The Return to Innocence (completed) Draft Part 12

When Friday morning came Rob was again waken up by Michelle as she entered the room to check up on the two kids. As Michelle busied herself with Ben, Rob just laid in bed trying to erase the cobwebs from his mind without luck. Rob could hear Michelle making baby talk with Ben and the unmistakable coo’s and bah’s that came from Ben’s as he reveled in the attention. Once Ben had his diaper changed and given his bottle Ben quieted down.

Michelle then checked up on her husband, by again slipping two fingers down his Pull-ups. “Oh dear honey, you’ve had another accident. It also seems that have gotten smaller over night because your Pull-ups don’t fit anymore and you peed all over the bed.” Rob began to cry when he realised his total lack of toilet training. As a man, loosing control of something as infantile as his bladder was too much to bear. His inner child began to surface and he started to vent at the world around him, releasing the high pitched wail of an upset baby.

Michelle picked up her husband and began to cuddle and console him. Slowly Rob calmed down and his cries became sniffles. While holding Rob, Michelle noticed how small he had gotten overnight. Her husband was now definitely smaller than Ben and if she had to guess Rob was probably about 18 months old. Michelle laid her husband on the changing table which immediately brought a response from the little man, Rob began to cry again as he knew what the changing table meant. Michelle tried to console him but there was no stopping the tears right now, he was completely humiliated and miserable that he was now going to wear a baby’s diaper.

Michelle removed his wet pajamas and socks before releasing the tabs on his Pull-ups. She lifted up his tiny bottom and pulled away the wet undergarment. Rob then stopped crying momentarily as he shivered at the cold baby wipe that was rubbed across his groin. Michelle then spread a liberal portion of baby power onto his skin before lifting his legs, sliding one of his son’s diapers under his bottom and fastening it shut. Michelle then put Rob in one of Ben’s sleepers which fit even though it was a little large. Finally she put Rob in the playpen with a blanket and small pillow, “I’m sorry honey but until I get the bed cleaned up you will have to sleep in the playpen. I want you to sleep for another hour before I get you up for the day.” With that Michelle closed the door behind her leaving Rob to lie in bed completely exhausted from his crying episode.

As Rob lay in bed he put his hand down into the sleeper and felt his new diaper. It had a soft plastic outside that crinkled when he pushed it but what he noticed most was how big the garment was. He tried to put his hand down the front however Michelle had fastened the diaper tightly, just like he did with Ben’s diapers so kids couldn’t play with themselves. As Rob lay in bed and pondered what the next few days would involve, as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Later that morning Rob woke up when Michelle entered to deal with her two children. Michelle first busied herself with Rob, she lifted the little man out of the playpen and onto the changing table. She again put two fingers down his diaper, which brought an objection from Rob. “I can tell you if my diaper needs to be changed, you don’t have to keep checking.” Michelle just cut him off in mid-sentence, “Nonsense, babies don’t always know if they have peed in their pants, I’ll have to check you regularly just like we do with Benny.” Rob knew she was right, Ben had his diaper checked every few hours because most babies don’t notice or care it they are clean or dirty. Without regular monitoring babies tend to get diaper rash, which was painful and made Ben fuss constantly. Yet another humiliation was forced upon Rob, which he would have to endure.

“Well this time you are dry so I won’t change your dyedee.” With that statement Michelle proceeded to dress Rob in a cute set of blue and yellow shortalls. Rob recognized the clothes since he picked them out for Ben about 6 months ago. At the time Rob thought they were cute and expected Benny would like them also, however when Rob was dressed in them now and he felt very odd wearing pastel blue and yellow. Finally he had socks and little running shoes put on his feet before being lowered to the floor.

Rob stood there for a few seconds under the watchful eye of Michelle. Not knowing how Rob would react to his new babyhood, she hovered over him while he wobbled uneasily with his new uncoordinated balance. Finally Rob took a few steps forward before he looked around him at the massive size of all the furniture. The baby’s crib used to reach his belly button but now it stood at least two or three times larger than him. Even the chair in the corner would take a great effort to scale.

Rob then noticed the mirror hanging from the door. He slowly waddled over and stood in front, the reflection looking back at him was quite impressive. Standing in front of him was an 18 month old toddler with wispy black hair and very cute dimples. Rob tried to look behind himself but found that he couldn’t move his head without twisting his torso. He had noticed this in Ben also, apparently the spinal column was fused at this age and only gave him limited movement. When he again tried to look behind his balance gave out and fell on his padded bottom. At first he expected it to hurt, instead he was quite surprised at the lack of any pain from falling over. Now he realized why babies and small kids didn’t mind and even enjoyed falling all the time.

