Steve’s Diapers Draft

The trouble all started, I think, back in July when we got the dog.

Mom had been asking me what I wanted for my birthday and I kept telling her that I wanted a dog. I
could tell that she wasn’t thrilled with the idea of having
a dog around cause she kept suggesting other things that I
might like (clothes, a new CD player, rollerblades, stuff
like that) but I never changed my story. We finally agreed
that if I had an 85% average at the end of my sophomore year
in high school, that she would get me the dog. So even
though I turned 15 back in May, I had to wait till we got
our final report cards at the end of June to get the dog.
One of our neighbors had a dog that had puppies in May, so I
had them hold one for me till July. So now I was the proud
owner of a black Labrador puppy, female type. She was so
neat, and really fun to play with. Course Mom’s rule was
that I had to do all the work of taking care of her and that
included getting her trained and housebroken. Maybe it was
different when she was with her mother and brothers and
sisters, but when she came to live with us, she wanted
constant attention. She followed me around all the time –
which was kind of cute. But she also had to be taken outside
about every two hours or she’d make a mess on the floor.
During the day wasn’t bad, with summer vacation and all, but
I really hated getting up every couple of hours during the
night. After a couple of weeks of this I was really dragging
– like I was walking around half asleep all the time. And
that was when it happened the first time. I can remember
getting back in bed around 3am after taking Penny outside
for about the fourth time that night. I think I remember
having a dream about swimming in the ocean or something, and
then I woke up and the bed was wet and I was cold. At first
I couldn’t figure out what had happened and then I realized
that I had wet the bed. Was I embarrassed – like I hadn’t
done that since I was a little kid. It really wasn’t sopping
wet or anything, so I took off my wet PJ bottoms and dropped
them on the floor by the bed and kind of scrunched over to
the side of the mattress where it was dry and tried to go
back to sleep – till Penny woke me up at 5:30am, whining and
begging to be taken outdoors again. So I got up and took her
outside and then got back in bed and tried to sleep. The
worst thing was not the having to scrunch way over to the
side to get away from the wet spot, it was sleeping without
my PJ bottoms. That felt really different – like everything
just flopped around and rubbed on the sheets. When I finally
got out of bed for good later that morning, the wet spot had
pretty much dried up, and you couldn’t really see anything,
so I just made my bed up like nothing had happened and put
my mostly-dry PJ bottoms in the dresser drawer and didn’t
say anything to Mom.
Everything was normal for a week and I figured that I’d
just had too much Pepsi before I went to bed that night, or
I was really tired from taking Penny out and I was sleeping
so hard I didn’t know what I was doing, or whatever. Then it
happened again. The second time wasn’t as bad – like my bed
wasn’t nearly as wet as the first time – it was more like it
was just kind of damp. But I had still wet the bed again.
What a bummer! It was kind of like that for the rest of the
summer. I’d be OK for a week or so, and then oops! I tried
drinking less liquids, and taking a leak just before I went
to bed. I even tried setting my alarm to wake up around 1am
to go and take a leak, but none of it worked. It didn’t
bother me so much as embarrass me. Like I wasn’t really
being inconvenienced or anything – but I sure didn’t want
anybody to find out about it.
Mom learned about it just about the time that school
started in September. I guess what tipped her off was the
smell. Like it wasn’t really bad or anything, but my
mattress had begun to smell just a little like the boy’s
urinals at school – you know the dried piss smell? She asked
me what was going on and I told her. It wasn’t the easiest
conversation I’ve ever had with her. Don’t get me wrong, she
wasn’t yelling or screaming or anything, but it’s kind of
difficult to tell your Mom that you’ve wet the bed when
you’re 15 years old!
She was pretty understanding though, said that it was
probably just cause I was tired with the dog waking me up
all night, or maybe I had just been drinking to much soda
before I went to bed, or maybe I was just a little stressed
out with school or something. So she told me just to get
more rest, and not to drink any soda after supper, and
things would probably be OK. I didn’t tell her that I had
already tried all those things and they hadn’t worked. But
the funny thing is that things were OK for awhile. That is,
for a couple of weeks after we talked I didn’t have any
problems. Then it happened again – and this time I really
soaked the bed – like it was sopping wet. I swear, when I
woke up and got out of bed it sounded like the mattress
gurgled. After that, Mom figured that I’d better have our
doctor check me out. He did and there wasn’t anything wrong.
