My Diapered Life Begins Again Part 1

I was potty trained at the very early age of fifteen months old by my very strict mother that did not like changing diapers all the time. The problem was I still wet my bed every single night making her very mad. She would tell me I was a big boy now and should not pee the bed like a baby. Only diaper babies pee their bed you suppose to be a big boy now.

I was not even eighteen months old and getting yelled at by my mom for wetting my bed. I really want to please her but I just could not stop my bed wetting. She would yell at me every morning and all I could do was cry. She told me I was sleeping in a big boy bed acting like a baby not a big boy.

My little mind wanted to do what she wanted to please her. No matter how hard I tried to not pee in my sleep I did. I could not figure out why I was still wetting in my sleep. I just could not stop it because I was asleep and did not wake up when I needed to go.

Mom would be so mad every morning when she found me lying in my wet bed causing her so much work. She had to give me a bath and wash my sheets and pajamas. She finely gave up trying to get me to stop my nighttime wetting. She already had a plastic sheet on my bed but now she started putting me in a night diaper calling me her little baby boy. Even before I was two years old I knew how much she did not like me wearing diapers causing her more work.

I was diapered by my mom until I turned six then my mom was expecting a baby. She took me to the doctor’s office to see why I still wet my bed every night and have so many daytime pants wetting accidents. She told the doctor she did not want to have two babies in diapers. He told her after many tests my only problem was I had a very small bladder. He said I have not learned to hold my potty needs long enough to make it to the potty in time. He said it happens sometimes to little ones that have been potty trained far too early. That is the main reason he can not hold his pee long enough to make it through the night or wake up and go to the potty in time. His daytime accidents are due to his small bladder too.

My brother Billy was born soon after my doctor’s visit and mom taught me to night diaper myself and change my own wet pants when I had an accident. Mom told me I was old enough to take care of my wetting problem.

When I ran out of my large supply of size 4 diapers mom bought me a very large supply of Pull-ups just for me. She told me these are for big boys like me that still pee in their bed. I lost my diapers and mom no longer changed my accidents for me from that point. I had to clean up my own messes. I was sad the Pull-ups were thinner and not as good feeling as the baby diapers. Mom told me I was not aloud to wear diapers any more they are for real babies only.

I would watch mom change my brother wishing I could trade places with him. He got to wear diapers all the time and use them too. He did not have to worry about going to the potty he was so lucky. Mom would lovingly change him like she use to do to me years ago. I really do miss mom changing my diaper changes. I have forgotten what it feels like to wet and mess in a diaper.

But I knew from my potty training experience that mom would spank big boys that wet or messed in their pants, mom’s spankings really hurt. I have not messed or wet in my pants sense I was sixteen or seventeen months old. That is when I got my butt spanked for a messy potty accident.

Then it was two and a half years sense Billy was born I could not figure out why mom has not been potty training my brother like she did me. He gets to sleep in a crib and suck a bottle and wear diapers and all kinds of baby things I remember mom taking away from me long before I was two years old.

When I asked why I did not get to wear diapers she told me I was a big boy not a baby. I was eight and a half and he was two and a half Billy is still a baby. I ask why she was not potty training Billy. She told me Billy was still a baby and babies need their diapers. She told me I was a big boy shouldn’t be talking about wanting diapers and baby things that was the end that.

After she told me that I tried wetting my pants once to see if she would let me wear a diaper all that got me was a spanking. After my spanking I had to get everything cleaned up that I peed on and wash my own clothes out by hand then put on clean dry UNDERWEAR not diapers like I wanted.



My Diapered Life Begins Again Part 3

Now two and a half years later Timmy is almost three and Billy is almost six and I had just had my twelfth birthday a few weeks ago. I was finely old enough to stay at home alone when mom was out doing things or going to work for the day. Now when mom left the house to run errands my brothers had to go with her or to a babysitter or daycare. I did not like going to the daycare or the babysitter’s because there was nothing to do for an older kid like me to do. If I played with the little kids at their level mom would spank me, I had to be a big boy never a little boy.

Sense I turned twelve my mom has left me home alone a few times for as much as three hours. I was still afraid to play with the diapers because there was not enough time do it. I could play with the little toys and did as much as I could get away with it.

Sense I was good at diaper changes I was doing most of my brother’s diaper changes even the few messy diapers that Timmy still had. I cleaned up most all the messes around the house putting away the toys all the things my baby brothers’ did. If I were a baby I could be having fun making the messes and playing with all the toys too.

NOW that I am twelve while mom was out of the house going to work my two brothers Billy and Timmy had to go to daycare or. Billy was age five almost six and Timmy will be three soon. Mom didn’t want me to be responsible for them it was hard enough for her to keep them safe she didn’t think I could handle them.

I was very good at changing all of Timmy’s diapers and caring for Billy making sure he went to the potty. I could fix food for them and every thing. Billy was now potty trained if he is reminded. He still needs diapers only when he sleeps at night or if he takes a nap. Mom did not want to leave me home alone with my baby brothers all day long. What if one of them got into something and got hurt? She knew I was good at playing with them caring for their needs. I was not so good at keeping them out of stuff that could hurt them.

Even though Timmy was almost three he was still using diapers fulltime more like a normal two-year-old baby. Billy wore the same diapers as Timmy for his bedwetting. For my bedwetting I was aloud to wear my big boy Pull-ups not the diapers, diapers are for babies is what mom told me.

I knew from the burning spanking I gotten over the years mom did not like the idea of her big boy wearing his protection during the day. Diapers were normal at my house for someone under six years of age or younger. There were diapers all over the place in their bedroom, bathroom, playroom, but not in my room.

Mom did not even like to seeing me wear Pull-ups at night let alone during the day. She would scold me every night while she watched me put on my Pull-up and pajamas on. She would say Pull-ups are for babies and I am twelve years old the biggest baby she knows. I wanted to ask sense she thinks I am a baby let me wear diapers like the baby, but I was afraid to do that. Mom had strict rules about bedwetting every bed wetter in her house had to wear what she called AGE appropriate protection.

