The Return to Innocence (completed) Draft Part 13

Finishing off her shower Michelle threw a robe on, walked into the living room and looked down at her two sons. She pulled back Benjamin’s diaper and found nothing. Then turning to Rob with a devilish grin on her face she was about to check her husband’s tushie when he spoke up, “It it was me, I’m…sowwy.” Rob looked up with a deep expression of embarrassment on his face as tears were rolling down his cheeks.

Seeing the expression on his face melted Michelle’s heart, “It’s okay honey, I want you to finish up before I change you. You stay there and play with Benny while I get dressed, then I’ll change your diapee.” All Rob could do was sit there and nod his head. Even Ben looked superior to Rob right now, standing on the other side of the pen smiling broadly at the fact his diaper was still clean.

Rob remained on the floor of the pen sitting there reflecting on his latest misfortune. His diaper was already starting to cool but the injury to his ego was immeasurable. Rob wasn’t an adult nor a brilliant scientist but a very small, diapered baby that was very wet and dirty, incompetent and incontinent. Rob could feel his self-respect and modesty slipping away. He had lost his ability to control a basic bodily function which differentiated adults from the most immature of children. There was nowhere to hide when she re-entered the living room. She would want to strip him naked exposing his private parts and his level maturity to the world.

Rob looked up at the world around him. The soft mesh walls rose up vertically to what must have seemed like the ceiling. Rob already knew that there was no way he could climb out of this cubical, Michelle had total control over him and could leave him there when ever she wanted to. She would choose when he was fed, when he slept, when he got to play and what he would play with. Rob could tell his manhood slipping away, only to be replaced with the trappings of babyhood. The soft floor, plush toys or brightly coloured toys and scents of infancy were now becoming home to him, whether he wanted them or not.

Ben crossed the playpen and stood over his father. Rob grabbed the wall and pulled himself up to face his son. As he stood up he started peeing yet again. Rob groaned with futility at his growing incontinence. This time it didn’t phase him as badly, the diaper was already feeling heavy hanging from his waist and another wetting at this point was almost expected. The only thing that concerned him, if it leaked would it make a mess of his clean clothes.

Benjamin was overjoyed to have a playmate and squealed at his arrival. Ben pushed Rob then turned and charged to the opposite side of the playpen. Rob decided to follow and carefully crossed the soft floor without falling. Rob was proud of his accomplishment, he was sure his balance was getting better as he adjusted to his new new body, hopefully it also meant the regression had also stopped. Rob began to chase his son around the perimeter both of them laughed and squealed as their game proceeded. Rob continued to chase Ben stumbling a few times which would result in a face plant on the soft rubber floor but he would get up and continue the chase. Not even the fact that all the running and falling would continue to smear and make a further mess around his tushie really didn’t matter to him. The chase was on!

Soon two hands reached underneath Rob’s armpits and hoisted him up into the air. Michelle was now ready to deal with her newest child and deftly carried the little guy away from her chest concerned the smell would get her dirty. Ben feeling left out of the attention squealled “Me go potty!” Immediately Michelle turned around dumping Rob in the playpen while she took care of more immediate concerns. Hoisting Ben out of the playpen she whisked him off to the bathroom where his potty chair awaited.

For Rob the humiliation was brought back, sitting on the floor of the playpen. He could feel the soft sticky mess as it had cooled around him and the smell wafted up reminding him of his predicament. He was surrounded by his mistake, no matter how he tried to forget what he had done. He was now feeling abandoned and ignored. To Rob, Michelle seemed to give more attention and importance to Benjamin. He could hear Michelle praising Ben for his accomplishment and telling him “what a big boy he was.” Rob was sure that Michelle must see him as even less of a human being due to the lack of some abilities.

“What’s so big about sitting on a potty chair? I was able to do that.” Rob noted how even he used that statement in the past tense. “How could I have sunk so low in such a short period of time?” Dejected Rob unconsciously slipped his thumb into his mouth to sooth his bruised ego. Rob fixed his gaze on the mesh wall in front of him and tried to reason how fate had left him in this latest state incompetence and incontinence.

