How to get put back into diapers

Let me start out by saying that originally i wrote this short story for my eyes only. I’m no English major by any means and i am sure there are miss spelled words, missed punctuation stuff like that and frankly i don’t care. But in comparison to some of the smut out there I’m pleasantly surprised that this didn’t turn out to be complete garbage so i decided to share it. Also this is a piece of revisionist history or basically how i wish things had turned out when i was a kid if i were brave enough to go through with it. There are sprinkles of truth spread around this fantasy of mine, some names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Update. 8-3-2016

When i first posted this on DD forums it was very much a ruff draft. I decided to post it here as well because i know this site gets a lot of traffic. I’ve Added extra content and fleshed out the story quite a bit. I wrote this story 100% from my cell phone that does not have a spell check function so I’m sure I’ve miss spelled a couple words here and there. I have been tweaking this story off and on for days i just need to post it and walk away lol. I can say that there is nothing else i want to add at this point in time so… Here is my story version 1.2


13 year old Matt sat alone at his computer screen. Being just after midnight his mom had already gone to bed for the evening. This had turned into a nightly ritual for him. He would wait up until he was sure that his mom was asleep then he’d sneak into the living room and look up dirty pictures on the computer.

One such picture in particular that he saw late one evening captured his young imagination. It was a picture of a young woman who was sitting on a park bench and she had just gotten done peeing in the sweat pants she was wearing. This was quite litterally the hottest thing 13 year old Matt had ever seen in his life and it sparked an interest that he had long forgotten. After extensive yahoo searches Matt stumbled onto a community website called DPF or Diaper Pail Friends. It was a website about older people that enjoyed wearing and using diapers. There was also a story board that housed stories of kids and adults who are put back into diapers for one reason or another. Matt read the stories every night until it became an obsession. He imagined himself as the main character in these stories and how awesome that would be. This brought back memories of when he was nine or ten years old. He would wet his pants and bed some nights just because it felt good. When he was done he would hide the evidence behind his bed. In retrospect his mom must have known about it because after a day or two the wet pants and underwear would disapear and end up in the washing machine.

Even as a young kid he knew that he wanted to wear diapers again but he didn’t know how to go about getting them. Eventually after seeing no action taken by his mom the pants wetting stopped. Matt hadn’t thought much about those wettings for quite some time he only knew that he missed that feeling. He even experimented with make shift diapers made with garbage bags and towels but those tended to fall apart rather quickly after one wetting and were simply not the real thing.

So one late summer night Matt typed into the internet browser, “how do i get put back into diapers?” A couple of search results down the list was a link to a bedwetting forum. It was a thread started by a boy asking the same basic question. “How do i get my parents to put me back into diapers?” A lot of the responses to his question didn’t make a lot of sense and were clearly one handed typing but as he kept scrolling down some responses did actually make a lot of sense. A string of posts in particular cough Matts eye.
The first post was by someone calling themselves diapered1964 he wrote.

Here’s my advice.
Start by wetting your bed once a week.
Step it up to 2 times a week in a month.
In another month wet your bed 3 nights a week and your pants once a week.
By the 4th month you need to wet the bed every night and your pants every other day.
Continue this until you are wetting your bed nightly and pants daily.
By now you parents should have taken you to the doctor to see what is the ” problem” and “why” you are wetting your bed and pants all the time.
Tell the doctor you can not keep from wetting yourself, wet yourself while at the doctors.
By now your parents should be purchasing diapers for you to wear and use.
Do not be surprised if by now you can not keep from peeing yourself or your bed, if you still can control when you go pee you need to just relax and use the diaper you are wearing after all it is what you want to do right?

Another poster chimed in after diapered 1964 their name was beentheredonethat they wrote.

I have to say that this is probably the best advice from this nonsense thread. The key is making your sudden explainable incontinence as believable as possible. To many accidents to fast will raise eye brows and lead to your parents questioning wether it was really an accident or if you are simply peeing in your pants on purpose.

Any caring parent will take you to a doctor. They will run tests. Make you jump through rings of fire. They will attempt to fix the problem, that is how doctors operate. All you need to do is continue wetting yourself everyday no matter what the doctor says or does.

Having high profile public accidents in em baressing situations will speed up the process around months 3-4 it will definitely add a lot to the realism factor as well. If the only time you wet your pants is at home, locked away in your room two feet away from clean clothes and a bathroom they’ll raise questions. At school, with family or just hanging out with friends if you feel the need to go. Go! The last thing your parents want is for you to feel embarrassed about your problem. If they can’t fix it right away they will at least try to make you more comfortable and to have things be less em baressing for you.

In all likely hood the first form of protection that will be offered to you is going to be some pull-up style padded underwear. Do not worry these leak like crazy and are not meant for total urinary incontinence. You will find yourself going through a LOT of pull-ups. Sooner or latter your parents will probably figure out that pull-ups are expensive and that plain old diapers hold more and are way cheaper in the long run. They will probably come to this conclusion by themselves so i wouldn’t push the issue just keep on wetting your pants/pull-ups as much as possible.

By the time month six rolls around and the doctors can’t find anything wrong with you. Your parents will likely have tried everything they can think of to help you. By now It will just be expected that you are going to pee in your pants multiple times during the day and you are going to wet the bed every night. If by some crazy reason your parents have not put you in diapers yet start only using your pants as a bathroom no matter where you are. (for everything, yes, that also.) eventually they will do the only logical thing and put you back into diapers full time. People who wear diapers wear diapers because it is expected that they will use them, that they need them. This can also be taken as a sign of acceptance on their part. By diapering you they now except the fact that you need to be in diapers. Mission accomplished.