That meant age seven and under needs to wear baby diapers. Over age seven the wetter needs Pull-ups NOT diapers. Sense both my brother’s were under age seven they were aloud to wear baby diapers. The other rule of moms was if you need to wear a diaper at night you need to sleep in a crib like the baby you are acting like. My brothers both slept in cribs that my dad had built before he died. The cribs use a twin sized mattress so they would be big enough for even an adult. Mom said cribs were age appropriate for a younger bed wetting baby. The way dad built the cribs made it easier to clean too. She said age eight and over needs to learn to clean-up their own mess and sleep in a big boy bed.

Part 4

Last month mom started telling me what a baby I was every evening and morning. All because I would wake up very wet every morning. She would say Donny you have never had a dry night in your life. She would tell me I should be sleeping in a crib just like your baby brothers. She would tell me if dad was still around he would have built me a crib six years ago. I could not tell her I secretly wanted a crib. If I did that she would spank me again. I was afraid of what mom would do if she found out about my baby desires.
She would tell me my baby brothers are starting to stay dry more and more at night. She told me even Timmy wets his bed no more than once a week. She told me it is getting hard to tell. Who is the real baby me or Timmy. She said when we go on long trips you need the potty three or four times more than both of them put together.
She told me Bill has been dry for over two and a half weeks and he will be out of his night diapers in two days, if he stays dry. She ask me sense I have been in charge of changing Timmy’s diapers how many wet nights has Timmy had this week. I hung my head and said he wet his last week I think. She said he is getting good at staying dry during the day too. Daycare has asked me to start using Pull-ups on him like a big boy. Maybe we will let him wear big boy underwear in a few weeks after he gets potty trained like a big boy should.
Mom said she would allow me to keep wearing Pull-ups. Because it helps me keep my big boy bed dry most of the time. From the way it looks the diaper pail will end up in this room were it belongs for my wet Pull-ups. She said I have more wet clothes than both of my brothers do.
I lied down in my bed to hear the loud noisy crinkly plastic sheet under my cloth sheet it was there to protect the mattress. Because I have started to wet so much my Pull-ups leaked on the sheets. Now the sheets would suffer additional wettings and washings and wear out sooner. Wearing the Pull-ups were helping less and less to keep my bed dry. But the smell of wet Pull-ups was in one area of the house my brother’s nursery room. For the most part the Pull-ups helped keep my sheets from a total soaking.
Now that the Pull-ups have started leaking onto my sheets every night I have a problem. When the Pull-ups leak I had to wash my own sheets, blanket, and pajamas. It was my problem so it was my job to clean up my own messes.
I did have a problem now. I loved wearing my Pull-ups wishing for them to be real diapers. Sense I was not aloud to wear a diaper. Now that the Pull-ups are leaking every night I was washing my sheets and stuff every morning. I really did not want to have to wash everything, every morning. I might as well were underwear if my Pull-ups keep leaking. What am I going to do I was afraid mom was going to take my protection away and make me sleep in underwear like I did when I ran out of Pull-ups.
When I did that I was soaked from my knees to my head even my pillow suffered. I really wanted to try something new like Billy and Timmy’s baby diapers they would work better than the toddler Pull-ups. I figured they would not leak as bad. I was getting confused on what I could do I really do needed diapers but was afraid to ask mom to wear them.
I did not want mom to spank me for asking for the diapers again. I had to keep my desire secret. I wanted to wear diapers so badly. I have really wanted to wear real baby diapers again sense Billy was born. I have been afraid of another spanking sense I was caught the first time wearing a Pull-up when I was six. I knew if mom caught me trying one of my brother’s baby diapers on she would blister my bottom. I still remember when she spanked me when she caught me wearing my Pull-ups during the daytime wetting problem.
Six months ago mom told me to make things easier Billy and Timmy both are wearing size six diapers. These diapers I know were my size sense the size five would fit me. I knew that they would fit me even better because my Pull-ups I wore at night were for a kid smaller than the diapers were for.
I remember it was a full year after Timmy was bourn that I was aloud to change both of my brother’s diapers. Billy was starting to get the hang of using the potty during the day but still need diapered at night. After many diaper changes I was a pro at doing it. Billy was quickly out of diapers during the day and Timmy was the only one wearing them full time.
Now Billy is learning to change diapers too and was staring to put his own diaper on at night. I new I could put a diaper on myself it would be easy Billy was diapering his self why couldn’t I.
Summer was coming I could barely contain myself. The only thing that stopped me right there was the fear of getting caught by mom. Dreaming about it was all I could do for now. I never wanted to take a chance at getting caught before now. Now I will be home alone mom will be at work for at least nine hours. That was plenty of time to wear a diaper and not get caught. No one would see me doing it I could have fun.
Wearing my Pull-ups has been fun but I still want to wear real baby diapers. The more I thought about it the more excited I got. Billy and Timmy always go to bed an hour before me. Mom always watches me put my Pull-up on before getting dressed for bed making sure I was wearing a dry Pull-up. It made me feel a little infantile but I like it. I always made out like I did not like it but it felt good.
The only reason I wear Pull-ups not Good-Nites is the cost the Good-Nites cost 20 cents each more. The Good-Nites fit about the same as Pull-ups do but they held less pee than the Pull-ups. The Good-Nites looked more like big boy underwear than the toddler looks of the Pull-ups. The infantile look did not bother mom or me either. I was wearing them under my pajamas and put them on just before getting onto my bed. Mom and I were the only ones that would know, not even my brothers knew I still wet my bed every night.
Now that I was going to be home alone, things were going to be different. I was going to have the whole house to my self now. No going to school because it is out for the summer. I was excited about what I could do when mom and my brother were gone. I had everything planned out. I did not sleep very much that first night thinking of what I could be doing all day long.
Morning came quickly and my mom woke me up the same time as usual. Today I did not have to get dressed right away. When mom left the room I pulled my pajamas down to my knees and quickly tore the sides of my wet Pull-up and removed it. Then I pulled my pajamas back up and went to my brother’s room. I quickly tossed my bloated Pull-up in my brother’s diaper pail next to his crib. My Pull-up held all my pee and did not leak.
