As two girls trying to remove his diapers they awakened Zachary. “Ladies, let us not play now we have one last day to prepare.” He got up and realized that he should have let the girls change him, as he was quite a mess. Laying back down he relented. The two ladies changed him, but did not bring him off. Getting up now in clean dry diapers he said, “come.”
He walked into the kitchen and had each grab a bag of the iron/silver filings. He led them out to the patio where they had seen the first summoning. He entered the ring and next on one side to the alter. He had the two ladies knee on the other side. He took out the dark purple shroud given him by the priest. He slowly unveil it, the object looked to them like a microphone, with spikes on the outside.
“This is a holy water sprinkler, it is said to have been used to dispel demons in it country of origin, in the hand of St. Michael, so it is said. It will now again be used but by the three of us. At dawn tomorrow the battle begins. He set the item on the stone, and began his chant; soon the glow had encased them. Finally he took each girl by the hand, from three we are to be one in battle, our strength will increase and I give you my powers as well.”
“Then you will each control a circle,” he set his arthame on the alter it glowed then grew into three separate blades. He gave a blade to each lady; “recite the inscription on the side to draw the ring, but remember you cannot leave the ring if you do death would be the best thing for you. If you are lucky.”
“Well now my maiden’s fair,” the glow faded, “we ride.” Gathering up their packs, diapers, swords, clean clothes, food and other needed items, the mounted the horses. “He-ya!” He cried.
They traveled about a mile further into the hill surrounding Zachary’s house. “I own all this, so don’t worry, we’re not trespassing.” They soon came to a large pile of rocks. “Whoa,” he shouted, pulling back hard on the reigns. “This was the entrance, destroyed by fools. We’ll leave the horses here, he dismounted and took up his pack.” He took the reigns of Nightmare, and let the two ladies dismount. “The sun is fading but we should have time to reach the back.” The three hiked into the woods, for what seemed like miles upon miles of uphill rocks and crevasses.
Just before dusk had completely over taken the sky they came to a large flat area of stones. “One of these is the entrance, the dawn’s light will reveal which one.” The three set up camp.
“Okay, Zachary how will we use the power we now share in battle,” Vicki asked?
“How will we able to subdue a creature not of this world, we’re just normal girls, right,” Cindy inquired?
“You are far from normal, you’re both virgins for one. Cindy you are of the blood of my kin. Vicki you represent the outside help, you have the most power over this beast, because you are not involved in the blood feud.”
“Your powers will flow naturally like your life’s breath, it will be instinctual. I will cast Cindy you will intensity, Victoria you will be the mediator. Together if we are strong of heart and conviction we will win.” Zachary lay down, “we’re changed and I know I am tired, so sleep, dawn comes early.”
Zachary awaken before the dawn, changed and rekindled the fire. He opened his pack and unrolled the robes he’d been holding for years. Placing them over his head, he wrapped the belt around, so it held without being tied. He draped the component pouches, and went to awaken the girls. Vicki awoke first; she had to admit she did not expect to see Zachary over her in black and silver robes, his head hidden in the depths of the cowl. “I’m sorry if I frightened you, it’s a cool fall morning, with a vile wind coming in, we may not see the sun, then all will be left in limbo until the spring.” Cindy awoke next.
“What an ominous looking sky she commented looking to the west. Do you think we will see the sun so we can find the entrance?”
“I’ll summon the wind,” Zachary said as he spread his arms and began a silent chant. He drew with right arm from the east and pointed it west, as he did a breeze started to build up around the trio. Soon the breeze had built in to a gale force howling. The clouds split and a shaft of sunlight struck and warmed the ground. The two girls watched as the area grew and they recognized a natural hinge in the rock. “There’s the door way,” Zachary spoke ladies push the stone. The two ladies pushed on one side of the stone and soon a passage opened. Zachary followed the two girls down, through the narrow dark stone passage.
The passage widened as the walked deeper and deeper in to the rocks. Soon they found themselves in a large vaulted chamber. The ceiling must have been at least twenty feet high; the rest of the chamber was round and over 70 feet in diameter. Zachary walked into the center. He picked up a stick from the dirt in the floor. The two girls got closer and noticed that this was not a stick but an ivory wand with silver caps over each end. “It’s probably left from some old Sabbath, it was used to draw the circle where the demon would arise. Judging by where it was found its user crossed the line of his own circle, and became demon bait.”
“Well ladies, let’s mark where the three rings will stand to the battle can begin at dusk.” Zachary walked out from what he believed was the original containment circle for the demon. From there he paced from the 12 o’clock, 8 o’clock, and 4 o’clock positioning. “Cindy you will take the eight o’clock, Vicki you get the 4 o’clock. The casting will be done counter clockwise.”
They spent most of the day preparing, and fasting, as Zachary said to purify the body and the soul. This actually help avoid messy diaper changes, but it was what specified in the three spell books and the mage’s own Gilmore. As the finished the preparation Zachary asked the ladies to come to him. “Ladies, now is the time for the calling, get undressed and put these on.” He handed each lady a white and gold robe. The robes like his had not seams, they were soft and seemed to be made of silk. He taught them how to tie the waist and where the items they would need would be hidden.