Rob turned around in his sitting position and looked up at Michelle as she worked on their son. Unfortunately there was not much to watch from this perspective with all the activity happening above the counter which was obscured from his view. He could hear Michelle as she played and made baby talk with Ben as she dressed him for a day of fun and games. Rob became fixated on the activity above him and the conversation the two were having. It wasn’t much different than when he took care of Ben however from his new perspective it became fascinating, he was almost jealous of the attention Ben was getting.

When Michelle was done she put Benjamin back in the crib and started to move the playpen into the living room when she almost tripped over Rob. “Rob be careful! Someone is going to step on you if you don’t watch out.” With Michelle’s sudden shock and exclamation, she instantly reached down and picked Rob up depositing him in the crib. When Michelle stood Rob on the crib mattress his legs almost collapsed. Reaching up and grasping the rail allowed the little man to keep his balance long enough to steady himself.

“Wow, dis isn’t as easy as it seem. I not used to these wegs yet” Rob frowned at his pronunciation, he hadn’t spoken since last night and his speech had drastically changed. He put a finger in his mouth and probed the inside and found he was missing a lot of teeth. From his best guess he had three or four on the top of his mouth and about the same on the bottom. At least for the moment.

Once Rob had braced himself, Michelle busied herself with the playpen moving it into the living room where she could keep an eye on her children. Rob for the first time was trapped without an exit, forced to stay in his new confines until Michelle returned. Rob found this a little unnerving that he was now completely under another person’s control. If it had been someone else other than Michelle he would have objected more, however he new that Michelle would take good care of him.

On the other side of the crib was Ben dressed in a dark blue shirt and red coveralls with yellow socks and shoes. “Now that outfit looks much better. At least I did have some fashion sense when shopping.” Benjamin had a finger stuck in his mouth and a huge grin on his face. Right away Rob knew what Ben was thinking. His son had a new playmate, another baby his size to play with and babble at. Rob realized he would be spending a lot of time with his son and would have to play a lot games with him. The idea of stacking blocks and sharing a soother did not excite Rob in the least.

Benjamin showed his excitement and toddled effortlessly across the mattress. Now standing toe to toe with his son, Rob had a sinking feeling in his stomach. Ben was an inch or two taller than he was and by the way he cruised across the mattress his balance and ability to walk were far better than his. Unless Rob was very careful he was going to be the weaker, less dominant member of this pair.

“Da-da wittle!” Ben exclaimed.

“Oh god, it has already started. I’m really not going to like this.” Rob realized.

Soon Michelle reappeared, picked up Ben and took him to the living room where the playpen was set up. Next she came back for her husband, picked him up and carried him next to her chest. Rob was impressed how easy it was for Michelle to bear his weight. With one arm under his butt he was carried effortlessly. Rob laid his head on her breast and enjoyed the ride. He noticed that Michelle’s breasts seemed larger than normal however he just assumed that like everything else in his new world Michelle was bigger just like everything else.

“Pwease don’h puh me wiff Benny in da pwaypen. He’s bigga dan me.” Michelle giggled at the increasing problems Rob had with speaking, Rob was really sounding like a toddler except with a larger vocabulary. She wondered if he got much smaller if he’d loose his ability to speak, similar to the toilet training problems he now faced.

“It’s okay honey I’ll keep the two of you separated but you are going to have to play with your son part of the day. There are going to be times during the day I can’t keep an eye on you, so you will have to spend time with him in the playpen.” Michelle understood that it was not going to be easy for Rob to adjust but he was going to have to try and make the best of the situation.

Rob was placed on the floor and allowed to roam free. For the first time he was given the chance to move around and get used to his new body. Rob immediately noticed he was not walking normally, both the thickness of his diaper and the angle of his feet which rotated out caused him to waddle instead of walking normally. This didn’t completely surprise Rob as he just watched his son learn to walk. He toddled around the room finding that at this age the act of walking seemed like a fun expedition. Again he noticed his balance was not very good and toppled over every few minutes, especially when he didn’t concentrate on the act of walking.

Soon Rob was hoisted off the ground and carried into the kitchen. As he passed the playpen Ben was happily drinking from his sippy cup, obviously Ben had finished his breakfast and now it was Rob’s turn. Michelle placed her husband in the high chair and strapped him in. Next Michelle maneuvered behind Rob and wrapped a feeding bid around his neck. Rob was already starting to feel uncomfortable about the whole process however he was somewhat prepared as he had done the same to his son Benjamin.

Michelle sat down in front and opened two small bottles of baby food. “Now I really don’t think I need to be hand fed baby food, just give me some cereal and a spoon.” Rob inquired to his much larger wife. “Absolutely not! I saw you check how many teeth you have and baby food is exactly what you should be fed at this age.” With that statement Michelle shoved a generous portion of strained pears into his mouth. The food had little in common with real pears and he didn’t remember ever eating pears that had been liquefied.