Mom had followed me to their room from her room like we did every morning. We had a routine we did every morning. I would go to Timmy’s crib to change him if he needed changed. This morning I found him crying. I knew he had a diaper full of poop I could smell it. Timmy was crying that he couldn’t stop it. He said whimpering that he wants to be a big boy not a baby. This is his first messy night diaper in many months I told him it was Ok. I told him that is what his diapers are for little mistakes like this. I told him it was just a little accident that even big boys like me have accidents.
I tried to give him his pacifier but he refused it saying he wants to be a big boy. I put the pacifier on the shelf over the changing table. Timmy was now standing in his crib with tears rolling down his face. I told him it would be OK in a few minutes and no one will ever know he did it in his pants like a baby.
I was used to messes in diapers after four or five years of changing both my brother’s diapers had me immune to the smell. Billy had stopped messing in his diaper two years or so ago. Timmy was the only one still messing his diaper. For the last few months or more Timmy has not been messing that much.
I told him after I get him cleaned up he can sit on his potty and try to be a big boy. I was not big or strong enough to pick my brother up and put them on the changing table. If he had just wet I could have changed his diaper while he stood in his crib. I was twelve but my size was that of a skinny seven or eight year old. I wore size 8 small underwear and pants and size 12 tee shirts. I was 56″ tall and weighed almost 64 pounds. Timmy weighed 40 pounds and far too heavy for me to carry and pickup.
I asked mom to put Timmy on the changing table. So I could change his poopy diaper. Mom quickly strapped Timmy on the changing table and I went to work on changing Timmy while mom went back to helping Billy change out of his dry night diaper.
Mom only needed to supervise Billy he could do most of the job sense he was dry again this morning. She watched him pull his pajamas off then he pulled the tapes off his dry diaper. He quickly pulled on his own big boy underwear.
I heard mom tell Billy this makes nineteen dry nights in a row for you Billy. Looks like you will be a big boy and not need those baby diapers. She told him to put a star on his chart. I looked at his bedwetting chard with no wet marks on it. Mom had given up on my bedwetting years ago so I did not need a bedwetting chart she knew mine was always WET. I remember her telling me I have never had a day night in my life so why even try keeping a chart it would be full of big “W’s”.
Wetting the bedwetting did not bother me because I liked diapers. That’s why it was no big deal for me to be changing Timmy’s messy diaper I have doing it all of Timmy’s life. This morning I found that Timmy had just messed a little dap of poop and no pee. I had him cleaned up in just a few minutes ready for a clean diaper. I was wondering what a large load of poop would feel in a diaper if I had one on. Timmy asked me if he could go potty but I was dreaming about wearing a diaper and did not hear him he asked his question. Then he asked again louder as I put his diaper under his bottom bringing me back out of my daydream. I asked mom to lift him off the table he thinks he is a big boy using the potty.
I watched Timmy walk to the step stool in his bathroom next to his room. Then I heard him let a very long stream of pee out he must have peed a gallon. Then he giggled after he farted. He asked me for a baby wipe a few seconds later. I watched him wiped his own butt. He stood up naked and said he was a big boy now. Mom put him back on the changing table and I had just finished taping a clean dry diaper on him.
Billy was finished dressing himself. Mom told me to take Billy to eat breakfast while she helps Timmy get ready for daycare. As I left the room I saw mom ripping off the diaper I had just put on Timmy thinking he must have wet his diaper already.
Billy and I were eating our cereal when mom and Timmy came in the kitchen smiling saying me going to be a big boy now. Mom sat Timmy in his highchair dressed just like Billy and put the tray in front of him. Mom told me Timmy is wearing Pull-ups today sense he did a big pee pee and poop in the potty like a big boy. We all ate our breakfast and when everyone was finished mom told me the chores I needed to do today. She told me to do the dishes, clean up the kitchen and dump the stinky diaper pail. She told me that those were my daily jobs every day.
She told me to be good and not go anywhere or do dangerous things, most of all stay in the yard. We lived out in the country far away from other houses there was no place for me to go anyway. I watched them drive away down the dusty country road.
I went back to the house and did the dishes and put them away. Then went to my room to take a shower and get some clothes on.
After my shower I dried off and started to get dressed. I had my underwear in my hand as I looked across the hall into my brother’s room from my room. I saw the corner of the changing table inviting me to come over. I walked across the hall into their bedroom naked. I could hear all the diapers calling my name. My heart started pounding as I picked up the diaper I was going to put on Timmy. It looked bigger than before with me being naked I started to get a chill. Both my brothers wore size 6 diapers and there were at least twenty of them all around their room.
I rubbed my hand over the soft thick padding of the diaper thinking the padding was much thicker than I realized. The smell of baby powder was faint I was getting nervous. I was about to do something that I was afraid someone was watching me. The more I looked at all the diapers and smelled the sweet smell of the lotions and powder the more I thought. I did not know for sure if these baby diapers would even fit me after all they were for babies not big boys like me.
Then my hands started shaking a little as I looked around the room I did not know if I wanted to do this or not. I have been dreaming about wearing them all my life. Now is my chance no one is around for hours it would be my secret there was no one here to see me. It was either I do it now or never.
I cautiously stepped up on the stool I use to stand on to do Timmy’s diaper changes. I put the diaper on the shelf over the changing table. Then I quickly climbed all the way onto the soft padded table. The plastic changing mat was cool at first on my naked body but it quickly warmed up. I thought to myself as I lay there looking and the ceiling I can still stop and not do it. I lay there for a long time until I started to get a chill. I was lying on the changing table that Timmy was on just a few minutes ago with a messy diaper. The smell of his poop was faint coming out of the diaper pail mixed with my wet Pull-up.
Then I took a deep breath and I grabbed the baby powder and powdered my crotch. The smell of baby powder was now overpowering the poop smell it was relaxing and calming. I slowly rose up to grab for the diaper from the shelf above me. When I pulled on the diaper I was surprised by the pacifier I had put there earlier. The pacifier fell into my face and landed next to my shoulder.