As the three finished, Zachary noticed a small stream of light signaling that setting sun. “To the circles children, the battle will soon begin.” Zachary took out his own wand and drew the containment rings and the junctures to the other rings.
Then each walked to their circle, “What ever you see of you do not leave the circle, with in it you are protected. Demons have the power to temp, but if you disbelieve them the illusion fades. Steel yourselves, for if we fail, there will be hell to face. In the literal sense.”
Zachary stood and spoke the first words, “ADAM, TE, DAGERAM, AMRTET, ALGAR, ALGASTNA.” He then drew his arthame and drew his ring the two ladies followed. Soon the three were encased in rings of magic, as they spread the metal filings the glow intensified.
“ASTE MENETOR AKALGI NETOR TENET, Est naminus et Deus, I summon thee, Meltoroth, bastard of Ashtaroth. SANGLI, TOBAR, VIRETORUM, TENAR BALTAZAR SUM.”
Soon flames shot forth from the earth, filling the central containment ring. Flames filled the juncture line then approached their circles but stopped short. A great stench began to pervade with in the chamber and soon with a sudden flash of eerier green light there stood the beast. It looked at the girls and then turned its attention to Zachary.
“So Mage,” the beast mocked him, “You dare to summon me?” “Does the fool so avidly seek death?” “I see you’ve trained the children, they will be of little help.” “Flee now and wait ’til our legions enter your world.”
“If you are that confident, that you will win, please try. Exit the ring of flames and enter mine or the maidens’ fair rings.”
Meltoroth stood upon its hind legs and began to laugh. The cavern reverberated with his voice, as he grew to reach the ceiling. “You cannot stop me!” The beast pointed a clawed hand toward Victoria, soon the vision of her mother appeared.
“NO!” She shouted, “you can’t be here you’re dead.” She closed her eyes and concentrated, soon the vision faded.
“So you were saying fool-roth, the children will be of little help? One has defeated your illusions. What’s next slight of hand?” Zachary mocked the demon, looking over at Vicki he smiled.
Next the breast turned his attention to Cynthia. A beam of eerie flame emanated from its other clawed hand and headed towards her, she began to say in a silent chant. The flames stopped short and circled around the chamber until the struck the ceiling dropping a stalagmite upon the beast.
All went silent, then in rage and anger the beast flung the stone at Zachary, he fell flat to the floor and the stone struck the wall behind him. This caused several stones to fall and strike Vicki. “NO,” Zachary shouted!
He leapt to his feet and began to say a long whispery chant the glow around his ring grew. Suddenly he loosed a wild blast energy that stuck the beast in the chest. The creature screamed in agony. Cindy joined in the fray, using the power Zachary had given her to strike. Out of the blue Vicki fired a shot from the black powder pistol. The anointed silver bullet struck the beast in the back.
It screamed in rage and agony. From it’s arm jetted a set of claws that struck both the girls pinning them to the floor. Next the Beast turned its attention on Zachary. “Now bastard you will die in a most unpleasant way.” Zachary reached around to his belt and grabbed the holy water sprinkler. Pushing a button in the handle four vials of holy water sprung out striking the beast. Zachary then shouted, “Est Nominae Deus, I cast you our in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!” He flung the now glowing Holy Water Sprinkler at the beast striking it in the forehead.
The beast roared as a pure white glow began to envelop it. Suddenly a shaft of blinding white split it in half as the beast exploded into a reeking pile of fetid flesh. Zachary fell to the floor exhausted.
The two girl watched from their magic circles as they suddenly felt the floor beneath them begin to shake. The quaking earth unpinned them from the ground. Soon the rumbling built and the floor beneath the beasts remains split and the earth itself swallowed them up. When all was silent, Zachary staggered to his feet, all three of them were soaked, messy and a bit battered and bloody, but none though they worse for wear considering their ordeal.
“Hello? Victoria, Cynthia, Zachary, is anyone down there?” A voice called. “Down here cried Vicki.”
Soon Commander Henderson, and the search and rescue group from the Coast Guard station, and the sheriff department, entered from the opposite passage. “We felt the earthquake and got concerned when the horses returned to town rider less,” William said.
Zachary walked over to where the demon had been and picked up the holy water sprinkler. “Well we were down here the whole time. May I ask how you go in through that entrance?”
“The earth quake opened it back up,” the commander added.
“Zachary, saved us all,” Vicki added, “the demon is banished forever. Right Zachary?”
“You’re right, now let us leave this moldy stinking cavern,” Zachary commented.
They followed the rescuers out of the cavern, where they were met by a large contingent of town’s people, who had come out to see the rescue. Zachary boarded the rescue vehicle with Vicki cuddling to his side, Cindy on the other. They were driven back to town. Susan MacBeth, Cindy’s grandmother, next met them. “The curse is over,” Zachary spoke, as he hugged his great aunt.
“Finally,” she whispered back.
