Favorite Sissy: Part 1

Favorite Sissy: Part 1

No matter who asked her, Mom always used to say, “I love all my children equally.” You have to give her credit for diplomacy because I always knew I was her favorite. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking – my siblings probably thought they were Mom’s favorite too, but there are certain signs that kids pick up on, and I knew…

For example, when trouble was brewing and Mom was angry, she would very sternly and carefully interrogate my brothers; but when she came to me, she always spoke more gently. The reason behind that gentleness may have been because I was rarely at the root of any shenanigans that were going on, or maybe because I was a little more sweet and sensitive than the other boys – but I think it was because she just liked me better. Wouldn’t you like your sweetest, best-behaved child the most?

But Mom did have her problems dealing with me sometimes. I was a well-behaved child generally, but I did some strange things in the privacy of my bedroom. I don’t know what triggered it – my sweet, sensitive nature; my love and adoration for my mother; or just an irresistible curiosity – but by the time I was so old, I was a habitual cross-dresser. Of course, at seven it is nearly impossible to purchase a feminine wardrobe, so my mother would frequently discover that items of clothing were missing from the laundry. Eventually, she realized her clothes weren’t just getting eaten by the clothes dryer.

Let’s face it; it isn’t too hard to detect the stealing of your clothing, especially when the older brothers are busy climbing trees and causing all sorts of mischief. The first time I was caught I was wearing my mom’s long, silky white blouse I’d seen her wear. I was humiliated when I got caught, and she seemed heartbroken that her favorite child should want to be something other than her sweet little boy.