Some food for thought.

If you are unable to have a public accident or are afraid that somebody will find out that you wear diapers because you can’t stop peeing and or pooping in your pants you might want to rethink this path. It is normal to be afraid of what people will say because Other kids will make fun of you.
Most adults will be cool about it but kids can be cruel you will lose friends. Sorry just being real here.

After six month to a year of wearing diapers 24/7 you will start losing control, for real. You will wake up wet in the morning and have wet diapers throughout the day without knowing or realizing it. Leaks will happen at the worst times. At that point it’s really hard to back out. But on the plus side it has the added benefit of making you more honest about your dependency on diapers. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Lol.

There were other responses as well but none that were as inspiring as those. A couple of posters said just to be honest about it and ask them out right. Matt had mixed feeling about that, the possibility of that blowing up in his face was high. Too high to be con sitered.

The method seemed so mind boggling simple. I realized then that I’d been way over thinking this and turning this into some higher form of mathematics in my head. All i needed to do is pee in my pants. A lot. Having no fear of getting embarrassed also goes a long way apparently. I don’t have a lot of friends anyways and I’d gotten used to bullies teasing me for one reason or another. Assholes are going to find something to make fun of me for anyways so I’m not scared of what people are gonna say. I’d made up my mind. I was gonna do it. I cleared the history file and got a large glass of water out of the sink and chugged it down knowing that it would quickly work its way through my system and eventually end up in my bed that night. At 2:45AM i woke up with a stabbing pain in my bladder. I tried letting go and nothing happened. I laid there mentally fighting against years of built up potty training but to no avail. Eventually i closed my eyes and imagined that i was already wearing a diaper. Its okay to pee in your diaper i told myself. That’s what they are made for. Wet your diaper. I felt my body loosen up and my whole body relaxed. Soon after i was wetting my bed.

Three months later……

I had followed diapered1964’s advice to the letter. I’d successfully been wetting the bed for the past three months steadily increasing it from once a week to twice and now for the past two weeks 3-4 times per week.

Throughout the first two months of on and off again bed wetting my mother didn’t seem overly worried about it. She would say things like its not a big deal and this happens to lots of kids my age and that it was nothing to worry about. It didn’t seem to faze her really. I slept on a water bed so there was very little mess to clean up afterwards just the bedding and a wipe down with a Clorox wet wipe.

But i could tell that with the sudden uptick in wet sheets and pajamas she was getting concerned. it was becoming obvious that this was getting worse not better. My room had began to take on the musty stale urine smell of a cronic bedwetter. Earlier in the week she told me that she had made an appointment for me to see the pediatrician just to make sure that there wasn’t an infection or anything medically wrong with me.

I’d been hesitant to wet my pants during the day. I knew I’d been putting it off for some reason that i couldn’t quite put my finger on. Was i scared? Wetting the bed hadn’t been hard to pull off. According to the time line i should be wetting my pants once or twice a week by now. I just needed to get over it and do it. Its not a big deal. After school i would ride my bike up and down my deadend street. Play with the neighborhood kids if there were any outside to play with. My mother was very much the type of parent that kicked me out of the house on a sunny day and said do not come home unless i was hungry or it gets dark. So i spent a lot of time outside some of the time playing by myself. This was one of those day. I figured this would be the perfect time to have my first daytime accident an icebreaker so to speak. While walking through the woods in my backyard. I felt the need to pee and for the first time in years i didn’t even try to hold it back. Warmth instantly ran down my inner thighs. I couldn’t help but watch as the wet spot grew on the front of my pants. By the time i was done my pants were totally soaked. I slowly started making my way back towards home my sneakers squishing with all of the pee inside of them.

I didn’t have to go far to find my mother she was in the kitchen doing dishes. The kitchen looks out over the back yard so i knew she would probably see me coming my tan dickey’s pants stained dark in the middle. But she didn’t. She didn’t even turn around from the dishes.
“Ah hhehm,” i cleared my throut to make my presense known to her. “Back so soon.” She said hardly looking at me. “Ya, i… Had an accident.” At this she turned off the water and looked at me. “Oh geez, Matt you are wetting your pants during the daytime now too!? How did this happen?” She said mostly to herself. “I don’t know, I couldn’t feel it, it was an accident, I’m sorry.” My eyes filled with tears of shame. “It’s okay accidents happen… Throw your clothes in the wash and go get changed.” I nodded and headed off to strip out of my cold wet clothes. That wasn’t to bad now was it. Like anything else in life the first time is always scary but now that I’ve wet my pants once i feel good about doing it again. Remember, for this to work from here on out all I’ve got to do is wet The bed and my pants all the time. I can do that, i told myself.

I waited two days and then wet my pants again while i was outside playing. My mother was gone at the time but i left my soaked pants right on top of the washing machine where my mom was sure to find them. By this point i was wetting my bed just about every night. At first peeing while laying down had been a challenge but now i found that i had no difficulty peeing while laying on my back, side or stomach. I found that I’d wake up in the middle of the night with the urge to go. Pee. And then drift back to sleep although if i didn’t fall right back to sleep the sheets started to get cold and that was an icky feeling. On those nighta i didn’t sleep very well. I was quickly approaching month four and right back on schedule.