He said that these things sometimes happen and to just not
worry about it and it would go away pretty soon. The problem
was that it didn’t go away. About once a week I would wet
the bed. Usually I’d have some sort of dream and when I woke
up I’d be wet. A couple of times I dreamed that I was going
into the boy’s room at school and I had to pee really bad
and I had to wait for a couple of minutes cause there were
other guys in there ahead of me and I was standing there
with my legs pressed together because I had to go really
bad, and when I finally got to a urinal and unzipped my
jeans and let loose it felt really good. And then I’d wake
up and I was all wet. A couple of times I woke up just as I
started to pee in my bed but I couldn’t stop – once it
started, it kept on coming.
I didn’t like school as much my Junior year. I guess it
was better than my Sophomore year cause I only had one year
of school to go after this year, and being a Junior is
better than being a Sophomore, and LOTS better than being a
Freshman. But there’s a lot of pressure to get the grades,
and the classes were a lot harder – so I was spending a lot
of time studying and doing homework. I have a couple of
girls that I’m friendly with, but there’s nothing really
serious yet. Mostly I hang around with a group of other
guys. Like, we’ve know each other since we started school
and are pretty good friends. One of them, Jeff, is almost
more like a brother – not that we fight like brothers, just
that we understand each other real well. So Jeff and I hang
around a lot together and talk about things to each other
that we wouldn’t talk about to other people. One day I asked
him if he ever wet the bed, and he said that maybe once a
year or so he’d have an “accident.” He said the wet dreams
made more of a mess, though. And then he asked me why I
wanted to know and I just said “….. just wondering …..”
or something like that and didn’t say anything else.
So, school was going along about as good as could be
expected. And I was still having my occasional “accidents.”
Even with changing the sheets and everything, my bedroom got
to smell pretty bad cause the mattress kept getting soaked.
The minute you walked into my bedroom the urinal smell would
hit you. It got so it smelled worse than the boy’s rooms at
school and they smell pretty bad. Like our school is pretty
old and we have these radiators along the walls for heat in
the wintertime and some of the guys think that it’s funny to
pee on the radiators instead of in the toilets so you can
guess what it smells like in there. (Some of those guys are
so gross. Like, one day I came in and three of them were
having a pissing contest. They lined up along the wall and
were seeing who could piss the farthest. Geez, the floor was
all wet and slippery. I think one guy got it to go about 4
feet.) Every so often some of my friends used to stop by my
place and we’d go to my bedroom to listen to music, or trade
baseball cards, or play with my SEGA. But I started making
excuses not to have them over cause of the smell. I also
started taking a shower in the morning before I went to
school, instead of in the evening. Maybe it was my
imagination, but I think that after spending a night on my
smelly mattress I might’ve smelled a little like pee myself
in the morning. In October, Mom solved that problem by
getting a plastic cover for my mattress. That sealed in the
smell. The only problem was that when I wet the bed now,
there was less for the piss to sink into, and I’d wake up
freezing cold, lying in a pool of pee. No matter how hard
she washed them, my PJs and bed sheets got all stained and
yellow. I asked Mom to be real careful not to let anybody
else see them. My accidents only happened maybe once a week
or so. And sometimes I’d be OK for a couple of weeks. So I
figured that I could live with that – just as long as nobody
at school found out about it! Actually, I think Jeff
might’ve guessed what was happening cause there were a
couple of times when I’d have him come over even though I
wouldn’t let the other guys and one time he said something
like “….. geez Steve, you need to air out your room …..”
Jeff was OK – even if he guessed, he’d never say anything to
It must’ve been in November when Mom suggested that
maybe we should try something else. She said that since it
looked like I might have an “accident” every so often, maybe
I should wear something to contain the pee so that my sheets
and blankets didn’t get wet. I could see what was coming and
I told her no way was I going to wear anything. We had a big
argument – actually a bunch of arguments over the next
couple of days. And it ended up with her threatening me with
stuff, and me finally agreeing to try it once, but I wasn’t
going to promise to keep doing it if I didn’t want to.
