The Epidemic

WHO Declares New Safety Standards
January 24, 2012

The virus has claimed 5,000 lives in the United State of America over the last week. Although doctors are still working around the clock to come up with an effective medication to cure someone infected, progress is slow. The vaccine, when taken before someone is infected, is only proving to be 50% effective. The World Health Organization has declared new standards in safety to help decrease the speed at which the virus is spreading.

1 ) Monitor your health. Everyone, including children, should take their temperature every morning before leaving home. If it is at or above 99.0 or up .4 from your healthy temperature, you MUST stay home. Although not required, it is recommended that everyone else in the house stay home also. If you develop symptoms such as fever, cough, headache, and muscle pain, seek medical attention immediately. NOTE: If you have taken any medication that is known to help decrease a person’s temperature, you MUST stay home.

2 ) Doctors are to use the new Home/Doctor link technology to see patients who are confined to their house. Each country is responsible for making sure every household has one accessible product; Web version, Cell Phone version, Land Line version, or Emergency Cell/Satalite version (for people with no phone or internet). NOTE: most countries have already reached 50% distribution and expect to be at 90% distribution within the next 30 days.

3 ) Use disinfectant wipes or sprays to daily clean any surface which is commonly touched by more than one person.

4 ) Basic Hygiene should be followed; Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with a tissue or your arm; take a shower daily; and wash hands before eating anything, before handling any food, after going to the bathroom, and after exposure to anything / anyone who might be sick.

5 ) Physical Contact with others should be severely restricted. Handshakes should be replaced with bows, waves, or just verbal greetings. Limit hugs, kisses, and other forms of close physical contact to immediate family members only. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

6 ) Protective Undergarments must be worn by people of any age with bladder and bowel control issues, even if only minimally effected. People with poor motor coordination skills should not change themselves; this includes all children less than 10 years old. Gloves should be worn by anyone changing a protective undergarment. NOTE: Diaper companies around the world have agreed to include in their packages at least 2 gloves for each diaper / pull-up in packages.

7 ) Pharmacies and Grocery Stores are required to do home deliveries, with packages left outside the door without contact with people inside.

8 ) No visitors beyond immediate family are allowed in Medical facilities. No Children under 16 are allowed in as visitors in medical facilities.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) in the United States of America along with similar health agencies in other countries around the world have supported the standards. It is hoped these standards will slow down the spread of the disease by at least 50 percent.

Is Your Six Year Old Fully Toilet Trained?
February 25, 2012

Schools around the world are asking parents if their six year olds are Fully toilet trained or not. It is very common for young children in school to have potty accidents. In the past, these children were sent to the office or nurse’s office, given clothes to change into and sent back to class. With the WHO’s (World Health Organization) new Safety Standards released a month ago, these children MUST be wearing protective undergarments. As parents struggle with the concept of putting their 3 to 9 year old children back into Pull-ups, schools are forcing the issue before parents have accepted the reality.

The Standard 6 Committee, made up of Developmental Pediatricians, Federal Agencies overseeing Preschool and Early Childhood settings, Child Development Specialists, and the National Association of Child Care Providers, has gotten together in order to answer a simple question. When is a child Fully toilet trained?

Professionals all agree that considering the current health crisis, that children who are not Fully toilet trained should be in some type of protective undergarment. But, turning around and telling the parents of a six year old that their child needs to go back into diapers is causing many of them to pause and think. No clear guidance has therefore come from this committee. Without this guidance schools and agencies that serve children have been scrambling to come up with their own policies.

Over the last month, many schools across the country have established policies for declaring if a child is toilet trained or not. The policies tend to be stricter in areas hard hit by the epidemic virus. Schools in these areas have declared that all Kindergarteners, and some schools included First Graders, MUST wear Pull-Ups or Diapers to school. The schools have also declared that any child in Kindergarten through twelfth grade, who has had any bladder or bowel control issues over the last 12 months MUST wear Pull-ups for at least the rest of the school year. Only after staying dry and clean at school for 12 months, will they be considered for getting out of Pull-ups at the beginning of the next school year.