While waiting at the doctors office there were two other little kids in the waiting room playing with one of those big bead and wire doctors office toys in the middle of the room. Both of their butts bulged from the diapers they were wearing under their pants. Nobody expected them to keep their pants dry. Why should i be seen as any different from them because I’m a few years older. I felt a tingle in my bladder. My mind flashed back to the plan id read almost four months ago. ( Tell the doctor you can not keep from wetting yourself, wet yourself while at the doctors. ) with my mom sitting next to me in the waiting room i wet myself. My seat and butt got warm and
i could feel the pee drip down from between my legs and onto the carpet bellow. Nobody seemed to notice until my name was called and i had to stand up from the puddle in my seat. “Uh oh, Matt it looks like you’ve had an other accident.” My mother said when she saw my wet bottom. I stould there silently defeated as my mother went to the bathroom to get some toilet paper out of the bathroom. “I’m sorry i couldn’t feel it.” I told her as my mom attempted to wipe up the mess with paper towels. “Don’t worry about it honey that’s why we are here. The doctor is gonna find out whats wrong and fix it for you.” She said trying to comfort me. Sure mom. Keep telling yourself that. The lady that had called my name waited patiently as my mother cleaned up the puddle as best as she could. Then i made the walk of shame back to the doctors office. “Obviously i don’t have an extra pair of pants for you to change into so you are going to have to deal.” My mom said as we took our seats in the little room assigned to me. “I figured as much.” I said with a sigh.

The doctor was very nice about my wetting issues. I explained that i couldn’t feel it when i needed to go pee and i couldn’t keep my bed or pants dry either.

She ran some tests, felt my tummy. She said that i didn’t appear to have an infection so that was the good news. She sent me home with a chart that i was supposed to use that monitored my fluid intake and urine out put. Sounds like homework. Lame. She said that temporary incontinence is very common in kids going through puberty and to check back in two weaks with the results and that we would take it from there. My mom apologized for the state of the bench i was sitting on. The doctor simply laughed it off. “That bench has seen much worse.”

In keeping honest with my plan to have a pair of wet pants every other day today at school inbetween classes i locked myself in the bathroom stall across from the office and nurses station and peed in my pants. I waited for the bell to ring and the halls to cleae out then walked the short distance across the hall to the office. The receptionist seeing the state of my pants shooed me into the nurses station. Where i was told to have a seat. Janet The nurse was very nice plump older lady, apparently the school keeps a couple pairs of shorts on hand in case a kid has an accident in their pants they can have something to change into. I was given a plastic bag to put my wet clothes into along with a note explaining the change of pants policy to my mom. Which was to wash the shorts and return them in the next day or two. When i got home i unloaded my wet pants into the washing machine.
My mom read the note aloud. “Okay I’m sorry you had another accident. You should probably take a shower.” While i was doing just that my mom looked at the full load of laundry just from the days wettings. “I can’t keep doing this everyday. That doctor had better find out whats wrong or else i don’t know what i am going to do.”

Unannounced to me while i was upsairs taking a shower my mother googled, “My teenager is wetting their bed and pants every day, what do i do to help them.” She found a lot of arricles and bedwetting support groups. Most of them pointed in the direction of taking the child to the doctors office. Let them figure it out. But what if they can’t figure it out she thought. There was an interesting article about diapering older kids. The basic argument was built around this scenario; if your kid fell down and scraped their knees you would clean them up and put a bandaid over their bloody cut to keep the blood from getting all over their clothes. This is not only best for the child and the clothes but wearing a bandaid is the most sanitary way to deal with the problem of a skinned knee. Diapers serve the same basic function as the bandaid for incontinent children. children who are constantly in wet pants are at a much higher risk getting fungal infections as well. Goodness that makes a lot of sense. She then decided that over the next couple of days she would continue to look into possible forms of protection for her son.

the next day i returned the shorts to the office before the first bell wrang. By lunch time i was back at the office with soaked pants. Walking to gym class i wet in the replacement shorts. Janet was less than pleased and insisted that my mother come pick me up.

When my mother did pick me up Janet handed my mom a stack of coupons for what looked like goodnites underwear and said that it might be a good idea if i wore some form of protection for school. I played along as if i were super embarrassed. But in my head i thought finally a step in the right direction lets see how my mother plays this. My mother thanked her for the coupons and the advice.

The air was thick on the car ride home and not only because my clothes were starting to smell. ” How would you feel about wearing one of those goodnites for a while and seeing how those worked out.” My mom asked me finally. “It’s gotta beat wet pants at school right?” “I shrugged my shoulders “ya i guess so.” “Are you sure you would be okay with this, it’ll only be temporary until we get this problem figured out.” It’s okay mom, i understand, I don’t mind wearing a diaper.” I don’t think my mother was prepared for me to call them diapers by her facial expression. “Well, honey these are not diapers these are more like a… Well… Padded underwear, i still want you to try to make it to the potty on time but this way if you don’t you have a little bit of a backup plan.” “Whatever its called it is better than wet pants all day long.” I reasoned. ” I agree” She said will a look of relief on her face. My mother was probably expecting that i would fight it. A few minutes later we turned into a Walgreens parking lot. “You can wait in the car I’ll be back in just a minute.” She said making sure to grab the coupons before she closed the door.

My mother came back with two cases of goodnites for boys size LX in her shopping cart. “just so we are 100% clear this is not a diaper, i expect you to use the bathroom whenever you can.” “You got it dude.” I replied sarcastically. I knew that i would be using them like a diaper and peeing in them every chance i got. Until i reached my ultimate goal.

By this time no matter how well i washed up in the shower i noticed that the smell of stale urine always followed closely behind me. The goodnites did nothing to mask the smell. The kids in class had started to notice too. I would sometimes hear whispers behind my back and i could swear that i saw one girl pointing at my crotch area although maybe I’m just being paranoid about that.