Without even thinking I picked it up and put the pacifier into my mouth. Timmy has not used a pacifier in many months but sometime Billy does when he sleeps. The reason we had pacifiers in the house is mom had a rule about crying if you cry you need a pacifier no matter your age. If Timmy or Billy cries mom makes them keep a pacifier in their mouth for an hour or longer. My hands were shaking my heart was pounding I was sucking hard on the pacifier. I was getting scared and excited all at the same time. I almost climbed off the table to forget about doing this.
Sucking the pacifier and smelling the baby powder staring at the ceiling finely calmed me down enough to go through with it. I had a real baby diaper in my hand already for me to wear. Without thinking more about it I quickly lifted my bottom off the changing mat and slid the diaper in place under my bottom.
My heart was still racing a mile a minute it was almost ready to jump out of my chest as I slowly let my bottom all the way on the soft padding of the thick diaper. My whole body was shaking as I pulled the diaper snuggly up between my legs.
Suddenly I started peeing I quickly pulled the front of the diaper up to catch most of the pee and held it there until I was able to stop peeing. I did what Timmy use to do when he was a one year old. He would pee when I changed his diaper.
I was lying on the changing table with pee all over. I was wet now just like Timmy would be when it happened. I had to use a baby wipe to wipe pee from my chest. I remove the diaper I have not even taped in place in place and I pee in it. I pulled the wet diaper out from under me and put it beside me so I could toss it in the pail. I climbed off the table and cleaned up the mess and put the wet diaper in the diaper pail. The changing table was ready for me again.
This time I got on the table powdered my crotch and quickly put another diaper on finely getting this one taped on. I was finely calm down feel great. I had stopped shaking after I wet all over the place I needed the diaper now.
Lying on the table relaxing for the first thing I realized this baby diaper was about two or three times thicker than the Pull-ups I have been wearing at night. I knew if I wore a diaper at night they would never leak.
I was no longer nervous I have my first baby diaper properly taped on, I was happy now. I just lay there on the changing table smiling and sucking the pacifier feeling the thickness between my legs. I was in heaven finely my dream has came true I was wearing my first diaper that I could remember. I slowly got off the table and walked around the house wearing only the diaper proud of myself for what I have finely done.
I walked passed a mirror to see what I looked like. When I saw my reflection I was surprised I look almost like a real baby except taller and longer legged. Wearing only a diaper and still sucking the pacifier made the reflection even more like a baby. The more I looked at my self the more I looked like a real baby. Sense I did look like a big baby I was happy.
I went to the playroom feeling more like a real baby must feel for the first time that I could remember. I was walking on air. I wanted to get started playing. I was so happy that I did not know what to do first there were so many things I wanted to play with. Things I always wanted to do but was not aloud to even try with someone around that would tease me or yell at me.
I was playing with some of Timmy’s plastic trucks and cars when my morning need to poop came. I was not sure I want to go this far and poop in my diaper. I did want to wet my diaper because I wet in Pull-ups every night why not wet in a diaper too. I was thinking wetting in a diaper would be fun, pooping in one was a big thing. Timmy has been using the potty for all of his poops for months now. Pee was harder for him that is why he was wearing diapers until today.
From what mom has said he would soon be fully potty and no longer need diapers. Then the diapers would be gone from the house for good. Because Timmy has not wet his night diaper in many months he would go to sleeping in a big boy bed with Billy. Billy was getting his bedwetting under control so soon all the diapers would be gone. She said in a few days or a week at most there would be no more diapers in the house, except my night Pull-ups. She said the diaper pail will be moved in my room then where it belongs.
Wearing a diaper is one thing but using it for poop was quite another. I decided to hold my poop until I could not hold it longer just like Timmy does. Then I could run to the potty a use the toilet like a big boy should. I have watched Timmy do it many time because he has started to find someone and say me got to go poop.
I knew for the last two weeks there has been only one poopy diaper in the diaper pail that one is from this morning. When he asked for the potty someone would take him to his potty. He would sometimes say hurry me got to go. They would watch him pull down his pants so they could remove his diaper for him so he could go poop or pee in the potty. He has not had poopy in his diaper in many months except this morning that is why he was crying. Peeing in his diaper was a lot harder for him to stop that’s why he needs diapers during the day most of the time some times. For three days he has made it to the potty in time every time.
Today is his first day wearing a Pull-up. I think I will try it use the potty Timmy’s way and make it a last minute need to see I can do it better than Timmy.
I kept play thinking of what it would feel like wetting in my diaper for the first time. I have always been asleep when I wet and never felt my Pull-up getting wet. I knew wetting in a diaper is infantile but so is bed wetting. Now I was going to be doing it awake for the first time. The changing table real accident was not the same it was an accident. Plus I did not have the diaper taped all the way on.
At night it was no big deal for me to do it in a Pull-up asleep, now I was going to do it awake wearing a real baby diaper.
I was pushing a plastic car around the room when suddenly it happened. After holding it for ten minutes I noticed my diaper got warm giving me a wonderful feeling that I have never felt before. I had always been asleep when this happened. This feels good to me it was a very pleasant surprise to me. A few minutes after my initial wetting my diaper I did not even feel damp I could not even tell I had wet.
If it were not for the warm blob I could feel when I moved around I would have forgotten what my diaper was wet. I thought I had wet a very large amount of pee. But when I stuck my finger in the top of my diaper to see how much I wet. I found my diaper only damp as I checked it again. My diaper was not half as wet as Timmy’s would have been in two hours. If Timmy was wearing this I would not even think of changing it. This diaper was only damp I could wait until later. I was surprised that this diaper held that much pee.
I was so excited I did not know what to do next. I looked over at the playpen thinking I could start playing in there. Before I did that I went to the kitchen and fix a baby bottle for me to drink because I was thirsty. The bottle was hard to find it was in the back of the cabinet sense Timmy has not taken a bottle in months. When I returned to the playroom I opened the gate and went into Timmy’s playpen. I wanted to start sucking the bottle but I still had the pacifier in my mouth so I removed it and started sucking the bottle. I was sitting in the playpen just looking around to see everything I could play with. When I finished the bottle I was still thirsty so I put my pacifier back into my mouth and went to the gate. The gate was latched closed and I could not open it from inside the playpen. I had to climb out of the playpen before I could go get another bottle.