These policies have not gone over very well with parents. There have been protests and some volatile exchanges. Police across the country have been called into School Board Meetings to remove volatile parents and break up fights. Some parents have pulled their children from school instead of sending them to school in a Pull-Up.

Mr. Feldman, the father of a third grader whom the school said needed to wear a Pull-Up to school due to an ‘accident’ last year as a second grader, was very adamant in his view. “There is NO WAY I am going to put my 9 year old back into Diapers just because some screwed up teacher last year wouldn’t let him go to the bathroom when he needed to.”

Although many parents have this view and are voicing their opinions, the protests are not changing the policies. As the epidemic takes more lives, school boards and community health officials have less and less sympathy for these parents. For years it has been general knowledge that bodily fluids are full of germs and a significant way that infections are spread. Children who are not FULLY toilet trained are the biggest cause of the spread of disease through urine and fecal mater.

Mrs. Elmsford, Principal of Arrow Elementary, felt the protesters were missing the point. “If we are able to decrease the spread of this epidemic and save some lives by having a child go back into Training Pants, then it is worth the inconvenience. If a child is upset by this, a counselor can help them through, but nothing can help the child that comes down with this virus and dies. Most of the time however, it is the parents, not the child, that has a problem with going back to Training Pants.”

Although the parents with objections have a valid point, the reality is that the world is changing. This change is forcing the human race to decide once and for all how we determine when a child is Fully toilet trained and when it is appropriate to take them out of Diapers and Pull-ups. So be prepared at your next parent teacher conference to be asked, “Is your six year old Fully Toilet Trained?”

WHO’s Safety Standards Working?
June 5, 2012

Ten Percent of the world population has already died due to the epidemic. The Vaccine booster has increased effectiveness to 70 Percent, but a cure for those already infected has eluded doctors. Six months ago the World Health Organization (WHO) released Safety Standards in hopes of decreasing the speed at which the disease was spreading. These standards were met with significant objection from many sources and have rewritten the way our society functions. But, have they decreased the spread of the disease by 50 Percent?

The WHO reports newly infected individuals is down 47 percent from January, but warns that the northern hemisphere usually has a decrease in viruses during the summer months. They fear rates could return to previous levels or higher next Fall. They continue to recommend that all of the Safety Standards be implemented.

Professor Fern Evans, research scientist at Northern University, reports that most of the Safety Standards do very little to stop the spread of the disease. She does feel a few however, could explain some of the decrease. She doubts they could explain the 47 percent decrease. Professor Evans feels the remote doctoring and extra cleaning of surfaces has probably had the biggest impact.

The most controversial Safety Standard, required delivery from pharmacies and grocery stores, is felt to probably have the least impact. Many store owners still declare it an unfunded mandate that puts undo burden on their business. The governments regulations that they are unable to charge for the deliveries, has caused several of the smaller stores to close rather than absorb the cost.

Professor Evans claims to have statistical data that shows the other controversial standard, the use of protective undergarments, is definitely having an impact. This Safety Standard is accepted and implemented more in some communities than others. Professor Evans’ data indicate communities having strict rules in place for this standard and limited resistance from parent organizations have an infection rate 70 percent less than it was in January. Communities with lenient rules and strong resistance from parent groups show only a 38 percent decrease in the infection rate.

Although parent groups in disagreement with the Protective Undergarment Safety Standard dispute Professor Evans findings, the Center for Disease Control is using his statistics to promote the standard.

The Safety Standards and increased effectiveness of the Vaccine immunization combined have contributed to the 47 percent decrease in the spread of the disease. We are all still at risk and all precautions should be done to protect yourself and others.