Finally Michelle grabbed Rob from behind lifting under his armpits and carried him back to the converted nursery where his second diaper change of the day would commence. All Rob could do was pray that the operation would end quickly. Unfortunately Michelle had other plans and would make the most of Rob’s predicament. From the time she picked Rob up the mother-baby talk had begun. Not talking in a normal voice but a higher pitched tone with a smattering of infantile words and phrases. “Aww, don’t worry Robbie, Mommy is here for you. Let’s get my little man out of that poopy dye-pee.” When they reached the table, she sat Rob in the middle and proceeded to pull out every conceivable baby product from the diaper bag.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity Michelle began to unbutton his pants. Rob couldn’t bear to watch anymore and laid back on the pad, resigned to his fate. Rob closed his eyes tightly as waves of humiliation flooded his psyche. His wife immediately noticed his distress, stopped the process and began to console her baby. “There there little one, its not that bad, you will get used to it.” She cooed and she dug around in the large blue diaper bag of nursery items. “Don’t worry honey, everything is going to be alright.”

It took all of Rob’s composure not to start crying. “P P Pwease change me now, stop going so swow.” Tear’s rolled down his face.

Michelle enjoyed the commanding position she had over her husband, she had always known she was the dominant one in their relationship but this was much different. No longer just telling him what to do but now she physically dominated over her one time equal. “Honey, what is wrong? And why do you need to be changed?” A sly smile crossed her face as she looked maternally down on Rob.

“You know alweady! P Pwease change me. Diapuh poopy!” It was only getting worse for Rob as his speech became more infantile when his nerves frayed.

Removing her hand from the bag she held something however Rob was unable to tell what it was. Michelle smiled like a content mother, as she stroked her new son’s forehead. “Here you go a little something to sooth your frayed nerves.” Next, Rob found that a large hand slid up his chin deftly and deposited something between his lips. His lips and tongue could feel the slick smooth object slip into his mouth, suddenly without thinking his mouth pulled it in and began to rhythmically suck. Rob moaned as he realized he was sucking on a pacifier! He squirmed at his embarrassment and could feel the soft sticky mess against his bottom.

Michelle unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them over his waist exposing his diaper. He could hear the tapes ripping away from the front of the diaper, then felt his legs lifted into the air as the diaper was then used to remove the majority of the mess. “Oh honey, this is all over! How could you make such a mess at your age?” Rob just closed his eyes, clenched his fists and feverishly sucked on his pacifier. Finally removing his shirt, shorts and socks Rob was carried into the bathroom and placed in a warm tub of water. He tried to grab for the wash cloth however Michelle took it away from him and proceeded to give the little man a scrub. Once clean, the child was removed from the tub, dried off, picked up and taken back to the changing table where a new diaper was taped in place and his shirt put back on. “Come on honey, let’s put you in the living room. I’m not going to put your pants on, it’s warm enough this morning.” Michelle said. Rob was lifted off the change table and deposited in the playpen in the living room.

While sitting in the pen Rob realized he was still sucking on the pacifier non-stop for the past 20 minutes. It didn’t bother him, in fact he found it soothing and relaxing. For now he decided it would stay, but only a few more minutes, as he was too old too be sucking on a pacifier. Rob seemed to loose track of time soon he was lost in thought jumping from one thing to another as his attention drifted.

The rest of the day went without many crisis, he wet himself before lunch but didn’t get upset by his incontinent act. Instead Rob called for his wife who whisked him away for a speedy change. The little man took it in stride, as he slipped his thumb into his mouth and looked up into his wife’s eyes for consolation. Michelle did show empathy for her charge and did feel sorry for his condition however she was also enjoying her new control over her husband. She now decided when he would eat, what he would wear and when he would go to bed. The new level of control made her feel more empowered. The new control also fostered a greater level of motherly nurturing she felt towards her new child. Although she may have lost a husband she now had a new son and as long as he was young she would love and care for him.