Mrs. Murphy my English teacher pulled me aside afterclass one day to ask if i was having any problems in the bathroom. I wasn’t sure What she meant by that i can only assume it was because i smelled. I told her the truth that yes i have trouble making it to the bathroom on time and i was wearing pull-ups to deal with the problem. She then asked if my parents knew about the problem i told her yes that my mother was well aware of the situation. The casual friends that i used to have started keeping their distance from me or making excuses that they had to do something as soon as i showed up. I can take the hint. Who needs friends anyways. Everyone except will my best friend will. He still talked to me and we still played Magic the gathering after school every once in a while. If he knew something was up or different he did’t say anything about it. Will wasn’t exactly mr. Popularity either so i suppose that helped.

So another two weeks later I’m back at the doctors office with my half filled out chart(its kinda hard to messure how much pee is in a pull-up. i probably pee in the toilet one time a day now, usually only when I’m sitting down already going poop. Otherwise the i just let loose in my pants, if they leaked my pants got wet. I go through the one goodnite at bedtime and it leaks through horibbly i don’t really see the point in it there. I now wet the bed every night with out fail and i go through at least five pull-ups during the daytime sometimes six or seven per day. I can tell that my mother isn’t happy about it seeing as I’ve already blown through those first two cases of goodnites plus another case and a half in two weeks. God only knows how much those cost her.

Well anyways the doctor is not pleased with my lack of progress and is less than thrilled when he saw the wet goodnite around my waist. I spent my whole saturday getting every test done in the book. Blood tests, X-rays, ultra sounds. And at the end of the day guess what they found. Yup, you guessed it they found nothing of course. Scratching his head the doctor gave my mom a card to a child therapist. Saying that sometimes it maybe difficult to diagnose incontinence and that sometimes the causes could be stress related or psychological in nature.

Another week goes by and I’ve developed a nasty case of diaper rash from constantly being in soaked pull-ups all the time. Everywhere i walked i walked bow legged, it looked like i just got off a House.

My mom had set up a meeting with the therapist. Her name was Anne. In child therapy it’s common practice for the first session that the therapist talks to the child first and then the parent afterwords to get a quick assessment of the situation. She asked me about how i felt about school my family and friends. She asked if id been sleeping well i had to answer her honestly no. Not at all i wet the bed all the time and i never can get a good nights sleep anymore. She also asked me how i felt about my incontinence problems. “Not very good, i feel very low in me self and i feel that at any second something terrible is gonna happen to me.” I told her about my rash and how much it freaking hurt although i dont think she asked about that one. I think i just volunteered that info. She asked about how my wetting problem had effected my relationship with my mom. I had to answer her honestly. Poorly. I felt like every time i wet myself my mom would be disappointed in me and that in the back of her mind she mad at me. Like i am doing this on purpose or something. Anne scribbled notes on a legal pad as i talked.

The clock zoomed by and our hour was up and it was my moms turn in the comfy couch.
“Let me just start by saying Matt is a smart young man and you should be very proud of him.” “Well thank you but that’s not the reason we are here today.” My mother said rather irritably. Anne paused a moment before she continued. “Yes, i understand that you are concerned about his wetting issues. It is in my opionion that Matt is suffering from depression likely caused in part by his incontinence problems and being alienated from his peers. I would recommend that he see me regularly and that his comfort level should be our immediate priority. Followed by extra emotional support from you.” “What does that mean. Exactly doctor.” “Well, Matt complained about poor sleeping due to bedwetting and wet cold sheets. Also he has developed quite the rash from wearing those goodnites. I don’t mean to impose here but have you con sitered a more absorbant product for heavier levels of incontinence.” “Yes, yes i have. i think about how much easier it would be if he was simply wearing diapers every darn day of my life but i feel like that would be like giving up on him and I’m not sure if I’m ready to do that yet.” Anne nodded sympathetically. “I understand why you would feel that way, but it maybe whats best for Matt right now. I understand that diapers carry a stigma. However leaks and wet pants are much more emotionally damaging and can perpetuate his depression further. Diapers may also have the added effect of boosting his self confidence and self esteem if he doesn’t need to worry about leaks as much. Ultimately though this is a decision that rests within the family and the doctor who Matt is seeing.” Well, they sent me to you, so you think i should put him in diapers again.” My mom asked as she looked out of the second story window. “I think that Matt needs help sorting out his feeling and i think that instead of expecting to find a quick fix for Matts potty problems we should adapt to it and except that it is a reality for the time being and it is not it’s going to magically go away overnight.” Anne said rather matter of factly. They made small talk for a couple more minutes until Anne said she had another appointment soon and directed my mother to make a follow up appointment at the front desk.

When we got into the car my mom finally lost her shit. I could see the tears in the corners of her eyes and a wreckage of emotions covering her face. “Matt, i need to ask you a serious question and i need you to answer me honestly,” I nodden my understanding. I had a hunch that I knew where this was headed. “Are you really unable to tell when you need to use the bathroom? Like at all? Or are you not being honest with me. I need to know now before this goes any farther.” Deep breath and cue the water works. “No mom I’m being totally real with you this is ruining my life, i really can’t tell when i need to go!” Tears go now! “You really can’t tell when you need to go pee. Are you sure about that?” She said gripping the staring wheel with both hands. “Yes, I’m not lying, i can’t help it.” i said in between sobs. My mother sat there in the car with the engine not running staring off into space trying to wrap her head around what the doctors had said, what Anne had said and where she should go from here. Her son wasn’t going to get better. Not anytime soon anyways. There is no miracle fix coming from modern medicine. If he isn’t faking this to get attention and if this is the going to be the new normal what am i supposed to do with him? I can’t simply let my son pee all over himself for the rest of his life. Christ, He is probably leaking through that flimsy pull-up onto my car seat right now. She wiped the tears out of her eyes and sniffled. He needs my emotional support right now. I need to be strong because he needs me. When was the last time that i felt needed by anybody. While she didn’t want to admit it the feeling of being needed felt good and filled a place in her heart that had felt empty for a long time. Having calmed herself down enough to drive she knew what she had to do.

