my first try at a diaper story

or those of you who know me, you know I’m into creative writing. I even have a few poems on here but I’ve yet to write any short stories anywhere other than in my own time and never with such a topic… if I get good response, I’ll write further. I know you can all be so sweet but as a writer, I’d like critical response and if “you suck” is the only way you can help me (basically saying I should give up writing) then please say it… that being said, here is my story (but first, a character design… something I’ve done in the past to develop a character to their fullest…I recomend not looking at it yet… it’s really more for me… or for you if you want somewhat obvious spoilers :P)
and of course… the following characters are figments of my own imagination. any resemblence to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidence. the main character is based after myself but is different in many ways. I hope you enjoy this story…
oh yes, one more thing I forgot to mention… my stories typically start out kind of slow to give you a feel for the character… so if you’re looking for a quick read, I don’t recomend this…

name:Seth (stephanie)
hair:light brown/semi-curl long
clothing style:
male role:sweats and sleevless shirts.
dom color:black.
girl:knee length skirts, panties, diapers,sleevless tops. etc.
dom colors:lavender,white, other pastels.
dom traits:lonely, depressed, shy, anxious, semi-submissive, , reserved, intellectual, apathetic.
hidden traits:giddy, playful, girly.

hair: dark brown/bobcut
clothing style:mid-length skirts, designer T-shirts and light jackets.
dom colors: white, plaid, hot pink
clothing style:little girlish, disney replica dress, skirts, dresses, petticoats etc.
dom colors:pastels
dom traits: happy, outgoing, playful


part 1: secret play and friendship

Stephanie sat in a nursery talking to the best friends she’s ever known in life. talking of secret desires and fantasies filled with frilly dresses, panties and diapers. Playing with friends in a playpen and Living a childhood few children are lucky enough to see. But there is a problem. Stephanie heard a door open and looked behind her. It turned out to be the wind.
Stephanie glanced back at her computer screen to see a website she spent much of her time. All of her time as a girl anyway. in the real world, the world stephanie spent her days and nights in, she was known as seth, a frightened older teen just out of highschool and in community college. Seth had few friends. Many less than Stephanie did. and not a single one of those friends really even saw the true Seth. they knew an empty shell of a human, A false vesel that survives day in and day out the best it can with the conditions given. A loud noise suddenly went off screaming. Seth jumped and picked up a celluar phone, silencing it and returning to his life as Stephanie. The life he wishes to live in the real world and gladly would had he not suffered from severe social anxiety disorder. It’s one thing to go to school nervous and alone every day. It’s another thing to live in a world reaching for happiness while others are staring and judging you.
The door opened, once again interrupting Stephanie and jolting Seth back to life to see his roommate Sam walk into the dorm room. Seth quickly closed the top of the laptop before his roommate could see what was on the screen.
“sick eh? you look quite healthy to me… healthy enough to spend the day on the computer.” Samantha shouts in a joking manner at a pale skinned, baggy eyed seth.
“you know I have the flu…” seth quietly responded shaking from shivers in a pink suede blanket that samantha made him take when she awoke up for class.
Samantha made her way across the room placing her hand on Seth’s shoulder.
“you know I’m just playing” she said moving her hand from his shoulder to his hair and messing it up a bit.
Seth just sighed and stood to see his friend staring back at him with a gentle yet worried face.
Samantha was by far, Seth’s best friend. The two became instant best friends the day they moved in together. A strange coincidence considering their personalities. The two had little in common outside of taste in media. Seth was a shy and fragile artsy teen with a disklike for society while Samantha was a loud preppy girl who seemed to fit in everywhere she went. If there was one person who would ever truly know Stephanie, it was her.
“I’m sorry to cut this meet short but as we both know, I’m sick and exhausted…goodnight” and with this said, Seth slowly stumbled into a bedroom.
“goodnight.” Seth heard behind his back in a soft and gentle voice. How Seth wished he and his roommate could be more than close friends…