I ran to the kitchen and filled the second bottle with milk. I waddled to my brother’s room sucking the pacifier carrying the bottle. I climbed into Billy’s crib through the open gate. The gate had a spring closer that closed the gate behind me. I quickly lay down for a quick nap.
I wanted to start sucking the bottle again but and found my mouth was still occupied with the pacifier. I had to fix this so I reached over to the dresser and grabbed a pacifier keeper and snapped it to my tee shirt and put the pacifier on the keeper. Now when I change to sucking a bottle I would not loose track of my pacifier. I lay back down in the crib and replaced the pacifier with the bottle and started sucking the bottle. I was asleep within minutes because I had not gotten very little sleep last night and I was tired.
I was awakened two hours later with the very bad and urgent need to poop. I jumped up and get out of the crib. I did not know the release to the gate was out of reach of the crib occupant so climbing was the only way out. I was so much in a hurry to get to the potty I was not concentrating on my need to hold my poop. I danced around in the crib for a few seconds trying to think of a way out.
All I knew was I needed to get to the toilet I quickly raised my leg to climb out of the crib when I did my poop sort of jumped out of my butt. I did not want to poop in my wet diaper but I could not stop it. I suddenly had a real major potty accident in my diaper. It felt like Timmy must have felt this morning when he could not get out of his crib and he had to poop in his diaper. No wonder he was crying this is how he must have felt. I am a big boy that is potty trained. I just had my first poopy accident that I can remember.
I stood in the crib feeling poop sagging into my wet diaper as it spread around in my wet diaper. I started whimpering as the smell spread up to my nose. Tears started rolling down my face. I could not stop more poop from coming out it was a real accident. I had just poop in my pants like real baby.
Now I know what Timmy went through this morning he really did not want to put poop in his diaper he wanted to be a big boy put poop in the potty not into his dry diaper. When I found him with the small mess I thought he was not trying hard enough to hold it. I thought he need try harder. I am a big boy I thought I could hold my poop for ever.
I know now what Timmy felt and why he was crying when I went to him this morning. I did try to consol him but I just went through the motions of getting him cleaned up. I thought to myself he might have poop on purpose or he did not try hard enough that’s why he sometimes doesn’t make it to the potty.
I knew I was trying as hard as I could not to poop in my diaper but it happened anyway. I found myself standing in the crib crying through my pacifier almost ready to bust out with a real cry. I know now what Timmy went through when he had his accident. I will have to be more thoughtful to him when he says he needs to go poop or he does not make it in time.
I held to the top railing of the crib looking around the room whimpering thinking now I had to climb over the top rail and not have poop smashed all over my butt big time. I know from cleaning my brothers messy butts up I was going to have a big job the way it feels moving around in my diaper.
I stood for a ten minutes crying loudly like a real baby with tears rolling down my face. I wanted to tell mommy I needed changed that I didn’t mean to do it. But mommy was not here. I grabbed the pacifier that fell when I started crying loudly it was hanging on its keeper. I started sucking it hard as I was trying to think of a way to get out of the crib without smashing my poop all over my butt.
I got tired of standing and sat down smashing the poop between my legs and up my back of my bottom. It felt like I had ten pounds of poop in my wet diaper. After sitting in the crib for ten minutes I no longer smelled the poop very much and it felt sort of good. I could not believe how great poop felt as I started bouncing my bottom on the mattress a little.
I knew I had to do the climb of the crib soon but the poop felt warm and nice as it smashed around in my diaper. I started thinking I could stay here in Billy’s crib until mom came home. I know she would help me get out of the crib and change my wet and messy diaper for me. After that she would beat my butt until it was on fire. I carefully went to the corner of the crib and climbed over the top rail trying not to smash the poop more than I had already smashed it. I carefully waddled to my bathroom feeling the poop sagging in my diaper. My wet messy diaper was sagging lower with every step I took.
I stepped into the bathtub and pulled the tapes open to remove the messy wet diaper. I found I had far less poop and pee in my diaper than Timmy’s small messes were. I have never had poop in my pants and just a little felt like a massive load. I thought I would need another shower to get a big mess cleaned up. To my surprise it took just a couple of baby wipes and I was all clean. I knew I could do my diaper changes on the changing table from now on.
I happily rolled up the wet and messy diaper with the two used baby wipes and took them proudly back to my brother’s room and dropped them into the pail. I climbed onto the changing table grabbed a diaper from the shelf and quickly powdered my crotch and tapped a clean dry diaper myself on lying on the changing table.
When I finished taping my diaper on I lay there on the table thinking to myself that messing in a diaper was not as bad as I thought it would be. Messy diapers would be fun to do every day. I climbed off the table and grabbed the empty bottle from the crib and waddled to the kitchen feeling my dry diaper bounce on my bottom.
I quickly washed it out the bottle and refilled it. Then I got a hotdog and put it in the microwave and opened a can of soup. While the soup was in the microwave heating I pulled the highchair next to the counter where my hotdog was sitting waiting on my soup. The microwave finished my soup and I place the soup next to my hotdog. I climbed into the highchair fastened the seat belt pulled the tray in front of me. I reached over to the counter and put my food on the tray in front of me. I began to eat my lunch sitting in the highchair. This was cool I did not need to get up and get anything because everything was in front of me.
I was halfway finished eating when I needed to pee again without thinking I let it out into my diaper. Wearing a diaper has its advantages I thought no more running to the potty every time in need to go. My diaper got a nice warm feeling again as I smiled. My first day home alone I used three diapers wetting in them and pooping in one. I know that I could have fun the rest of the summer playing like a baby.
I cleaned up my lunch dishes including my bottle that I put it back where I found it. Then I played for another three hours wetting when the need happened to come to me I lost count. I figured why not I was wearing a diaper I looked at the clock and knew I needed to get changed into my big boy underwear. After I was dressed in big boy clothes I emptied the diaper pail like mom told me to do. I went around the house making sure everything was back in its proper place.