Paper, Pencils, and Diapers.
September 1, 2012

School starts Tuesday for most districts. It is time to make sure you have all your child’s school supplies. Along with the traditional supplies of pencils, paper, and erasers, many parents also need to buy diapers and wipes for their school age child. One year ago this concept would have been laughed at. Now schools across the country are estimating that at least 35 percent of the incoming First Graders and at least 15 percent of the incoming Second Graders will be wearing either diapers or pull-ups. Most schools have established a policy that ALL Kindergarteners must be wearing either diapers or pull-ups.

Eight months ago we were jolted to this change of how we raise our children by the release of the World Health Organizations Safety Standards in an effort to combat the Virus Epidemic, which as of August has already claimed 13 percent of the world population. The guideline with the most impact on children stated:

“Protective Undergarments must be worn by people of any age with bladder and bowel control issues, even if only minimally effected. People with poor motor coordination skills should not change themselves; this includes all children less than 10 years old. Gloves should be worn by anyone changing a protective undergarment.”

Schools across the country quickly found around 25% of their first graders were coming to school in Pull-Up or Diapers. Most have had to hire new personnel just to change kids Pull-ups and Diapers. Few back in January realized how this one guideline would totally change how we raise children.

Yes, Parents are sending their six year olds to school in diapers.

JoAnn Somore, mother of a first grader in diapers, struggled with what undergarment to put her daughter in but decided to settle on diapers for a variety of reasons. Price was one of the most significant deciding factors. She found that she could buy twice as many youth size Diapers for the same price as youth size Pull-ups. Her daughter typically had minor “accidents” each day, and one or two major ones per week. Although she had not had any major accidents at school since the beginning of Kindergarten, Mrs. Somore knew the new standard was addressing kids like hers.

“Even the small minor ‘accidents’ were putting others at risk by spreading germs,” Mrs. Somore explained. “I had to ask myself if she was truly toilet trained or not. She was putting so much effort into staying as dry and clean that she couldn’t focus on or enjoy other things. We put her in Pull-ups initially and the number of ‘accidents’ she was having increased and were bigger. We had to face reality that she wasn’t really toilet trained. Since putting her back into diapers she is a lot happier, doing much better in school, and much more social with her peers.”

Mrs. Somore and others have also been frustrated with having to take a child’s shoes and pants off just to put a new pull-up on when a child needs to be changed. This has made diapers more attractive for parents of kids who were having more than just the occasional ‘accident’. So the big question many groups and parents are asking the professionals is; when is a child really ready to be toilet trained?

The Standard 6 Committee spent seven months examining the WHO’s 6th Safety Standard and coming up with guidance for it. Their guidance has met just as much objection as the original standard. They declared that children are to stay in diapers till they can successfully use the toilet without prompting from an adult, needing no more than two changes per day for at least three days. Then they go to Training Pants. Children can not switch to underwear till they are Fully Toilet Trained. They defined this as the ability to go at least six months keeping their training pants completely dry and clean day and night with no prompting from an adult. This means no bedwetting, no damp training pants, and no ‘skid marks’ for at least six months.

Although doctors have said for years that a child usually is physically ready to be toilet trained between 30 and 36 months, many pediatricians are now admitting complete control often is not gained till between the ages of 6 and 9 years old. Some are even saying a child should not be toilet trained till six years old.

Developmental Pediatrician Ellen LaTroy says there are prime opportunities or windows when it is easier to toilet train a child. The first is between the ages of two and a half and three and a half. Then every three years after that is another window. So within six months of a child 3rd, 6th, and 9th birthday, it is easiest to toilet train a child. She advises with the new guidelines that most children do not really have the skills to be Fully Toilet Trained till they are at least 6 years old, so efforts should not be started till they are in that window. She also warns that it may take till the 9 year old window to really accomplish the skill.

Pencils, Paper, and Diapers may be on the school supply list for a few years if it takes kids till 9 to reach the new definition of being Fully Toilet Trained. As one parent pointed out, if a child today is expected to live 90 to 100 years, this is only ten percent of their life that we need to deal with our little kids being in diapers. That is a small price to pay if it can stop the spread of disease.