“Its okay baby. Mommy is here and i will take care of you.” She wiped the tears out of my eyes and gave me a big hug before she clicked her seat belt and turned the ignition on.

I noticed that when we turned out of the therapists office my mom took a turn onto a different road then the one we came in on. “Where are we going?” i asked.” “We are going to buy you something thicker than those pull-ups you are wearing. Those simply will not work for you anymore. There is a good medical supply store up the way here that sells diapers by the case and that is were we are going, are you okay with wearing diapers Matt?”

It took Five months two weeks and a day of dedication to finally be asked this question. After what seemed like hundreds of pairs of wet pants my mother has come to the understanding and clearly expected that i was going to pee myself all of the time uncontrollably because that’s what diapers are made for. I wanted to cry tears of joy but i held myself togeather.

“It’s okay. I don’t want to wear diapers but i get why i probably should.” My mom smiled. “Thank you for being such an adult about this. I’m proud of you. I know how this must make you feel but for now i think it is for the best. Lets go in and see what our options are shall we.” She said as she pulled into the empty parking lot.

A nice older lady was at the counter. “Can i help you find anything.” She asked.” “Yes actually where are your adult diapers located.” “Those are gonna be along the back wall there behind the wheel chairs.” “Thank you kindly” my mother replied. The wall of diapers was impressive to say the least. They had every brand I’d ever heard of. My mother settled on a pack of Tranquility all through the nights. “Excuse me.” She hollered at a near by clerk. “Can we get two cases of these diapers.” “Certainly.” The young attractive female stock clerk said who couldn’t have been more than a couple years older then myself. My mother paid for the diapers while the girl loaded the diapers into the trunk. My mother also filled out a delivery schedule form where they would automatically ship out one case of diapers per month to the house that way you save 10% per case plus you get free shipping. With two hundred diapers in the trunk and a hundred set to come every month for the for-seeable future it sure looked like my mother wasn’t expecting me to get better any time soon. On the car ride home we listened to the classic rock radio station. It had been a long emotionally taxing day and neither of us felt much like talking.

Once we go home i helped carry the diapers inside and set the two cases in my room. “Lay down on the floor please.” My mother instructed from behind me. I did as asked. My mother started going to work on the button and zipper of my jeans and pulled them down to my ankles she them tore away the sides of the soaked goodnight and slipped it out from under me. She them took a wipe and started wiping away all of the stale urine and icky smell. “When you are at home i will be the one to change your diapers. I want make sure it’s on tight and we don’t get any nasty rashes like this one.” She said as she smeared desitin between my thighs that were chapped fire engine red. She then pulled out one of my new diapers and unfolded it. I lifted my bottom as she slid it under me she then taped each side and started pulling my pants back up she zipped them up and redid the buttom also. “But of course i wont always be there to change you that is why you will need to carry an extra diaper and some wipes in your bagback these diapers say they can last up to eight hours so you will probably be able to make it through the school day without needing to be changed but you should have an extra one just in case.” “I can do that mom.” “Okay run along outside and play.” I didn’t wait long as i ran out the door out into the backyard. The diaper felt supper thick as i walked around and my crotch area seemed to pooch out a bit from the bulk. This was nothing like those crappy goodnites. The first time i wet my diaper warmed up for a minute then another minute later it felt dry again. With the goodnite it always felt like i had a puddle between my legs. This was truly a new experience. Nathan one of the neighbor kids was out riding his bike around the neighborhood. I grabbed my bike and we tore up the neighborhood. Nathan couldn’t tell i had a wet diaper on under my jeans so why would anyone else? By the time it came to dinner time i let a little more pee dribble into the diaper although it didn’t feel any different because of it. A guy could really get used to this. No longer am i gonna hold back because I’m afraid I’ll leak. These diapers have got me covered. As soon as the need hits the padding around my crotch will be drinking it in. I’m wearing a real diaper now. People will expect me to use it. Why should I worry about it anymore? I’m not gonna. After dinner we watched a movie and ate some pop corn. After that it was time for bed. When my mom told me to ly on the flood i knew what would be coming next. She took off my jeans and lovingly changed my wet diaper. Being sure to apply another layer of diaper rash cream. Then it was lights out. That night i woke up in the middle of the night to wet the bed but for the first time in almost six months my bedding stayed dry and i stayed warm. The diaper pulled the wetness away from my body leaving a warm fuzy feeling that only made falling back to sleep that much easier.

One month later.

For the second morning in a row i woke up with a wet diaper having gone to bed the night before wearing a dry one and not remembering waking up in the night to pee. I wonder if that is gonna be a new trend. Along the same lines of spooky things going on within my body. My bladder has been having random spasms lately. Its a hard feeling to describe. It kinda feels like there is a butterfly down there that bats its wings real fast. Kind of a weird fluttery feeling. It happens off and on all day its weird. But it doesn’t really effect me that much. It’s just weird.

At school things appear to be calming down. Even though the diapers are thicker they don’t smell when wet so therefore i no longer carry that offensive odor along with me where ever i go which is nice. Sometimes i think people are eyeing my crotch area when I’m wet because the diaper swells up pretty big. But its whatever. I’ve taken to wearing longer shirts and pants that are a size too
big for me in an attempt to cover the added padding.