So she went to the store a couple of days later and got
these diaper things for me. I guess I hadn’t paid much
attention to diapers before so I didn’t really know what to
expect. Like I kind of remembered cotton ones with pins and
everything. But these were different – it was just like they
had a seat, and there was a flap that I could pull up
between my legs in the front, and there were two adhesive
tabs that came around the sides and held everything
together. The first time I put one on I did it in the
bathroom (ALONE!!!!!) and then looked at myself in the
mirror. It really looked funny – kind of like a very thick
set of jockey shorts that came up to just below my navel. It
felt really weird though, like I had maybe 10 or 20 pairs of
underwear on at the same time. Really bulky. I could see why
little kids walked funny when they had them on. But I’d put
them on just before I got in bed at night, and then take
them off first thing in the morning. And I’d shove them way
down to the bottom of the trash so that nobody could see
them. The funny thing was that after I started wearing them
to bed I didn’t have any “accidents” for a couple of weeks.
I thought that maybe just the security of having them on
relaxed me enough so that I wouldn’t wet anymore. But then I
wet myself one night. The funny thing was that when I got up
in the morning, I didn’t feel much different. It wasn’t
until I went to take it off that I found that it was wet
inside. It was so absorbent that I didn’t even feel wet. And
what was better I didn’t wake up freezing cold! After that I
decided that it was probably better to wear the stupid
things than to wake up wet and cold in the middle of the
night. So for the rest of the fall I kept wearing them.
Come to the end of the year, and things were pretty
much the same. I was surprised that I was still having a
problem like maybe once a week or so. I had kind of figured
that this was just a passing thing that would go away by
now. Mom asked the doctor again and he said not to worry,
there was nothing wrong organically and the problem would
take care of itself eventually. Yeah, sure, like I was
getting a little tired of wearing these things every night.
I was ready for the problem to be over with like right now!
Jeff found out about my diapers over the Christmas
holidays. I had owed him a sleepover for a long time but I
kept putting him off for obvious reasons. And then his Dad
was going on a business trip, and his Mom was going too, and
Jeff didn’t want to go, so he got his Mother to get my
Mother to invite him to stay with us for a couple of days.
The first night was OK, I put on my PJs over the diapers in
the bathroom and got into bed right away. The next morning I
woke up before Jeff did and had taken off the diaper and
changed into my clothes before he even woke up. I had
thought about not wearing a diaper for a couple of days but
I was glad that I did cause I soaked myself both of the
nights that he stayed with us. I wasn’t as lucky the second
night. He woke up before I did and he was sitting there in
my room playing with my SEGA when I woke up. I figured that
if I stayed in my bed he might leave the room but he didn’t
and finally my Mom called us to come for breakfast so I had
to get out of bed. I had my PJs on, and Jeff might’ve never
noticed anything even then, except that the plastic outer
layer of the diaper made a little crackling noise as I moved
and Jeff heard it. He looked at me for a minute and then
swatted me on the butt and said “….. what goes on Steve?”
I guess when he swatted me he felt it cause then he asked me
what I had on under my PJs. So I told him that I had had a
problem with wetting my bed and had to wear these absorbent
things when I went to bed. I didn’t use the “D” word. I made
him promise not to tell anybody and he agreed. I kept my PJs
on till he left the room though, cause I didn’t want him to
see what it looked like.
I wasn’t sure, but in January it seemed like I might be
having my accidents a little more often. Like now I almost
never went for a week without pissing on myself in the
night. And sometimes I would wet myself every couple of
days. Mom just kept buying the diapers though, and it really
wasn’t uncomfortable or anything, so I just kept putting
them on at night. The funny thing was that I kept waking up
in the middle of the night with these terrific erections. I
found that I could cup my hands over the part of the diaper
that covered my crotch and rub up and down for a couple of
minutes and I’d come. It seemed really weird the first
couple of times that I did it, but then I figured that it
was a lot less messy than having a wet dream. I got so that
I was masturbating in my diaper almost every night. Jeff had
asked me to sleep over at his house but I turned him down
cause I didn’t want his parents to find out about my wearing
a diaper to bed. He told me that it was OK, he’d make sure
they didn’t find out. And I really wanted to get away from
my Mom for a day or so, so I agreed. It worked out OK. Jeff
made sure his folks never came into his bedroom after I put
my diaper on at night. He was real curious about what it
looked like so I showed it to him, and I let him watch me
put it on to see how it was done. It felt kind of funny to
stand there naked in front of him and then put the diaper on
while he watched everything I was doing. I started to get an
erection so I hurried up and put the diaper on so he
couldn’t see my swelling dick. I even told him that I had an
extra one if he wanted to try it. He said no way. When I got
up in the morning and took off the wet diaper, I put it in a
plastic bag and hid it in my clothes bag so that his parents
wouldn’t find it.
