Okay my dream started out with me in the woods. Then I find myself at some girl’s house. We talk for a little and as I am about to leave she goes towards the closet and says, “You would look good in a bunny outfit”. So she brings out the bunny costume and jumps on top of me and the next thing I know my arms are trapped in this costume and I can’t move. She then says she needs to get something and walks away leaving me restrained in this strange costume. While she is away, I struggle against the costume until I find myself able to unzip the front of it by wriggling my arm up that far. I then unzip it and find that I am dressed in a diaper and a flowery dress blouse thing that doesn’t cover the diaper, and a pacifier was somewhere in there as well. The girl comes back and enjoys the way I look and all I can think to say is, “Where are my clothes and how did you even do this?” She just giggles as the doorbell rings and a couple people walk in. They are taking notice to the way I am dressed and I basically ignore them trying to deny the whole situation. Then I feel some pressure building. I have to poop. The girl and the people are having a conversation and I didn’t want to interrupt, so I kinda just stood there until the pressure was too unbearable and I released it into the diaper I was wearing. Upon doing this, I then ran to the bathroom, and attempted to clean myself up before anyone noticed. Just as I am doing so, the girl and some of the people open the bathroom door and giggle at me and embarass me even further. Then a couple of the girl’s friends start taking out makeup and then proceed to apply it on me. Then the girl said she sold my car (apparently I drove there this is a dream lol) and I got really mad at her as like five people pull up in cars claiming they bought them off the money they got selling my car (again it’s a dream and my car’s a 1997 blazer and wouldn’t be worth five cars anyway lol). I then find myself in the girl’s car and shes driving and I knew I couldn’t run away the way I was dressed and I didn’t know where my original clothes went and the entire experience had drained me emotionally, so I pretty much gave in and just put my head on her shoulder. She then wrapped her arm around me and I knew that I was hers.
This was an actual dream and probably the best dream I have ever had because it is my fantasy to be turned into a little helpless baby girl. I just thought I’d share because I think some peeps here might enjoy it! I hope you dooooo. <3