By the evening Rob had now accepted his new clothing and status in the house. He tried to remind both wife and son he wasn’t a baby however they weren’t completely convinced. Michelle had forced him to eat food appropriate for someone his size, Rob knew that his body would probably rebel like his son’s had when Benny ate chocolate or other foods normally off-limits to younger folk. Michelle was willing to give Rob more freedom around the house and had let him toddle about unmonitored whereas Benny was kept in the playpen. Rob more than once had waddled up and said hello to his son, reminding Benny who was trapped inside while his father was free to move wherever he wanted.

Later in the day Rob noticed Michelle had stopped clothing him in Benjamin’s diapers, instead she used a different package of smaller diapers. Rob wasn’t distressed by his continued regression after the last major milestone had been passed when babyhood was attained. Rob knew until this age could be reversed baby bottles and diapers would rule his future. He was still uneasy with what awaited him, his teeth were disappearing and food with less consistency and taste was in the offing. What was worse, if he grew much smaller he could loose his ability to walk or worse be stuck as a newborn unable to even rollover. For now he could still talk and convey his theories on reversing this processes but once he lost the ability to talk it would take much longer to get his ideas across to his lab mates.

Not only would he not be able to communicate but also would truly be younger than his son. Presently Rob told himself that he was still the elder of the two. Mommy, errr Michelle was treating them different and gave him far more freedom than Ben. Rob was also able to hold a conversation with her, something Benny could only do for half a sentence. These arguments were enough for Rob to hold some semblance of dignity. All he had to do was continually measure himself against his son, at least that was what he told himself.

After dinner Michelle busied getting the mess cleaned up, then sat down with her son’s and watched them nurse on their milk. Rob no longer protested his use of the baby bottle, instead he enjoyed the moment with Michelle cuddling him on her lap. Her figure still excited him even though getting his penis erect wasn’t a possibility. Somehow her full figure and large breasts fixated him and longed to be near them. They seemed bigger and rounder than normal, but Rob dismissed it as everything in his life was now bigger than normal.

Once Ben had finished the sippy cup, she picked him up and carried her son to the bathroom depositing him on the potty chair. Knowing that Ben would soon need to go in the after dinner period she pre-empted her son and worked on his toilet training. Once on the potty chair Michelle started the evening bath and got their bedtime clothes ready. Michelle was soon rewarded with Ben yelling that he had gone poppy. She went back to the bathroom, wiped up her son, removed his clothes and deposited him in the bathtub.

“Rob would you please come to the bathroom right now.” Michelle called to her former husband. The little man climbed down off the couch and toddled towards the bathroom. His balance and ability to walk were deteriorating, he was not sure if it was due to a further drop in age or his physical abilities were catching up. Either way it was a little disconcerting however Rob was quickly becoming accustomed to stumbling, weaving and wobbling around the cabin.

As he reached the doorway he was overcome by a wave of discomfort from his gut, Rob knew it wouldn’t be long. He looked up at his wife with a deep sense of urgency, “Michelle I need to go to the…” It was too late, Rob grabbed the door and bent his knees a little as he instinctively pushed and gave a little grunt. Michelle recognised an accident in progress stopped washing Ben to comfort her husband in his time of infancy.

A tear rolled down his face as he reached his arms out for his new mommy to pick him up and console him. Rob had no words in his mind, nor was he reliving the past moment. All he felt and could think about presently was that he wanted to be held by ‘my mommy’. She reached down hoisted him into her arms and sat down on the toilet cradling her son, she could feel the diaper getting hot as he started to pee. “Aww that’s okay honey, you just relax and finish up. It’s alright honey you can’t be expected to control yourself at this age.” Rob could only slip his thumb into his mouth and quietly console himself. He knew soon mommy would make everything right again. As his thoughts drifted, he was somehow comforted by the warmth that was surrounding him. Just like the accident in the playpen, he was getting a sense of enjoyment and contentment from the accident.