By February I was wetting myself just about every
night. I didn’t do it on purpose, but I guess my body
figured that as long as I had the thing on, that it was
easier not to worry about holding the pee all night. Like I
didn’t have any trouble during the days, but most every
morning I would wake up with a wet diaper now. In a way it
gave me more freedom, I didn’t have to worry about not
drinking a lot of liquid before I went to bed, and there
were none of those midnight rush trips to the bathroom over
the cold floors. One night, just to see what would happen, I
drank two whole 1-liter bottles of 7-Up before I went to
bed. When I woke up next morning my bed was dry but when I
got out of bed, my diaper felt like it weighed a ton, and it
sagged way down in the back and the front. It rode way down
on my hips and just barely covered up my crotch and kind of
squished back and forth between my legs when I walked – was
that a funny feeling.
Jeff was over at my house one day after school and he
asked me if I was still wearing diapers and I told him that
I was. He asked me if they didn’t feel uncomfortable and
weird and I told him that you got used to it – just like
wearing any other piece of clothing. I asked him if he
wanted to try one just to see what it felt like and he said
no, so I said “….. aw come on, you chicken or something?”
He told me where I could shove the “chicken” thing so I told
him that if he wasn’t afraid, why not try one. So he said
OK, that he’d try one, but if I ever told anybody about it
that he’d kill me. So he took off his jeans, and pulled off
his jockey shorts, and I got a diaper out of the dresser
drawer. He just stood there for a minute, holding it and
turning it over and seeing how it was put together. I told
him he’d better take off his shirt cause it would get in the
way so he did and he was standing there naked and still
holding the diaper like he wasn’t sure whether he was going
to put it on or not. I just said “….. chicken?” and he got
mad and put it on. He had a little trouble with the adhesive
tabs – obviously he wasn’t an expert like I was by now.
After he put it on he just stood there and looked down at
himself. And then he walked around a little to see how it
felt. After awhile he said “….. kind of uncomfortable but
I guess you could get used to it …..” I asked him if he
wanted a couple to take home and he got red in the face and
said “….. no fucking way …..” I noticed when he took it
off that he had this big erection but I didn’t kid him about
it. I didn’t tell him but I got a real hard on watching him
in the diaper. I don’t know what it was but I was getting
kind of excited. I don’t think it was Jeff himself – cause
he’s a guy, but it was something about watching him in the
diaper that got me all excited.
I think that it was in March that I had my first
“accident” while I was awake. It must’ve been about 9 at
night and I was sitting in the living room watching TV when
all of a sudden I felt something warm and wet in my crotch.
I looked down and there was this spreading wet spot on the
front my jeans. I couldn’t believe it, I had wet my pants.
Mom was in the room and I was like, really embarrassed. So I
mumbled something about going to bed and kind of sidled out
of the room, hoping that she wouldn’t notice the spreading
stain on the front of my jeans. I guess she didn’t cause she
didn’t say anything. I got to my bedroom and put on my
diapers for the evening and hid my jeans under the bed so
she wouldn’t see them. The next day I got home from school
and washed them before she got home from work. That would
have been so embarrassing if she had seen me like that. I
figured that if that was ever going to happen again, that I
didn’t want to get my pants all wet, so I started putting my
diapers on as soon as I got home from school. I wasn’t using
any extra pairs or anything, just wearing the same pair a
little longer. And you couldn’t tell that I had them on
cause I wear my jeans really baggy and low on my hips, with
a baggy shirt covering up the tops, just like the other
I never wore the diapers out of the house though. I
didn’t want to take a chance that the other kids would find
out that I wore them at home. Like every so often we’d start
horsing around at school or at the mall and somebody’s pants
would get pulled down. As long as I didn’t drink a lot of
liquids when I was out of the house, and concentrated on not
wetting myself, I was OK. I never had any accidents but I
got to tell you that there were a number of times when I had
to make a mad dash to the nearest boy’s room. Oh geez, I can
remember this one English class. I got in and sat down
behind my desk and a couple of minutes after the class
started I felt a couple of drops of pee leak out of my dick.