The other day during the last class of the day i wet in my already soaked diaper and I knew it was gonna leak on me. Once class let out i went into a secluded bathroom by the gym to checkout the damage. Right below each butt cheek there were two baseball sized wet marks where the diaper had failed. I took off the hooded sweat shirt i was wearing and wrapped it around my waist before i headed for home.

I’m sure there are people who probably suspect that I’m wearing diapers now. No one has been bold enough to confront me about it or asked why i never seem to need a hall pass any more or why i crinkle when i walk or why my butt is so puffy all of a sudden. Kids are to sucked up in their own world to care if a loser like me is wearing a diaper. Which is why I’ve slipped under the radar i suppose.

I told Will my best Friend that i wear diapers now. At first he got a little weird about it but then he confessed that he sort of knew about it already. He had infact smelled me in my pants/goodnites wetting days but had been too polite to point it out. He also said that sometimes when i sit down my pants ride down and the top of the diaper will stick out. I’ll have to watch out for that in the future. I wonder if that’s happened at school!? Probably has but I’d rather not think about it.

Every Tuesday afternoon once my mom does my after school diaper change my mom takes me to talk to Anne about how things are going. I told her that i sleep much better since switching to diapers at night. And my social life is looking to be on the up and up. I’m feeling overall much happier. Anne didn’t seem bothered that I’ve gotten used to wearing diapers.

She asks other probing questions about my relationship with my mother mostly and how that’s been changing. Since she put me back in diapers there is a lot less tension between the two of us. No more worrying about wet pants and wet sheets and no more laundry 24/7 for my mom and i know she appreciates that.

Six months later.

So much has happened where oh where to begin. I am now an honest to god bedwetter. Every morning i wake up wet and it’s awesome, very excited about that.

I stopped seeing Anne a month or so ago. My mom said that i no longer needed to see her if i didn’t want to. I’m pretty sure that my mother no longer holds out any hope that i will ever go back to regular underwear again. She has stopped making doctors appointments and has resigned herself to changing my diapers instead of dealing with doctors that cost alot of money and don’t have any answers for her.

Probably a big reason for her ultimately saying screw it came because of a realization i came to. I’ve been wearing diapers for a long time now and i really don’t like having to take them off to use the bathroom when i have to poop. So why not just go in my pants instead. I’m wearing diapers now, and they are meant for that also so….Why not?

The first time i pooped my pants me and my mom were at the grocery store. My job was to push the cart and be bored out of my mind while she went up and down the aisles crossing things off her list and putting things in the cart. I knew i should tell her that i needed to use the bathroom but some naughty part of me said no lets not do that today and lets see what happens. I farted wetly and instead of clamping the trap door shut i pushed. The creases in the back of the diaper that had never beed needed before started to unfold and strained to contain the mess that pushed against it. Once the room in the back was filled out i felt the poop speadout to cover my whole backside. This was no small accident, I had loaded this diaper to the max and it bulged and sagged with the added weight. Instinctively my hand went back there to inspect the damage. That’s what my mom saw, me wide eyed and cupping the mess I’d made with ond hand saying. ” Uh oh….” She looked back at me with a confused look a cross her face. What uh oh!? Her nose twitched like Samantha from bewitched and she gave me a wicked look that screamed no freakin way. Not possible. She walked swiftly up to me and in a low whisper asked, “did you…. Just poop your pants!? Right here in the middle of the store?” I pinched my leg hard enough to summon some crocodile tears. “Yeah…. I pooped, I’m sorry mommy. It was accident.” I said in a voice full of shame. A single tear streaked down my left cheek. “Why didn’t you tell me you needed to go to the bathroom!? Jesus, i guess it doesn’t matter now does it.” I didn’t bother responding. I got the feeling that this was one of those rhetorical questions. She looked long and hard at me. She breathed in slowly and exhaled slowly taking a full ten second break from reality to gather her thoughts before she spoke again. “Its okay, at least you are wearing a diaper instead of underwear, lets go get you cleaned up.” She left the cart next to the front checkstand and led me by the hand into the womens restroom. She dug out the spare diaper that she kept in her purse along with a little zip lock baggy of wipes before She locked us in the last handycapped stall where she unziped my pants and swiftly went to work changing my dirty diaper.

The second time i pooped my pants was on a Sunday morning at our local church. We were standing singing along to the words on the giant screen when i felt a cramp in my tummy. A few moments later i started filling my pants with my mom standing next to me praising god, completely oblivious to the fact that a full load of poop was filling my pants for the second time in less than a week. I didn’t hesitate or hold back either. Just like how i wet my diaper, i felt the need to go and i went. After the song the pastor said you maybe seated. I sat down squishing the poo all around my bottom it was a crazy feeling and i liked it. About two minutes into the sermon my mom leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Do you have a poopy diaper?” I nodden yes. Silently she stould up taking me by the hand and led me into church bathrooms where she locked the door behind us and changed my diaper. Her demeanor was very subdued, she didn’t seem mad at me at all while she worked. She, in fact acted like it was perfectly normal and just like any other diaper change for her. Once she was done she tossed my heavily used diaper into the waist basket. It hit the bottom with a loud thud. She washed her hands in the sink and dried her hands with some paper towels. “Baby,” my mom said turning towards me. “I just want to let you know that I will always love you and that I’m here for you, if that means changing your wet and poopy diapers until you are forty five years old that doesn’t change how i feel about you. You will always be my baby and i will always love you no matter what.” She said leaning in to give me a hug. “I know that mom, i love you too.” I said hugging her back. We then took our seat back in the pews and listened to the pastor finish his sermon.

Our moment in the church restroom only confirmed that I’d made the right choice to just go in my pants for everything from now on. I knew that my mommy had me covered.