The entire group headed to Cindy’s parent’s home. As Zachary tried to enter he suddenly collapsed, Vicki quickly ran to his aid. “Zachary,” she cradled him in her arms, “what’s wrong.”
Zachary reached over and raised his arm slightly. The side of his robe appeared darker and was covered with a warm sticky substance. “He’s bleeding” she shouted, “He’s bleeding,” as her white robe was being covered by the blood oozing for the torn stitches in his side.
“Medics, on the double,” Vicki’s father shouted. As two of his air-evac medics charged to his aid. Vicki rocked him; “you can’t leave me, not after this.” Her tears coursed down her cheeks. Cindy pulled her friend away and hugged her as Zachary was taken to an awaiting chopper. “It will be okay the curse is over,” Cindy told her.
Vicki’s father walk over to his daughter and her friend, the three stood and watched as the dolphin lifted off heading to Portland. After it had gone, her father spoke, “If you two girl get changed we can meet him in Portland.”
The two girls looked at him as if he spoke a different language. “Come on let’s get you two out those the robes, dirty diapers and into some normal clothes and we can be off.” The two wandered like zombie into Cindy’s bedroom and changed each other. Cindy let Vicki barrow some of her clothes; they were almost the same size, with Cindy being a bit smaller on top. After they changed, Cindy spoke. “He’s going to be all right? He’s the hero, and heroes are supposed to vanquished the evil and live happily ever after?”
“This isn’t a fairy tale Cindy, but I don’t think he’s gonna die either,” Vicki trailed off. “I just have a feeling.”
“Come on you two,” Vicki’s father shouted from down stairs.
“Hurry up ladies, we’ll be leaving in a minute,” Edna said, “so let’s go.”
The girls hurried down the stair and climbed into the back of Vicki’s father’s Land Rover, and they headed for Portland. It was an unusual trip, at least by the parent’s standards, the girls said very little, and spent most of their time looking out the windows.
Finally after an hours drive they were in Portland and headed to the University Hospital. There the two girls ran up to the information desk and asked what room Zachary MacLeod was in.
The women asked, “do you know when he was admitted?” She looked on the computer screen, “Wait, he was released about a week ago.”
“We know that but her was brought in again today,” Cindy said
“He should have just been brought in by a Coast Guard Chopper,” Vicki added
“Oh the earthquake victim, he’s in surgery. Are you family?”
Vicki said, “yes, he’s my fiancée.” He father gave her a questioning look.
Cindy smiled and said he’s “my cousin.”
“The Family waiting is on the third floor, room 325,” the clerk added. “Take that elevator to the third floor and follow the signs.”
When they entered the family waiting area Vicki asked the clerk about Zachary. “How long has he been in surgery?”
“Why are you family?”
“Not yet we’re only engaged,” Vicki answered.
“He’s been in surgery for about 20 minutes so far they need to close up several bleeders that were tore open. After that he is going to need several units of blood and plasma to make up for what he’s lost.”
“When will we be able to see him?”
“In about 2 hours, if you want you can wait in the waiting are or visit the cafeteria or gift shop to help the time pass.”
Vicki turned to Cindy “should we wait or go get something to eat?”
“Cindy smiled let’s check out the gift shop.”
“Dad is it all right for us to go find the gift shop,” Vicki asked?
“Sure, we’ll wait here for you,” Vicki’s father said.
“Thanks dad.”
The two headed off down the corridor to the elevator.
The two exited the elevator and set off down the hall for the gift ship. “Now let’s see what we can get our baby,” Vicki said? They wondered around the gift shop looking at the items. They choose rug rats get well balloon, and a stuffed teddy bear.
Next they went to the cafeteria and got some ice cream. They took their time in eating, but spoke very little, both being anxious enough with not knowing Zachary’s fate. The two wandered around for about and hour before they returned to the waiting area.
Upon seeing the girls return, Vicki’s father said. “Zachary is being moved to a room on the fourth floor, we can meet him up there.” Taking the elevator they found Zachary’s room with ease. Lying in the bed his eye closed, his diapers visible, and an IV started in each arm. The two approached with caution. Zachary eye’s opened and he said in a whispery voice. “Hello ladies.”
The two went to him, “How’s my baby” Vicki said?
“We got you some presents,” Cindy said showing him the balloon and giving him the teddy.
“So Zach when do they plan to release you,” Vicki’s dad asked?
“I don’t know, the doctor is still pretty mad that I completely undid her handy work in only one weeks time. Right now she has me on bed rest, so until her order’s change.”
“You’re stuck here,” Edna commented.
“Exactly,” Zachary said.
Vicki’s father then asked Zachary, “So when did you and Vicki become engaged?”
“I don’t know but I’m sure Vicki will explain later.”
“Hey,” Vicki’s said, “I have and idea. Do you think your doctor would release you into our care?”
“I would if you’d really feel you can handle him,” said an older woman who entered the room. She was wearing surgical scrubs and introduced herself “I’m Doctor Kelly Vasquez, if you feel that you can handle him with out him getting further injury I will release him to you in two days.”