Oh shit, I couldn’t wet my pants in class. So I clamped down
as hard as I could, and I squeezed my legs together as hard
as I could. And I thought about anything but warm liquid
coming out between my legs. I made it through the class,
just barely, and then ran to the boy’s room. Just as I got
in the boy’s room I could feel warm liquid beginning to fill
my underwear. I made it into one of the stalls and sat down
and let loose. It felt like I was dumping Niagara Falls into
the toilet bowl. After it was over, I dumped my wet
underwear into the toilet and flushed it down. Luckily my
jockey’s had contained most of the pee so that my jeans were
just barely damp and nobody noticed anything. Close call! It
felt really different walking around the rest of the school
day with no underwear on. Like when I put on the diapers,
all of my equipment is kind of like, tightly wrapped up. But
with no underwear on, everything just kind of hung down and
swung back and forth as I walked, and rubbed on my jeans.
It was the middle of April when I had my accident in
front of the whole math class. Like it was the last period
of the day and we were all just waiting for the period to
end so we could get out of school, when Mr. Richards asked
me to come up and work a problem at the board. So I was up
there working through the exercise on the board when all of
a sudden I felt something warm and wet running down the
inside of my legs. I tried as hard as I could, but I
couldn’t stop it. It just kept coming and coming. Pretty
soon the pee had run down my legs and was beginning to
puddle in my sneakers. So far nobody had noticed anything. I
was trying to keep working the problem, and trying to stop
wetting myself, and trying to pretend like nothing was
happening, and hoping that nobody would notice. Then the pee
started to run out and make a little puddle on the floor by
my left foot. I heard one of the girls in the class giggle.
Then I heard a lot of whispering and more giggling and I
knew that it was pretty obvious that everyone could see that
I had just peed my pants. At that point I figured what the
fuck and turned and ran out of the room, out of the school,
and home. Leaving a puddle on the floor of the math class.
Jeff came over to my house after school and he said
what a bummer that must have been for me. I agreed – I can’t
imagine anything worse than wetting your pants in front of
the whole math class. Well, standing up on the stage in the
auditorium and doing it in front of the whole school would
have been worse, but the math class was bad enough. Jeff
said not to worry, that everybody had embarrassing things
happen to them, and everybody would forget about it, and he
was right. The other kids didn’t kid me about it as much as
I figured that they would. Some of the girls looked at me
and giggled next day, and a couple of the guys got on my
case, but I just said something about having had too much
soda to drink for lunch, and this bladder infection, and
After that I figured that no way did I ever want to
have that happen again so I started wearing my diapers to
school. Like, the kids couldn’t tell that I had them on
because of my baggy jeans. And since I’m in honors classes,
one of the options that I have is substituting an academic
class for gym – so I did that. No way could I dress and
undress in the boy’s locker room without the other boys
seeing my diapers. In a way, I feel a lot better about
wearing them all the time now. Like I don’t have to worry
about embarrassing myself anymore. The only problem is that
wearing them all day means that they’re soaking up a lot
more liquid now, so Mom got me a couple of pairs of these
plastic panties to wear over the diapers. So now If there’s
more liquid than the diaper can hold, at least the panties
will contain it. About a month after my accident in front of
the math class, Jeff mentioned while we were talking that I
hadn’t had any more problems, and that he guessed that I was
“….. back to normal …..” now. I told him not quite, and
he asked me what I was doing then to stay dry all through
the school day. I told him just to feel my butt, and he put
his hand on me and felt the bulk of the diaper I was wearing
through the jeans. He asked me if I was wearing them all the
time now and I told him “yeah”, that that seemed like the
easiest solution. He just said “whatever” and we didn’t talk
about it any more. Jeff’s OK – he doesn’t bug me about
things that are none of his business.