After that i had another poopy diaper two days later at home with the toilet ten feet away sitting on the carpet on my knees in the living room watching cartoons. I just sat there in the poopy diaper until my mother noticed. When she walked by she smiled, “Smells like someone in here has a poopy butt.” She said playfully. She then went up stairs to get a diaper and the tub of wipes she sat down with me on the floor and changed my diaper. Since my mom has basically given me the okay to poop in my diapers I honestly can’t remember the last time my butt has sat on a toilet seat and i don’t miss it one bit.

Aside from that development in the past couple of weeks I’ve noticed that i no longer can feel the urge to go pee when I’m going pee. i just feel my diaper getting warm and wet and that’s only if the diaper dry. If its already wet i can barely tell when i wet again until its time for a change. I think I’m starting to legitimately loose my bladder control, not that i need it any more now that i think about it. Maybe that’s whats happening to me. If you don’t use it you lose it kinda thing. I don’t know.

Every Friday night me and my mom go to hollywood video where we rent a few movies and she would let me rent a video game for me to play for the week. We always walked the wall of new releases first to see if they had anything worth while and today was no exception to this tradition.

My mom had checked my diaper before we left and had declared me wet but not wet enough to require a change. Earlier in the day we had gotten some taco bell boritos and they were starting to work their way through my system. With every step i took around the wall of new releases some small farts escaped. It did’t take long for my mother to notice the smell that seeped out of my diaper. “Matt, do you need a change?” I flushed red and shook my head. “No. I’m good.” Although probably not for long i though to myself as my stomache gurgled. A few people took notice of the exchange but i tried to avoid making eye contact with them.

I decided to go get my video game for the week. Final fantasy 8. Heck yes, the game I’ve been waiting for forever was finally in stock. I grabbed the last copy they had and rejoined my mother along the wall of new releases. My mom had stopped to read the back of a movie while i pretended to look at another title on the large wall of VHS tapes. I leaned over slightly letting my body do its thing on auto pilot. I’d learned a while ago that this was the best way to poop. I didn’t need to push or strain if i just let my body take over it works its self out. Before i knew it soft poop had begun filling out the back of my diaper. While I knew it was happening i couldn’t help but wonder if i could have stopped myself if i wanted to. I’d gotten very used to letting nature take its course. “Did you find the game you were looking for?” My mother asked turning her attention towards me. “Yup. I’m ready to go when you are.” I replied handing her the game. “Great I’ve got some good movies picked out that I’m sure we will both like.” She said as we made our way to the checkout. Half way down the aisle my mom slowed down. “Hold it right there kiddo.” And without any warning she started tugging at my pants. “What The….” “Just hold still a minute.” She scolded as she pulls out the back of my jeans to take a peak inside. Really mom. Your gonna check my diaper right here. In public? “Ya, i thought so.” She said with a smirk. “Why don’t you wait in the car while i get these checked out. I didn’t bring any spares with me so you’re just gonna have to wait until we get home for a change.” She said patting my loaded diaper butt. I nodded my understanding and counted my blessings that we were alone in the aisle. My mom handed me the car keys and I waddled towards the front door. When my hand touched the handle of the door the little hairs on the back of my neck stould up. I looked back at my mom as she got in line and for the first time noticed the mirrors that lined the back wall of the movie store. As what is probably an anti-theft deterrent you can see down every aisle if you simply look up and towards the back wall. Two aisles over from where my mother checked my dirty diaper Samantha Sims eyes met mine in the mirror.

Fuck fuck fuck. How much had she seen? Samantha Sims was only the prettiest and most popular girl in my class. I stewed in my filthy diaper the whole ride home and worried what horrible teasing Monday morning would bring. I didn’t think that i cared if anyone knew that i was incontinent and wore diapers because of it until now. I felt like i was gonna be sick.

Monday came and went without incident. Samantha hadn’t ever felt the need to talk to me before today and the fact that she saw my mommy checking my poopy diaper didn’t seem to have changed that. Or maybe she didn’t see anything i thought to myself. Wishfull thinking perhaps.

The next day i was walking through the halls on my way to my fifth period class. By this time I’d wet my diaper several times and i knew it was sagging and I’d need a change before i left the school. From somewhere behind me i hear, “Oh my god i can totally see it!” One girl in a large group of girls said to a chorus of giggles. I wanted to turn around to find out who said it and what they were seeing but i thought better of it. Do you really want to know? No. But at the same time i knew exactly what they must have seen. The gig is up.

Later on that day i walked into the boys bathroom to change when i saw a group of boys laughing and pushing each other basic jock ruff housing stuff. That is until i walked in and all that stopped. Feeling the tension in the air i tried to casually walk out. “Hey, what are you doing in here? Don’t you wear diapers?” The biggest D-bag of the bunch said while punching one of his buddies playfully. Not wanting to further my humiliation i decided to find another bathroom to change in. I could hear their laughter behind me as the door slowly closed behind me. Fuck um. Fuck um all.

After that incident i isolated myself from my classmates as sort of a shield from teasing. Clearly Samantha Sims had seen everything and had told some friends about it. Rumors spread like wildfire at Marshal Middle School. There was a weird sense of relief in knowing that everybody knew. The rabbit had jumped out of the hat and no matter how hard i tried, i knew there was no stuffing him back in again. The baggy pants and long tee shirts I’d been wearing in an attempt to conceal the bulge all of a sudden no longer seemed necessary. Whats the point when everybody knows? Will was still my homie and still eats lunch with me even though nobody else would dare. I get the occasional teasing but for the most part kids just see me as either a freak or one of the special needs kids. either way I’ve become more invisible to them then ever. Which is fine by me.
I never would have thought for a moment that i was popular anyways.

