A Short Protest Scene 5

The next day, Toby was the brunt of numerous taunts and teases thanks to his pelerine knee socks. He tried to hide their girlie style by scrunching them down to the ankles, but the rule for the girls is if knee socks are worn, they must be pulled up and his teachers insisted that his were too. Plenty of girls praised his socks though. Coupled with the fact that he’s got rid of his leg hair and wears his skirt nice and short like most girls do, they’ve come to believe that he’s the only boy who’s actually trying to look nice. Little do they know that if it was up to him, he’d have never got involved in the stupid protest in the first place.

After two weeks of promoting their campaign, it seems that around fifty percent of the boys have joined in the protest and a regularly attending school wearing skirts; either sourced from their sisters or bought specially for the ongoing protest. Their parents seem to be backing them, the teachers seem to think they’re going too far and the headmistress, deputy and members of the PTA are reportedly ‘up in arms’ regarding the continued protest.

After three weeks, there’s a significant breakthrough… the school has decided to ‘review’ their uniform policy… but it’s not enough. They don’t want a review, they want change and they want it now! Some thirty percent of the boys continue wearing skirts throughout the following weeks, and as the end of term nears, they feel victorious when it’s announced in morning assembly that after a lengthy protest and plenty of consideration from both staff and PTA members… from the beginning of next term, boys (and girls) will be permitted to wear short trousers if they wish.

A joyous cheer erupts in the hall. It takes a few moments for the headmistress to quieten them down. “The revised uniform regulations have been posted on the notice board and the school website has been updated.” she informed the assembly. “Hopefully this ridiculous protest will cease here and now.” she sternly said.

One of the boys put his hand up. “So… can we wear shorts tomorrow or…”

“I stated quite clearly that the new rules will come into affect at the beginning of next term.” the headmistress impatiently retorted. “If you feel it’s too warm for long trousers David, then by all means, wear your skirt tomorrow.”

The assembly is dismissed and they head to their respective classes with a strong sense of triumph. Their sense of triumph however, is short lived. At morning break a handful of pupils bother to read the new uniform regulations on the notice board. The rumour spreads quickly and during lunchtime, seemingly half the school are trying to read the new regulations. What the headmistress failed to tell the assembly was that from the beginning of next term, long trousers will no longer be permitted!