In a funny way, it almost feels good to wear my diapers
and to feel the warm spreading wetness when I first pee in
them. Like, the other day the Spanish teacher was chewing me
out in front of the class cause I had screwed up what she
thought was a really easy translation. So I just stood there
in front of her desk and dumped this really big load of pee
out into my diaper and enjoyed the spreading warmth in my
crotch as she was picking on me. I was listening to her but
I’m like thinking “…..Yo, if you knew what I’m doing right
now you bitch, you’d pee in YOUR panties…..” Great
Feeling. Usually when I get home from school I’ll drink 2 or
3 cans of soda. By the time Mom has supper ready, I’ll feel
the pressure building up. When we have supper I’ll drink a
couple of glasses of milk and afterwards I’ll get this
feeling that I have to take a leak, like RIGHT NOW – but
I’ll hold it. As the evening wears on the feeling will get
stronger and stronger and pretty soon I’ll be really
uncomfortable. Sometimes I’ll let just a couple of drops of
pee come out to enjoy the feeling of how hard it is to stop
any more from coming. Finally, when I’m almost in agony from
the pressure, I’ll just lean back in the chair in my room
and let it gush out. Oh wow, does that feel good to do that.
There is a problem in wearing diapers all day now,
though. A couple of days after I first started doing it, I
noticed this rash all over my butt. And then a few days
later it started to itch and burn. I got this old baby book
out that my Mom had used when I was little, and found out
that I had a case of diaper rash. DIAPER RASH! A 15 year old
boy with diaper rash! That’s fucking unreal! But that’s what
it was all right. The book said that baby oil and talcum
powder would usually take care of the rash. So every night
now after I take my shower, I stand there in the bathroom
and dry my body off. Then I squirt some baby oil into the
palm of my hand and massage it into my bottom, and the
inside of my thighs, and my crotch. I really like the smell
of the baby oil and the way it feels on my body – making it
all smooth and slippery. Then before I put my diaper on, I
put some talcum powder into it and also rub some on my body.
I got to be careful though, the other night the baby oil
felt so good that I kept at it and pretty soon I had this
huge erection and then I shot my wad all over the bathroom
mirror. Speaking of jerking off, if I’m careful I can
masturbate in class, and shoot my load into my diaper, and
nobody ever knows it. I just slowly slide my hand down into
my jeans – my baggy pants cover this up anyway – and start
slowly massaging my dick through my diaper and pretty soon I
can come. Sometimes I won’t make myself come right away,
I’ll get this huge erection and then stop rubbing, and then
when it starts to go down I’ll rub myself just a little more
to get it hard again, and I can keep myself just on the
verge of coming for the whole class. When the bell rings to
go to the next class I’ll give myself a couple of hard
strokes and I’ll come in my diaper and then I’ll get up from
my desk and walk out into the hall with the warm sticky cum
spreading in my diaper. I got to be careful though, when I
did it the other day in English class, it felt so good that
I let out a little groan and the teacher asked me if I was
okay. I said “…. just a little indigestion…..”
It’s funny. Mom knows that I’m wearing the diapers all
the time now and I thought that she’d get on my case about
it but she hasn’t said anything. It’s just like she doesn’t
care one way or the other, or she thinks it’s normal, or
whatever. I had my 16th birthday last week. I’ve got my
learner’s permit and am taking driving classes at school.
It’ll be really cool when I get my license. Mom was asking
me what I wanted for my birthday and I told her to just give
me the money and I could pick out clothes, or CDs or
whatever I wanted. She looked at me and laughed and said
something about maybe I’d like a pacifier. Sure Mom, funny!
Well, it’s June now and school is almost over with for
the year. I was just thinking that it’s been almost a year
since I started having accidents and wearing diapers. Funny,
seems like I can’t remember what it was like not to wear
them. The one thing that I’ve been really careful not to do
is to poop in my diaper. Like the pee is OK. And I guess
that I kind of like doing that, and how it feels. But the
idea of pooping is kind of gross. When I get up in the
morning, I’ll carefully remove my diaper and try to have a
bowel movement, and the same thing when I get home from
school. The adhesive tapes on the diapers are usually good
for one or two “opens” and “closes” so I can get by with
just one diaper for the whole day. So far I haven’t had any
problems even though when I put the diaper back on it feels
kind of cold and wet for a minute or two. But then it warms
up and it feels OK. I’ve decided that I like the feeling of
a wet diaper better than the feeling of a dry one. A couple
of times when I put a dry diaper on, I’d pour a glass of
warm water into it to get it nice and wet and squishy. But
that seemed kind of like cheating. So what I do now is drink
a couple of cans of soda an hour or so before I’m going to
change my diaper. Then once I change it I can pee in it
right away and get it nice and wet. Smart.
Darn, another accident yesterday. But a different kind
of one this time. It’s mid-July and school is out. Mom and I
were shopping in the mall today when I had the accident. She
had fixed some kind of Mexican food for supper last night.