When mom and my brothers came home they did not know what I did all day. Mom asked me what I did all day I told her I played outside a little and some with the Lego’s just what ever I could find. Mom told me the house looks good and I did everything she told me to do. She told me tomorrow I would have to cut the grass and keep the house clean like it is now.
The next morning when I woke up I left my wet Pull-up on while I did my morning chores I helped Timmy out of his crib and he ran to his. Then I handed him his Pull-up to put on. Both my brothers wear going to be out of diapers in a few days so I need to play baby as much as I could until the diaper were gone.
When mom and my brothers left the house I ran to their room and changed my wet Pull-up for my dry diaper. I put on a tee shirt that hid half of my diaper. I put on my shoes then went outside and started cutting the small yard we had in the front and side yards.
I cut our grass wearing a tee shirt, diaper and shoes. We live at the end of a dead end gravel road so I had no worry about getting seen by someone. If I did hear someone I could get to the house before being seen wearing my diapers.
While I cut the grass I had my morning poop and wet my diaper. I did not have to stop to run to the bathroom I was outside where I could not smell it. By the time I was finished cutting all the grass I was thirsty. It took me less than an hour to do the grass. I walked into the house to get the bottle ready for me to drink. When I put the bottle to my mouth I realize I was still sucking the pacifier. I had cut the grass sucking a pacifier. I had to be careful sucking the pacifier so much it has become a habit. I don’t realize I am sucking it because it is normal to have it in my mouth. I really did not want to get caught doing a baby thing like sucking a pacifier. The pacifier is relaxing and made me feel secure. I removed my shoes and tee shirt now I was dressed in just my diaper ready for playtime. I took my bottle and waddled to the playroom.
First thing that caught my attention was the spring horse. I have not been aloud to ride him in years only because mom thought I was way too old not my size. I decided I could ride him now that no one was around to tell on me. Mom always said that it was for little boys and babies not big boys like me. I sat down sucking my bottle then realized I had forgotten to change my messy diaper. Poop smashed all over the place in my diaper.
The poop felt real good as I continued to ride him sucking my bottle feeling the poop smash with every bounce. It felt real good. I was smiling and sucking the bottle feeling great. Not a worry in the world thinking. Why would a baby give this up? About a half hour of bouncing I realized I was sucking a dry bottle and smelling my poopy diaper.
I looked down to check my diaper to find poop was leaking all over the place. So I climbed off the horse and waddled to the bathroom to remove my leaking diaper. I was standing in the tub as I untapped the mess. I rolled the mess up like mom would do when Timmy was really messy. I put the messy diaper in one of the little bags mom kept in the bathroom for this reason. Timmy used to have lots of very messy diapers. Mom had things set up for his messes she would always change his leaking diapers while he stood in the tub. She could use the shower wand to clean his bottom and dry him. Then she would take him to the changing table for his new diaper.
I took a quick shower dried my self off and went to the changing table. I powdered my crotch and grabbed a diaper I had it in place in seconds. I was getting good at changing my own diaper. I was now wearing a clean dry diaper again ready to play in less than ten minutes from wet messy diaper to clean dry diaper.
I went back to the playroom and stared to play but I still smelled poop somewhere. I looked around I had to find out where it was coming from. I looked at the horse there was poop on the seat and on the floor. I had to get the horse cleaned up and floor where my diaper leaked on the way to my bathroom.
I had to clean up the horse and floor I had left a trail of poop drops from the horse to the bathroom. When I finished the clean up I washed my hands and was feeling hungry I had to eat lunch first. I went to the kitchen and fixed my lunch and ate in the highchair like I did yesterday except this time I was wearing a bib that was on the tray left from Timmy’s breakfast.
I was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chicken noodle soup. I thought I was eating neatly until I got out of the highchair. I started to leave the kitchen and realize I was still wearing the bib. I removed the bib to see jelly and a noodle on it. I looked at the tray it to had jelly and soup on it. I must be a messy eater with this much mess. I cleaned up the mess grabbed my pacifier and went to play. I put the bib in the washer along with my bed sheets and stared it.
As I walked down the hallway I felt my diaper was sagging but I don’t remember wetting in it. I quickly stuck my finger into my diaper like I did for Timmy when I checked his diaper. To my surprise I found my diaper was in deed wet. I was surprised to find that it was actually soaked. I really didn’t care it was just one of those things that happens I must have just forgotten that I did it on purpose earlier. There was nothing I could do about it now I thought, it was playtime.
I started play with the toddler toys having more fun than I can remember. I was playing with my brothers Thomas train set for what I thought was a short time. I looked up to see I had less than an hour to get cleaned up because mom would be home. I ran to the changing table and removed my bloated diaper and put it in the diaper pail. I quickly ran to take a quick shower and get dressed in big boy clothes in record time. I ran around the house checking the house make sure there was nothing out of place. I emptied the diaper pail with three diapers in it the one I pooped in and one I peed in and my nighttime Pull-up. I did not want mom to see the used diapers because Timmy and Billy have not used any. The only diapers in it were mine.
A few minutes after I put the diaper pail back in place I went to get a drink. My mom and brothers walked in the house. I was lucky everything was in its proper place. I was getting a drink of water and mom smiled with a big smile and asked me how my day was. She asked me what I did all day long. I told her just played with the Lego’s and Knex. I played some Xbox games just hung around.
By the third day I was wetting my diapers almost without realizing that I was wetting. Sense I was wearing diaper it was OK all I had to do was change my diaper when I had time later. I had to make sure not to wet like this while wearing my underwear. I did not want to have an accident in front of my brothers or mom.
I was not too worried because I have not wet my pants by accident in front of mom in many months. I knew I could control myself well enough to prevent a baby thing like that from happening in front of my family I was a big boy almost a teenager not a pants wetting baby. Timmy was getting good at not having accident he use only one Pull-up all day and was dry all night. He has been dry every morning all this week and last month when I woke him in the morning. He has not poop in his pants during the daytime in over two months from what mom told me. She was very proud of her big boy Timmy.
