After making camp high enough under the bridge so as not to be seen should anyone pass by, Meek, and I made a very small fire. It wasn’t really to cook anything on, but more for the light, and to make the two of us feel more at ease. I mean it was our first night;
I’m not sure about Meek, but I sure was feeling pretty unsettled.
In time we both got comfortable and a conversation begun. Actually I am not real sure how it begun, but somehow we ended up talking about the whole ‘GAY’ thing.
“So how old were you when you first had sex with another guy?” I asked.
“Well the first time I had consensual sex? Or sex of any kind?” he asked.
“There’s a difference?” I asked.
“Sure there is!” He snorted and put another small stick of wood on the fire but I think I get what you are asking me.
Though he didn’t actually say so, I got the idea by the way he was avoiding looking at me that there was something very bad locked away inside his mind. I think that for a split second there it nearly escaped however, I was quite sure that it is something that I didn’t want to know about!
“Well, don’t think of me as some inbreed bumpkin,” he began, “but it was when I was eleven going on twelve and it was with my cousin. I’d been living in the country with my Aunt and Uncle while Mom and Dad were traveling outside the country. I stayed with them for that whole summer and it was a summer I shall never forget as long as I live.”
“How come?” I asked.
“Well, the day started out just like every other day on the farm. We got up too early and while Uncle Bob and Cousin Andy milked and fed the cows, I was sent to shovel out the floor of the chicken coop again.”
“Eeeew gross!” I moaned at the idea of shoveling chicken crap.
“Actually it wasn’t all that bad. Oh sure it stunk, but it wasn’t really like shoveling. It was more like plowing. All I had to do was set the shovel on the wooden floor and walk it forward. Every so often, it would get stuck on a nail head or something, but honest, it was super easy work. It just took a while as the coop was so big.”
“Still sounds like a crappy job.” I joked.
Meek hit my leg with a small twig, which snapped when it struck my leg.
“After all the normal morning stuff was done Uncle Bob was telling Aunt Janet that he was going to take us boys into town for a bit. The sun was barely even up at this point but after a couple weeks being on the farm, I’d since adjusted to their early mornings and early nights.”
“Why’d he take you guys to town?” I asked Meek.
“Oh, well he needed to stop in the church to light a candle and then we had to get a part for the milking machine.”
“Oh.” I grunted and he continued.
“Normally, after we were done with morning chores, everyone bathed before having breakfast, however on that particular morning all three of us were handed a breakfast sandwich consisting of a fried egg and a couple slices of bacon in between two halves of one of Aunt Janet’s door stop biscuits. The sandwiches were wrapped in a paper napkin so our dirty hands wouldn’t foul up our ‘TO GO’ breakfast.”
“Door stop biscuits?” I asked.
He chuckled, “Well they were dry as could be and heavy too. It took lots of milk or gravy to get one of them down, because they sucked the saliva right out of your mouth.”
“Sounds tasty!” I joked again.
“Well they tasted fine, just dry, and heavy.” He added and then continued with his little story.
“‘You two smell like you have been wrestling in the pasture again.’ Uncle Bob had said while thrusting a paper coffee cup in my left hand.”
“Coffee?” I squeaked.