Diapered Dandy And The Freedom Phalanx Reserve Draft Part 27

Chapter IV: Behind Closed Doors: Elysa’s Team</center>

Hanako Masamura sat in her room in the middle of the floor with her legs crossed in a meditative position. The young hero had her eyes closed and was focusing on the plants sitting on her window sill. The various flowers blossomed and wilted with the help of her powers, several of them re-seeded the small garden and sprouted new flowers with her help.

“So very bored.” she thought to herself as she opened her eyes and stood up.

The seventeen year old hero known as Flower Child looked around her room for some form of entertainment, she picked up a magazine and flipped through it briefly before flopping down on her bed with a heavy sigh.

As her mind began to wander she thought about how she’d come to be involved with the Freedom Phalanx Reserve a little over a year ago. She remembered coming to America with her parents, she remembered the feelings of happiness that they all had for what they thought was a new lease on life. The journey to America turned out to be a disaster as they became slaves to the Tsoo, an American cell of the Yakuza.

Hanako remembered the months that her and her family toiled in a camp working for the Tsoo until her father attempted to free himself and his family from the camp. She remembered watching her parents die at the hands of the Tsoo guards, she remembered running and getting cornered by her attackers. After that, she only remembered waking up in the base she now called home with Ataris standing over her assuring her that everything would be ok.

According to Ataris she’d killed the Tsoo that were attacking her and had escaped the camp. Hanako was confused at first at how a normal teenaged girl could kill half a dozen trained killers and escape a slavery camp. After many tests Hanako learned that she was a mutant, her powers had decided to appear in her moment of need and saved her life.

Ataris took Hanako under his wing and helped her hone her powers. Though she was still a young woman she was still a pinnacle member of the Freedom Phalanx Reserve, through the many missions she’d been a part of she’d proved her mettle as a hero to her leaders.

Now that she was relegated to her room through no fault of her own she was starting to wonder why her teammates couldn’t be as dedicated to the team as she was.

“So very bored.”she thought to herself again and closed her eyes to take a nap to pass the time.


Elysa Knowles sucked on her thumb as her sister Hannah wiped her diaper area clean and sprinkled some powder on her and rubbed it in gently before pulling the new diaper up into place and taping it up snugly.

As far as sisterly relationships went, Elysa and Hannah’s had become quite an unconventional one indeed. At seventeen and twenty nine the two sisters were too far apart in age to take part in normal sister activities like playing together and double dating. Hannah had taken to looking after her sister when she was little and had never really stopped. Now she was more like a mother to her than anything else.

Elysa had begged her parents to allow her to go with her sister to the big city when Hannah had gotten her powers of radiation control from a few years work in the core of the Terra Volta reactor. Though they didn’t want their young daughter to leave home and possibly put herself in danger by following her sister to the city they allowed her to and told Hannah to protect her from harm no matter what they did.

After a few months of living in the city Elysa began to crave attention and approval from her sister and took to wetting the bed. Hannah had held her crying sister many mornings as she shivered in her soaked pajamas. After that got her some attention she moved on to having daytime accidents, Hannah became worried about her sister and had taken her to the doctor to try and find the problem. When the doctors found no cause for the accidents Elysa broke down and confessed everything to her sister.

At first Hannah was unsure about how to deal with the problem and pondered sending Elysa back to their parents, but then she saw her sister sucking her thumb one night while she slept and decided to give her sister what she desired most, love and attention unconditional.

The first time Hannah had diapered her sister they were both extremely nervous and nearly stopped before they had started, but they had pressed on and had reached a new level of bonding by doing so. Elysa’s own powers of ice control emerged several months later, and she started joining her sister on her patrols and then coming home for a bottle of warm milk and a story before bed.

Now, thanks to Malta, Elysa was completely incontinent. She had tried to push past her desires to be a baby and grow up, but now she had given into it completely and dropped her role as team leader for the younger and inexperienced heroes of the team and become the big baby that she knew she was.

Hannah helped her sister off of the changing table and led her by the hand to the rocking chair in the middle of the large nursery that was Elysa’s room. Hannah grabbed a bottle of milk from the fridge on the way and used her powers to heat it up and pulled her sister into her lap and pressed the bottle to her lips and rubbed her stomach gently and rocked the chair while she nursed the bottle.

“Whatever you want to be, I’ll support it.” Hannah whispered to her sister as the young blue haired heroes eyes began to droop as she drifted off to sleep.

“Fank oo.” Elysa mumbled from behind the nipple of the bottle.

Hannah kissed her sister on the forehead. “Anytime baby.” she whispered as she continued rocking her sister to sleep.