March 14, 2016

Scientists at SaveMore, Inc., a private medical research foundation, announced yesterday that the WHO and CDC have approved their new cure for mass release. Over the last five years, 20 percent of the world population has died from this epidemic. The Vaccine only proved to be effective on 70% of the people, and until now no medication could be found to help those that had come down with the virus. It had a 100% death rate with those that came down with the virus. Officials worry about how many more will still die before the cure can be made in mass amounts and distributed around the world.

Even at full production in plants around the world, it is predicted demand will exceed availability till mid July. Individuals in stage 3 of the Virus have first priority to the medication. The next target for the medication will be children 16 and under, who are most significantly impacted by the Epidemic Virus, and who have a much shorter period from infection to death. Doctors and professionals working with children will be the next group allowed access to the medication.

George Eleen, CDC’s chief of Epidemic Control, said agencies around the world have been given the formula and are already setting up for full production of the new medication. He reports that in the U.S.A., with cooperation from the major drug manufacturers, each state should have doses within the next two weeks. Patience is requested as every effort is being made to get this medication out as fast as possible.

With a quick end predicted to the deaths from this epidemic, the United States President has ordered the eight Standard Committees to reconvene and determine which standards should be continued and in what fashion, once the ordeal is over. She has asked for each committee to have recommendations released by May 1st.

So YES, we have a cure for the Epidemic Virus. But expect more deaths over the next few months as production and distribution of the cure struggle to keep up with demand.

6 Year Old Babies Are the New Norm
January 20, 2022

A six year old wearing diapers, drinking from a baby bottle, sleeping in a crib, and eating in a high chair with a bib is considered normal. Most people now a days view it as odd or inappropriate if a child is not doing these things on their sixth birthday. Having a six year old acting and being treated as a baby is viewed as the proper way to raise a child by Child Development Specialists.

This Fall the JoLee family has been bringing this issue to the forefront after they were accused of child abuse when they tried to register their five year old daughter for Kindergarten, claiming she was toilet trained and she would not be coming to school in diapers. The school’s policy required all Kindergarteners to wear diapers, based upon the guidelines set up by the Post Epidemic Standard 6 Committee.

The JoLee’s oldest child, now 20 years old, was toilet trained at two and a half years old. Although they followed the law with their two middle children, who were raised during the Epidemic Crisis, they did not see any reason to continue with delayed toilet training with their youngest. They claim to have followed the guideline of keeping her in Pull-ups till she had been Fully Trained for six months, saying she started wearing regular panties just before her fourth birthday. Although they do admit, they thought it was very silly forcing her to stay in Pull-ups once she was trained.

Five years ago the Post Epidemic Standard 6 Committee decided to continue the standard after the epidemic due to the public health benefits it provided. Spread of bugs and viruses are significantly lower due in part to this standard. Schools report fewer absences due to sicknesses compared to 11 years ago, before the epidemic. Child Development Specialists almost universally agree that children have higher self esteem and cognitive development when they are allowed to develop at their own rate and not pushed to learn skills before they are ready. It is felt developmentally children are not ready for toilet training till within six months of their sixth birthday, and some are not ready till their ninth birthday.

A six year old is closer to a three year old socially and emotionally, according to the officials, than they are a nine year old. Before the Epidemic and the new standard, every effort was made to get a six year old to act older than they were emotionally ready to handle. These approaches lead to children being punished just for acting their age and developmental level. When Safety Standard 6 was released ten years ago, it started a sequence of events leading to parents and Child Development Specialists to reexamine how we raise children. Many specialists had to admit previous social norms were not always in the best interest of the children.