After a few more minutes Michelle took her new son to the changing table cleaned him up, removed all his clothing before carrying him to the tub to join his son. She carefully placed Rob in the tub and proceeded to wash him from top to bottom, just like he used to do with Ben. Once finished cleaning Rob, she removed him from the tub. “Shouldn’t you deaw wiff Benny first, he has been in here wonger dan me?” the little man inquired. Michelle just toweled him off. “No honey you are too small to leave unattended in the bathtub. I’d feel safer taking care of you first.” Once Rob was dried off, she then removed Ben and drained the water. Picking up Ben, she asked Rob to follow her to the nursery and he happily toddled behind them.

As Michelle prepared Ben for bed, Rob quietly stood below and watched the procedure not phased a bit that he was next. As Michelle powdered, diapered and put Ben’s sleeper on Rob toddled naked around the room looking into various bags. In the Wal-mart bag he found another package of diapers, for children under 12 months. Rob hoped they would not be needed. He also found a prescription for Domperidone, not sure what it was he decided it must be for a ‘womens’ issue and of no concern him. He continued to look through another bag of clothes which were obviously for him, most were sensible however there were a couple of sets of clothes he hoped never to wear. Especially one baby blue pair of shortalls with no pant legs instead there were elastic leg holes, the outfit looked like it had been crossed with a diaper shirt. It was guaranteed to show off his diapered butt and make the wearer look truly infantile.

Finally she picked up Rob and proceeded to diaper and dress him in a sleeper. Again Rob did not flinch nor did he want to cry. In fact he was eager to get a new diaper on, at least it covered up his nakedness. Rob played with a finger as he happily looked up into his wife’s eyes. Michelle instinctively started using cute baby talk to Rob, which he enjoyed and giggled while a little drool again escaped his lips. Before he knew it he was changed and clothed in a yellow sleeper for the evening. Rob contently lay on the changing pad happy to just look into his new mother’s eye. Michelle picked him up and placed him in the playpen while she returned her attention to Ben. Rob was serene and happy from the attention he received. He was calm and without a thought in his mind, almost as if he had been mediating. After a moment of gurgles and squeaks Rob placed a thumb in his mouth and laid there on his back with his legs turned out by the thickness of the diaper. Rob again watched the attention Benny was getting as she talked with her older son. He was getting sleepy from the warm comfortable sleeper he was in, the footed sleeper again made him comfortable like much of his other clothing, he made a mental note that if he got back to age 42, he’d get a footed sleeper made for himself.

The mother tucked her 2 year old in and kissed him on the forehead before raising the crib’s rail. Michelle picked up Rob and carried him out of the room turning off the light as they left. “I’m not sleeping with Benny tonight?” Rob asked his wife.

Michelle smiled and picked up another baby bottle from the warmer. “I thought we could spend some quite time together tonight honey. You can stay up a little longer than Benny.” She then walked out on the camp’s deck and sat him in a chair beside her. Under the moonlight Michelle poured herself a glass of red wine while Rob joked, “What no vino for me?” Her response was to place a baby bottle of formula in his lap.

Rob quietly smiled, sat back to relax with his wife and slowly nursed on his bottle. Michelle gazed at the moon and they quietly talked about the past few days. Soon Rob began to get bitter and irratable while reflecting, his mood changed from being upbeat and playful to frustrated and cranky. Michelle picked up Rob and cradled him against her breast and patting his diapered butt. “There there Robbie, be a good baby and calmed down. Everything is alright, I’m sorry I kept you up past your bedtime from now on you will go down just like your brother.” As Rob continued to whine and complain his speech grew quieter and less distinguishable. Soon all mumbling ceased and the baby fell asleep in his mother’s arms.