Six months later.

I had a poopy diaper at school today. This was far from the first time that had happened to me but this time it was a different experience because I didn’t even realize it was happening until there was a mess resting in the seat of my diaper. I felt my body involuntarily flex and another wave of soft mush join the poop that was already there and before i knew it I was done. Did i have control over that? The clear answer was no. No i did not. Not by a long shot. I just had my first true messy accident. I knew that I’d long ago lost my bladder control. The final nail in that coffin came a couple months ago when my mom was changing my diaper and in the brief moment of fresh air on my genitals with no padding under me i peed all over myself. My shirt got wet the carpet got wet it was a mess. My mom just laughed. ” you haven’t done that in a very long time.” She said smiling as she went to grab a towel.

Since I started having messy accidents and in an attempt to avoid teasing bastards my mom set it up with the school that i could come to the nurses station that has a bathroom door that locks and either change my own wet diaper there or if i pooped my pants Janet, the school nurse, would help me clean up and rediaper me. Janet for her part was very cool about it. She remembered me showing up in her office last year with dripping wet pants all of the time. Janet was also the first person who recommended that i should be wearing protection in the first place. So when at the beginning of this school year she was asked to help me with my diapers I’m sure it didn’t catch her by surprise. Perhaps she even expected it. As it turned out i am not the only person whose diapers she changes at this school. I found this out by snooping around in the her cabinets one day when she was out of the office. I found other larger sized diapers and kids pull-ups both for girls and for boys that didn’t belong to me. Probably some of the younger classmen wore them. It still made me feel good to know that i wasn’t completely alone in my condition.

As soon I walked into Janets office she would make small talk and ask how my day was going but i knew that she was trying to tell if she would need to help me out or not. When inevitably her nose picked up the scent she would tell me that everything was gonna be okay while she dug through her desk for a pair of white medical gloves. Having done this dance many times before I laid down on the bed, pulled down my pants and after she snapped on the gloves and gathered my changing supplies she changed my dirty diaper. She wasn’t as gentle as my mother but she was kind in her own way. We have this tradition that after a really messy diaper change she would give me a candy from a hidden drawer in the bottom of her desk as a way of peping me up and it worked like a charm every darn time.

Last Saturday i was waiting in line at McDonald’s to grab some lunch. I was wearing a pair of white shorts and a Metallica tee shirt. In retrospect i realize now that my diaper bulge must have been quite noticable.

A little girl and her mother had gotten in line behind me. The little girl couldn’t have been any older than five or maybe six and came up to my waist. From behind me i hear the girl ask her mother quite loudly. “Mommy, why is that boy wearing a diaper.” I turn around to see the girl pointing at my bottom. The mother quickly told the girl to hush up and that it was none of her business. At first i ignored them and ordered my food. The more I thought about it the more it bugged me. While we were both hanging back waiting for our food i noticed that the girls eyes were fixated on me. ” Hi, what’s your name?” i asked her. “Sarah” she replied shyly. “Sarah, you know you are right, i am wearing a diaper. I wear diapers because i have a medical condition that means i can’t tell when i need to go to the bathroom ” “Really” she asked “really.” I replied. At this point the mother chimed in “I’m so sorry for my daughters rude remark.” “It’s nothing to be sorry about ma’am. I completely understand. Kids at that age are full of questions.” I said with a smile. I took my drink cup off of the counter and walked casually towards the fountain drink dispenser to get my soda and I thoroughly enjoyed my lunch when my number was called.

Once i got home for the evening i decided to do something that I’d been thinking that i should do for a couple of months now. I wanted to respond to the kid whose thread got me thinking about wearing diapers again and today i finally got the nerve to do just that. Here is what i said.

RE: How do i get my parents to put me back into diapers?

I realize that this thread hasn’t been updated in over a year and the OP is probably long gone but i thought i should share my story here anyways because in a lot of ways right here is where it all started for me.

Having taken the advice from diapered1964 and beentheredonethat
I started out by wetting my bed. Then after three months of gradually wetting more and more until it became every night i began having daytime accidents too. Just like beentheredonethat and diapered1964 said my mom bought me pull-ups to wear and took me to doctors and therapists to try and fix me.

After a couple more months with zero improvement and a lot more wet clothes to be washed caused by leaking flooded pull-ups my mother broke down and put me back in diapers full time. A few months on down the road i began having messy accidents as well. I now wear and use diapers 24/7.

Over time I have learned to love and except myself for who i am. I got what i wanted. It was harder than i thought it would be that’s for darn sure. There were a lot of times when i questioned whether or not i should just give up. Admit that the whole thing had been a clever ruse. But there is a point that i crossed where simple turning around and going back wasn’t an option. I’d gone through to much to simply walk away from my actions and act like they never happened. There have been some unintended consequences that i didn’t really think through all the way when i started. I am now truly incontinent. Making me an honest liar. If that makes any sense. My relationship with my mother suffered in the beginning. During the first six month or so all those wet clothes and sheets I’m sure were hard on my mother and a burden for her to deal with. I am also sure that she didn’t relish the thought of changing her teenage sons diapers again. I do carry some guilt over that. Over time though i think her outlook on my condition has evolved. I was getting older, more in dependant and frankly closer to adulthood and leaving her. All of that changed the second i needed her to change my diapers. It gave her someone to take care of and well moms need that. At least my mom does. Our bond has become so much stronger now that she takes care of my every need. She seems happier than at any time that i can recall. I am also happy with how things have turned out for me and i look forward to tomorrow and what that will bring.

So if anyone out there wants what i wanted and what the OP wanted. Go for it. Dreams can come true.

The end.