Some recipe she saw in the Sunday paper. Either it was a
weird recipe or she didn’t fix it right cause it tasted kind
of funny. And I woke up in the middle of the night and my
tummy felt kind of upset. But after breakfast I felt OK so
we decided to go shopping. So we’re in Sears checking out
boy’s clothing when all of a sudden I had this bowel
movement. Like I didn’t have any warning or anything. All of
a sudden I felt this cramp in my stomach and there was a lot
of pressure in my bottom, and all of a sudden something warm
and firm just started coming out and filling my diaper.
Like, even if there had just been a restroom right nearby I
don’t think I could’ve made it in time. Like I couldn’t say
anything so I just stood there and felt my diaper filling
up. First it was just in back and then it started filling up
around my balls and my dick. Finally my whole crotch was
full of this warm, sticky stuff. Luckily we were almost done
shopping so I just stood there and pretended that nothing
had happened. You know, kind of looking around the store,
and checking out the clothes, and talking to Mom, and all
the time there was this big warm load of shit squishing
around my crotch. When we got in the car I was afraid that
some would leak out cause when I sat down, I could feel the
poop squishing into the front of my diaper and bulging it
out, but none came out. As soon as I got home I ran into the
bathroom and took off my diaper and cleaned myself up. Boy
was that a mess. I put on a clean diaper and hid the poopie
one in the bottom of the trash so Mom wouldn’t find out what
I had done. And then I just acted like nothing out of the
ordinary had happened for the rest of the day. Except that I
had this big erection that was trying to stick out the top
of my diaper. When I got into bed that night, and just lay
there going to sleep, I kept remembering the feeling of my
diaper filling with that warm, sticky poop.
It’s August now and I’ve been having those poop
“accidents” on a pretty regular basis. Well actually, to be
honest, I don’t even try to control it anymore. It’s a lot
easier to just put my diaper on and then not worry about
things. Whatever happens, happens. At first I thought I’d be
really embarrassed about the whole thing, but now I kind of
like it. Like I found that I liked the feeling of the warm
pee filling my diaper, and the warm poop squishing around
doesn’t feel that bad either. When I’m around the house now,
I usually don’t wear anything except for my diaper and my
rubber pants. As long as nobody comes to visit that’s OK –
but there have been a couple of times when I’ve had to run
and hide in my bedroom when the doorbell rang. Usually by
the end of the day when I’ve been wearing my diaper almost
24 hours, it’s pretty full and sags down a lot. Usually some
stuff leaks out of the diaper by then but the rubber pants
catch everything. I can tell that Mom’s not too thrilled
about this, though. She’s made a couple of remarks like
“….. don’t you care how you look…..”, and “….. 16 year
old boys shouldn’t act like this…..” I usually just kind
of ignore her. Sometimes when I’m watching TV, if my diaper
is really full, I’ll put my hands on it and move it around
and enjoy the feeling of it’s load squishing around inside.
That usually feels so good that I’ll come almost right away.
I heard the doorbell ring right before supper yesterday
and so I ran to hide in my bedroom. Mom went to the door and
then called me. I told her that I couldn’t come and to tell
whoever it was that I would call them on the phone later.
She said that it was Jeff and that he wanted to wait and see
me. I figured Jeff was probably OK so I came out and said HI
to him. He just looked at me for a couple of seconds. I
guess I looked kind of funny to him with nothing on but my
diaper and the rubber pants. And my diaper was really full
so it hung way down and made squishy sounds when I walked.
But Jeff didn’t say anything and Mom invited him to stay for
supper, so he did and we watched TV for awhile and then we
played SEGA till about 10pm when he had to go home. About an
hour before he had to go home, he looked at me and said that
I’d better change my diaper cause I smelled awful. I looked
down and there was a little watery poop leaking out of the
rubber pants so I went in to the bathroom and cleaned myself
off and put on a clean diaper. When I came out he told me
that I smelled a lot better. He asked me if I was wearing
some deodorant or something with a fragrance. At first I
wasn’t sure what he meant but then I figured that it was the
baby oil. I’m putting a thin coating all over my body now.
Actually, I hadn’t planned to change my diaper till the next
morning but if it bothered Jeff, I figured what the heck.