Friday came and I had the best time so far I wet eight diapers and messed in three. I used nine daytime diapers and one nap diaper. I was very proud of what I could do. I did not care how many diapers I used now because mom had just brought home two more large cases of size 6 diapers Huggies and a box of size 7 Pampers. There had to be 500 or more diapers in the house. I could not figure out why she has bought so many diapers because Timmy was out of diapers using Pull-ups most of the time. He was almost totally potty trained and Billy has stopped wetting his bed. He is going to sleep without protection for the first time tonight.
I never gave it another though as I changed out of my last wet diaper of the day into my big boy underwear. I emptied the heavy diaper pail and cleaned it out. I placed it back in the nursery and went to the living room to play on the computer. Mom walk in the house a few minutes alter I was playing Call of Duty.
That was a close call I almost got caught with a full diaper pail and she would ask where all the used diapers came from. I knew I could not blame the diapers on Billy or Timmy even though she had started a new rule yesterday about pants wetting accidents. If you wet your pants or Pull-up you will need to wear nothing but a diaper for the rest of the day and the following day too.
She wanted to cause competition between Billy and Timmy to get them to stop wetting their pants. She kept saying pants wetter’s need to be diapered no matter how old they are. That would help Billy being almost six years old to pay more attention to his potty needs and stop having accidents. Timmy would try even harder to get big boy underwear to be more like his big brothers.
When mom walked in the house she was alone she told me Timmy and Billy was at grandmas house for the weekend she had to do some things this weekend. She told me to continue to play or do something while she fixed dinner. She had dinner ready about a half hour later. I was on still on the computer playing Call of Duty again. I guess I was getting into the game and when mom walked in the room she saw me sitting in front of the computer with wet pants on.
I did not realize it but I wet my pants while playing the game. Mom was not mad at be like I thought she would be. Mom gently grabbed my hand and led me to a monitor in her room. She started a short video for me to watch.
There I was on the monitor lying on the changing table changing one of my wet messy diapers. Then I was in the crib taking a nap sucking a bottle sound asleep. Then I was eating in the highchair wearing a bib. Mom told me how disappointed and ashamed of me. She never yelled at me or anything while I watched more of the video. Now I know why she had more diapers in the house.
She left the room while I watched what she recorded of my playing baby. A few minutes later she had my hand again leading me to the nursery. My wet pants were starting to get cold and I walk into the nursery. She removed my tee shirt shoes and pants. She picked me up and laid me on the changing table.
I felt the cool plastic of the changing table mat on my back. I started whimpering so in went a pacifier and I started sucking it. Mom pulled of my wet underwear and I was now naked lying on the changing table looking at the ceiling. I felt ashamed as I let mom do all the work. She had me powdered and diapered in a few minutes. Having mom put a diaper on me was very embarrassing but I was in no position to stop her.
I was led to the kitchen where I saw the highchair ready for me to sit in. Without being told to I climbed into the highchair and mom strapped me in then put the tray in front of me. She quickly fastened a bib around my neck and started feeding me real baby food. Thing were going well on the first jar but the second jar the food tasted awful but she tried to get it in my mouth but most of it ended up on my face, bib, tray, and floor. The third jar was peaches and I ate them. Then she wiped my messy face off and handed me my bottle. I grabbed it and began sucking while she ate her food.
I need to pee again but was afraid to say so. I ended up wetting my diaper while I sucked my bottle just like I did when I ate lunch. I was hoping this would not last very long. When dinner was finished mom checked my diaper and said time for baby Donny to get his diaper changed again. My diaper was changed just like she would change Timmy’s diaper.
She told me the rule about pants wetting applies to me too no matter how old I think I am. She thought I was far too old to need diapers. But sense I wet my pants and diaper it looks like little Donny needs to go to potty training class again. She asked me why wanted to wear diapers and be a baby. I could not answer her because I was crying through the pacifier she had just placed back into my mouth.
I had to listen to her say I was the only one that was not potty trained at night. She said in the last twelve years I have never had a dry night. She said my bed wetting has not been improving one little bit. She said the worse part was that I was still having accidents during the daytime too. She told me no matter how old I was diapers will be my punishment.
I wanted to explain to mom it was an accident I did not mean to do it. But I was crying with the pacifier in my mouth. She told me I better keep it there until she tells me I can remove it. Mom continued talking saying she just diapered Billy last month for this very reason you are no different just a little older.
I was sucking the pacifier while mom was diapering me telling me my punishment. Having mom diaper me was not like me diapering myself. When I diapered myself I had total control of it, it was my choice. Having mom diaper me is her choice I had no control. I could not say no stop I don’t want the diaper mom was in control as she snuggly diapered me.
When mom released the chest strap she lifted me off the changing table and stood me on the floor she told me to go play and be a good baby.
I waddled to the playroom wearing a diaper sucking a pacifier. I looked just like Timmy did last week when he walked around the house wearing his diapers. I was wearing a diaper just like my little brothers use to. I played silently with the toy trucks and cars.
I played for two more hours then mom came in the room to take me to give me a bath she had ready for me it was just 8:00. I told mom it was too early for my bedtime bath. Mom gave me that look and said. “NOW.” I got up and felt my wet diaper sag and I knew I was in trouble. Mom had the bath water ready for me and started removing my wet diaper without saying a work about its condition.
Mom treated me like she treated Timmy last week when he began potty training. Mom washed my hair and body when she was finished she let me play with the bathtub toys. While she got my night clothes ready for me. About twenty minutes later mom said bedtime as she came in the bathroom. She quickly lifted me out of the water a dried me off with a fluffy towel.
She carried me to the changing table and had me lying on it putting a night diaper on me. Then she dressed me in a soft dinosaur nursery print sleeper that zipped up the back. I could not see what I looked like but I felt real good and comfy.