Should a six year old still be sleeping in a crib and drinking from a baby bottle? If you talk to most parents who raised children before Standard 6 was put into place, they will tell you that these things should be left behind once a child turns three years old. Most parents who have only raised children after Standard 6 was released, view parenting as easier than what their parents dealt with and credit the focus on a child’s true developmental level as the key. They see no reason to push a child to give these things up before their sixth birthday.

Ten years ago, a child was no longer considered a baby after their third birthday. If they still used baby items, they were quickly weaned off of them. Now a child is not weaned off of ‘baby items’ till after their sixth birthday, and many of these items are used till a child is nine years old. If we categorize a ‘baby’ as a young child who still needs and uses these ‘baby’ items (diapers, cribs, pacifiers, bibs, highchairs, carseats, etc.), then we definitely now have six year old babies. But parents and professionals who deal with children are not complaining, feeling that this change has lead to an easier upbringing of our youth. If they feel this is in the best interest of our children, can society accept it?

The Cure, 50 Years Later
March 14, 2066

How old were you when they finally came up with the cure to the Viral Epidemic? Most people who were alive at the time, can answer that question. Many can even tell you where they were and what they were doing. I was just a little six year old baby at the time still in diapers, but I can remember. I was sitting in school doing speed drills with subtraction facts, when an announcement came over the schools loud speaker relaying the news. I didn’t understand the significance of the announcement, but I knew it was big news that would stop people from getting sick and dying.

Fifty years later, we often view the world as Pre-Epidemic and Post-Epidemic. Twenty percent of the world population (One-Billion, three-hundred and fifty-eight Million, two-hundred and seventy-five Thousand, nine-hundred and forty people) died over a five year period due to the epidemic. The world was changed forever. Global efforts to end the epidemic and prevent the collapse of economic systems around the world started the World Society Movement and the downfall of rivalries between countries. There has not been one war since 2020. Economies finally melded into one, with one world currency. The World Leadership Council is finally taking its place as the governing council of the United Countries of the World.

It is hard to understand how Primitive Pre-Epidemic Countries managed to survive when they were constantly competing against each other for resources, land, and money. They were even forcing their babies to act more grown up before being developmentally ready, just to compete against other countries. Propaganda would parade extremely gifted children in front of everyone as learning a skill at a ridiculously early age, and then ask people, if this kid can do it, why aren’t you teaching your kid to do it too.

Babies were being toilet trained, taught to read, and forced to act like big kids. A popular Pre-Epidemic commercial paraded two year olds around in Training Pants, having them say “I’m a Big Kid Now” while being forced to use the potty. Five year olds were considered significantly delayed if they weren’t Fully toilet trained, couldn’t read words, or didn’t know how to write their name. Many multi-million dollar pre-epidemic businesses marketed reading curriculums to parents of two, three, and four year olds. No wonder there were so many people in the world with Emotional and Psychological problems.

Our evolved society has finally realized a child’s developmental level and physical maturity is what dictates readiness to learn a skill. School isn’t about teaching a child Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, it is about helping a child grow and develop into a productive member of society. Unlike Primitive Pre-Epidemic cultures, we start our babies in school on their first birthday in D-Level 1. We don’t just assume parents know how to teach a child the skills they need in the first 5 years of their lives. We have professionals trained in child development teaching our future.

Archaic approaches have been left behind. Shapes, Letters, and Numbers are not introduced till a child is at least 6 years old. We now understand that a child isn’t ready to be toilet trained till at least their ninth birthday. Reading can be taught around the same time or just after. Teenagers are still little kids, and we now it. Can you imagine, people once believed an 18 year old was an adult and many people were married and had kids before they even turned 20 years old. No wonder society was falling apart before the epidemic.

We have matured as a world over the last 50 years. Our future is now bright and full of hope. Our babies can be babies, our children can be children, and upon reaching adulthood at age 25, people are finding ways to happily contribute to society. We are growing as a world, as our space program is taking us beyond it. We are no longer a primitive pre-epidemic society. Welcome to the new world.