It’s funny, I hadn’t noticed the smell but maybe I’m used to
it. Sometimes Mom wrinkles her nose when I walk into the
room she’s in – and she keeps the windows partly open a lot
of the time.
School will be starting in about a week and I was
talking to Mom about finishing shopping for the clothes that
I’ll need. She asked me if I felt that I was really ready to
go back to school. I asked her what she meant by that crack
and she said “….. just take a look in the mirror, and
think about how you’re acting now…..” I wasn’t sure what
she meant but I took a close look in the bedroom mirror.
Guess I hadn’t thought about it before but I do look a
little different. I’ve spent most of the summer in the house
so I don’t have any tan and my skin is pretty white. I’ve
just been sleeping in late in the morning, and then just
wandering around the house with just my diaper (and plastic
pants) on, eating and snacking and watching TV. So I’ve
gained a little weight. Not a lot but my body is softer and
rounder now. What with the soft white skin, and rounded
body, and the baggy diaper, I kind of look like a big baby
in some ways. So what – no big deal.
Guess that Mom felt differently about it, though. Later
that day she got mad and said that she wasn’t going to let
her son act that way any more. And she had been nice to me
and had ignored the changes. But that she could see now that
that had been a mistake. And if I didn’t care about how I
looked and acted, that she did. And that I was either going
to shape up or if I was going to act like a big baby that
she would treat me like one. I said something really
intelligent about how she was “….. fucked in the head
…..” Course that didn’t do much to improve the situation
and she got really mad and started yelling at the top of her
voice and saying that she was going to take charge of the
situation. When she gets like that I just can’t talk to her
so I went to bed.
When I got up the next morning, and went out to
breakfast, I found that she had fixed oatmeal for me. If
there’s anything that I hate, it’s oatmeal – gray shit! Mom
was like “….. babies must eat what their mother’s fix for
them …..” So I had to sit at the table till I ate
everything, and she washed off my face for me. Then she
wanted me to sit on a blanket in front of the TV and watch
kiddy shows for the rest of the morning – boring! Part way
through the morning she brought me a baby bottle of warm
milk and made me lie down and roll up in the blanket while I
sucked on the nipple. This act went on the whole day, me
just sitting around and being treated like a baby. The funny
thing was that it didn’t bother me. If she thought it would
punish me, it didn’t. Like it was strange, but if she wanted
to take care of me that was fine with me. Better than
getting into a knockdown, drag-out fight with her.
The next couple of days were even more of the same. It
got so that she either wanted me in my bed napping, or lying
on the blanket in the living room, playing with my (baby)
toys or watching kiddy shows on the TV. She even started
feeding me – like there wasn’t anything that she’d let me do
for myself. A couple of times I tried to talk to her, but
every time I opened my mouth she’d say something like “…..
baby must be quiet, mommy knows what’s best for baby …..”
so I wasn’t getting anywhere and I just gave up. The first
time she wanted to change my diaper for me we had a real
battle, I was crying and kicking and everything, but she
just kept at it till she was done. After that I just let her
take care of it for me. It feels kind of nice to just lie
there and have her take my poopie old diaper off, and clean
me up, and put baby oil and talcum powder on my bottom, and
put a nice fresh clean diaper and rubber pants on me.
Jeff came over a couple of days later and Mom let him
in without even asking me if I wanted to see him. I was
lying on my blanket in front of the TV and having my second
bottle of the morning when he came into the room. He tried
to talk to me but I didn’t feel much like talking to him so
I just rolled up in my blanket and turned my back on him and
ignored him. After awhile he left.
If she thought that treating me like a baby was going
to shame me it didn’t work. She’s been treating me this way
for almost a month and I’ve just gone along with her. I
don’t even try to talk to her anymore. And it’s easier just
to crawl along on the rug now than to try to stand up and
walk when I want to go somewhere. Not that I really want to
go lots of places. It’s so much easier just to lie there and
play with my toes, or the warm, soft fluffy toys that she
buys me. When she was shampooing my hair this morning she
held up the mirror and I saw that my face is fuller now,
kind of chubby with red cheeks and little dimples. Then when
she was changing my diaper later on, I could see my body in
the bedroom mirror. I haven’t gained an awful lot of weight
but I look kind of pink and plump and chubby now. Just like
a baby should……………

this is a real life story. steve put this up this night and im really jelis the lucky baby