the car.” Jeff mused.
Jeff spent the day at the lab but was little help. His new height was not designed to work at the stations, seats were too low and tables too high. Jeff also found Tim annoying, always looking over his shoulder checking up on the little guy. During the afternoon Jeff was roaming the halls and bumped into the beautiful Karen. She looked at him as if he had reminded her of someone, “Are you lost? Can’t find your Mommy?” All Jeff could do was shake his head ‘No. I’m visiting Mr. Leahey’s lab.”
Karen the stunningly beautiful student, smiled. “Well you shouldn’t walk these hallways alone. Come with me” grabbed Jeff by the hand and started walking towards the lab only a few doors away. Turning into the lab, she stopped at the door, letting go of the child’s hand. “Tim. I found your little friend in the hallway. I think he might have been looking for the bathroom and wandered off on his own.” Tim was a little stunned by the statement but quickly came back with a reply. “Uhhh, thanks Karen. I didn’t realize he left the lab. I’ll make sure to close the door when he is around.” She smiled back. “You should keep a better eye on him, he looks like the type to get into everything.” With that statement Karen headed off to class.
Jeff groaned at the conversation, completely humiliated that he was treated like someone not trusted to even walk a hallway alone. When Karen finally left Tim appologised to his labmate however the damage was done. Jeff moped around the lab for the afternoon not wanting to talk or involve himself in the work.
As the week progressed the regression slowed, Jeff hoped it would stop soon. He had already lost a couple of teeth and didn’t want to consider what else he might loose soon. By Wednesday Jeff was an adoring 7 year old. By Thursday evening the inevitable happened and his bed was moved into Mary’s room. Looking more like a 6 year old, Michael was able to convince his mother that Jeff belonged in the younger room. Mary was much nicer to Jeff, she was very happy to have a friend to sleep with, as it would scare away the monsters in the closet. Jeff thought the belief in monsters was very childish however he liked having the night light in Mary’s room.
By Friday Jeff was looking more like a 5 year old, Mary loved to play with the younger Jeff and they both enjoyed going to the park in the evening. Jeff now found the swings a bit too big and scary but loved to climb up onto the slides and jungle gym. By week’s end Jeff was resigned to the fact he would be the youngest member of the household. It couldn’t be missed he was now the shortest person in the house by 4 inches. Mary was polite to Jeff however even Mary asserted some control by taking Jeff’s hand and leading him to the sandbox or suggesting what games they would play. Jeff didn’t try to rebel, he didn’t mind the games but especially didn’t want to pick a fight with the only person close to him in age. She may have been his daughter but now was his only real friend.
The weekend only got worse for Jeff as a few problems surfaced. Saturday morning Jeff had his first bed wetting accident. Jeff wasn’t sure what had happened but he was sure Pull-ups would be presented to him at bedtime on Saturday. When Mary saw the accident she went over to consol Jeff putting a hand on his back and talking softly like one would to a 4 year-old, “Don’t worry you will learn to control it, all little kids have some trouble overnight.” Mary had meant it as support however Jeff was completely embarrassed by the comment.
Margaret had to bring the kids clothes out of storage from their pre-school days. Jeff had become too small for Mary’s clothes and was now dressed appropriately for a 4 year old. By now he was used to Michael’s ‘squirt’ comments and began to accept it as his new nickname. Michael still teased Jeff but the physical intimidation had stopped mainly because Jeff accepted Michael as the alpha-male. Slowly the household no longer treated him as a father but as their brother Jeffery. A few days ago everyone started calling him Jeffery, he didn’t object mainly because he was the smallest and trying to fight it was a lost cause. Jeff had accepted his new status with only a few tantrums. To Jeff he was still the father even with his physical size and he tried to remind everyone that he was still father and husband.
Saturday night Jeff was getting ready for bed. After taking a bath and brushing his teeth he made his way to Mary’s bedroom. Margaret was waiting for him as he crossed the threshold. “Honey lets put some underwear on before bed please.” She was holding a pair of underwear which seemed normal enough. He pulled down his pajama bottoms and stepped into the underwear. As Margaret pulled them up he noticed they were not normal but thickly padded in the front, training pants! Jeff groaned as he realized Margaret had little confidence in his nighttime control.
Sunday morning Margaret’s prediction had been well heeded, Jeff had woken up with wet training pants. Margaret helped him take a bath and get dressed for the day. By the afternoon, Margaret started dressing Jeff in training pants after she noticed he was dribbling in his pants leaving a small stain. Margaret had also begun to take Jeff to the potty at regular intervals whether he asked to go or not, since he wasn’t always sure whether it was time to go. At night Jeff was in Pull-ups for the inevitable bedwetting. When Monday came Jeff was feeling a little better. The age regression was definitely slowing down however he was looking every bit a toddler.
Tuesday afternoon the damn broke as Jeff watched his independence slip away. Jeff had been trying hard to maintain his toilet training however his training pants were always damp. By Tuesday evening it was obvious Jeff had slipped below 3 years. The family was sitting around the living room when Jeff walked in wearing one of Michael’s old matching shirt-pant set covered with pictures bears and bunnies. “Hey Squirt you are wearing my clothes from when I was a baby.” Michael smiled at his backhanded comment. For Jeff it was too much, his immature emotions were once again taking hold of the situation, his self-control slipped. “I am not a baby, you take that back.” Michael just smiled, “But Squirt, your pant legs have snaps for diaper changes.” Jeff looked down at his clothes realizing what he was wearing. “I don’t wanna wear this stuff!”
Jeff left the room yelling, “I’m not a baby!” He ran upstairs to Mary’s room and proceeded to dress in Mary’s less feminine clothes. Even though Jeff was far too small he dressed up in them anyways trying to hold onto what remained of his age and dignity. After changing his outfit Jeff ran down stairs to show everyone the clothes he had picked out. Upon entering the living room he tripped on his oversize pants and crashed to the floor. Jeff sat there, looked down at his pants and started to cry. Jeff couldn’t believe it, he was peeing his pants uncontrollably. A growing wet stain formed around the crotch of his pants for everyone to see.