She lifted me into Billy’s crib and told me this is my bed from now until I stop my bed wetting. It is big enough for the biggest baby even if you grow it is big enough. I really did not want to sleep the crib all the time. But mom was in control of what I could do I had no say in the matter. I sucked softly watching mom leave the room. I quickly jumped up and tried to climb out of the crib but the sleeper’s legs were sewn together and I could not climb out now.
When mom returned she had a warm bottle of milk in her hand she told me to lie back down. When I had my head on my pillow she removed my pacifier and placed the warm nipple in my mouth and I started sucking. The milk was sweet and good tasting as I slowly relaxed. I did not even see mom leave the room. I was asleep in minutes.
The rest of my weekend was a blur mom changed countless of my diapers and I was fed baby food for every meal. I played in the playpen most of the time while mom work on the bedrooms. By Sunday I was peeing and pooping like a one-year-old. Peeing every hour and pooping after every meal.
Sunday night grandma and my brother saw me diaper for the first time. Billy and Timmy just giggled a little then went to play. Grandma hugged me before she feed me a bottle in her lap while mom explained things to her. I soaked my diaper and after I finished my bottle grandma did my diaper change on a mat on the floor just like she would do for Timmy. I felt even more like a real baby now I could do nothing to stop it.
Mom explained to me I would be going to daycare with my brothers but I would go to the second stage of baby class for non potty trained kids. The day care had four inter connected rooms separated by baby gates. The kids in the potty trained class could see all the rooms. The little babies could see only their room and the potty trained room. The walker not potty trained babies could see the potty training room where they will go to get potty trained. Mom told me when two or more babies are ready for potty training they can have a class. The walker babies could also see the big kid room where the big kids played.
Each of the three baby rooms had six cribs and six highchairs. I knew all this because I saw it when mom would drop my brothers off on the way to school. I had about ten minutes every morning to explore the whole place. I knew the potty training room was empty most of the time or had just a few occupants when ever I went there. The class seamed to last only a week or less. Only a few ever had to stay there longer or fail Timmy was one of them that had to try three times to pass the potty test rules. I wondered where they would put me at I hope I would be in the potty training class. I did not like walking around the daycare wearing only diapers in front of kids ten times younger than I was.
I woke up the next morning feeling dry thinking I had not wet. I wanted to get out of bed then I realized I was in the crib not a bed. I had to wait on mom to let me out. I was wearing a wet diaper under my sleepers.
Mom came into my room as I realize what I was wearing. Mom quickly got me out of the crib. Billy came into the room just in time for mom to tell him to help and change my diaper on mat on the floor. I started whining again and mom put my pacifier into my mouth. I had to let my brother guide me to the mat where he pulled down the zipper and pulled my arms out of the sleeper. He let the sleeper fall to my ankles. Then he had me lay down on the diaper changing mat. Then Timmy walked in the room and asked mom if he could help too.
I had tears rolling down my face as Billy had me lay on my back with my sleeper at my ankles. My diaper was bloated and swelled up to three times its normal size. Timmy giggled and said he wet a lot last night. Billy untapped my diaper and found that I had a small surprise with the pee in the form of a small amount of poop. I was pooping in my sleep too. But Billy did not say a word about the poop as he quickly cleaned me up.
After my brothers had my diaper changed they had me stand up. They both put my arms back into the sleeper and zipped it back up. They led to the kitchen I could feel my bulky diaper bouncing with every step. My brother’s had me by the hand and told mom I was ready for my breakfast. Mom picked me up and sat me in the highchair Billy quickly fastened the seat belt and mom had the tray snapped in place. I asked for some clothes not pajamas but mom just gave me that stare. My brothers did not say a word about me wearing diapers. Diaper wearing was normal in my house but not for me. Then mom asked me how I like my new type of diaper. The new diapers are made for boys that are your size not the baby diaper I have been wearing.
Then Timmy asked mom if Donny poops in is diaper like a baby. When she said yes Donny is a baby now he still poops in his diaper where else would a baby poop. Timmy said it looks like he needs potty training when he grows up. She told Timmy and Billy you are my big boys sense you two have passed your potty test. You are aloud to be real big boys’ underwear now.
She turned around to face me and said she has made arrangements for me to go to daycare for a day to see if they will accept me into the class. It was Timmy’s old baby toddler class for diapered babies. She told me if they accept me I would stay in that class until I could prove to them I want to be a big boy not pee and poop in my diaper like a baby. In that class they can tell when you are ready to enter their potty training class. My brothers fed me my oatmeal and mom cleaned off my messy face and we were out the door.
Mom fastened me into Timmy’s old car seat and we were on the way to daycare. While we were on the way mom told me what was going to happen to me. She told me all my big boy clothes are gone she is going to dropped them in the Goodwill box on the way to work this morning. She told me that Timmy is going to start fulltime underwear wearing. He will be going to Billy’s class.
I asked mom what about me when can I get underwear again. Mom said I had to finish my diaper punishment at daycare before I start my potty training. She told me they would start my training when the next potty class starts if I wanted to try.
Mom said she let me go the whole week watching me use all the diapers like a real baby. She asked me. Why did I even think of doing such a silly thing like using diapers like a little baby? I could not tell her I just like it so I said nothing. That sealed my diaper punishment all the way.
She told me that Timmy has only pooped in one diaper in the last three months. She said he has used the potty every time in the last three weeks without an accident. He had only one accident. That was the one that I changed last week. She told me he always asked to use the potty to poop or pee. Timmy is even using the potty fulltime staying dry all day and every night. She asked me how many times Timmy has he been dry in the morning this month or how many diaper of his I have changed in the last three or four week.
Then she said it looks like Timmy is a big boy during the day not a diaper boy like you are Donny. The daycare has requested that he start wearing cloth underpants and go to big kid class.
I tried to tell her I was only playing around I did not need diapers. She asked me if I knew when the last time Billy wet his bed more than twice in the same week. I said. No. Mom said it has been at least six months.