By the end of the meal Rob’s bib was a mess. It seemed like half the meal ended up on the bib instead of his mouth. This did frustrate Rob somewhat, he had always assumed that Ben’s bad eating habits were more a matter of effort and not coordination. Once finished Michelle removed the bib and wiped his face and fingers clean. Michelle then set Rob on the floor and handed him a baby bottle full of formula.

“You can’t be sewious, I am not going to drink dis. At weast Benny gets a sippy cup, this is just stupid. I’ve had it with this baby stuff you can just give it a west” With that statement Rob tossed the bottle at his wife’s feet and toddled away. Michelle was stunned by her husband’s actions, he had never treated her like this before and it shocked her into silence. She stood there are watched as he turned and waddled away, finally as if waking from a dream she immediately picked up the child, sat down on the couch, pulled down his diaper and gave the surly little man a spanking.

Rob couldn’t believe it! Out of surprise and shock he started yelling for Michelle to stop but quickly the pain became too great and the yelling turned to a baby’s cries of pain. “You will learn to be polite and respect my authority, I am not going to be the mommy to a brat!” After only a couple of swats Michelle stopped. “Now who are you going to obey baby?”

Rob stopped crying and sniffled as he spoke, “I…I am going to listen to my wife.” This statement did not please Michelle, “I’m not your wife, who are you going to obey baby?” Rob sniffled for a few more second before answering in a soft quiet voice. “I wisten to my mommy. Pwease stop, I be good baby” With Rob’s statement of surrender she pulled up his diaper and pants then cleaned the tears from his face.

Michelle then walked over and deposited the new baby into the playpen and placed his bottle on his lap. The defeated little child looked down at the bottle and up at his new mother. She stood over top waiting for him to start nursing. Rob had no choice, he picked up the bottle and stuck the nipple in his mouth, hoping it would be enough for Michelle to go away and leave him alone. What he didn’t expect was that his mouth and tongue began to automatically start sucking. Rob noticed the formula was like milk but a bit sweeter. As he started to drink in the formula he realized how thirsty he was, Rob sat back against the pen’s wall and drank his fill. Rob closed his eyes and relaxed, focusing solely on the baby bottle and its contents.

Before Rob realized what was going on he had emptied the bottle. Michelle had been monitoring him to make sure he finished the bottle. She laid a towel over her shoulder, picked up the baby and proceeded to pat his back producing a huge burp along with a bit of his breakfast which deposited itself on the towel. “Smart move with the towel, I got it diwty.” Rob said with a little humour.

“I have to go take a bath, I want you to play nice with Benny while I’m gone, okay?” Michelle made statement more than asked for permission, but Rob understood. “Okay, I be good while you are away.” With that Rob was lowered into the playpen and left to hang out with his son. Ben was standing in the corner chewing on a set of plastic keys while drooling.

Rob got up and was about to go over to Ben when his stomach and intestines started to rumble. He was about to call for Michelle when the sound of the shower told him she was indisposed. Rob looked around as if there was a way out only to realize he was trapped and forced to wait. He was stuck in this soft cell, forced to hold-on until she was done in the bathroom. If he wasn’t stuck in here, he could walk into the bathroom on his own and use Ben’s potty chair. It was so close, yet so far away.

The little professor decided to walk around the playpen to take his mind off this predicament. He started to cross the middle however the unexpected soft floor caused him to topple over. While sitting in the middle his gut continued to remind him of his impending constitutional. He crawled to the side of the pen and used the mesh wall to help him stand up. The intensity and pressure were getting worse and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold on.

He tried to get his mind off the pressure in his behind and focus on the accident at the laboratory. “How could I have received such a large dose of the radiation? How could I have been exposed long enough? Would it be possible to switch polarities of the transformer to induce the opposite effect?” Rob paused, with the depressing thought coming back to him. “Is my regression finished. And how many more months could I possibly loose?”

The scenarios ran through his mind, the ‘what if’s’ kept him guessing with endless possibilities. He was 18 months now, what if he ended up 6 months? Crawling around on all fours with a large butt sticking up in the air, unable to stand up or walk on two feet, crawling over to his Mommy to ask her to change his dirty diapers.

Then the image of him as a 3 month old baby flashed in his mind vividly and this he knew this image would haunt him for days. There he was lying in his crib unable to crawl or even sit up, just lying there starting at the ceiling as his limbs twitched uncontrollably, not even sure if he would be able to tell when he’d peed…


Suddenly Rob was brought back to reality by the warmth building in his groin. He had started peeing and hadn’t noticed! He could feel the hot rush of urine flowing around his pubes.

He hadn’t even known he was peeing! “How could it get worse than this?” As Rob began to reflect on his latest failure, instinctively he grabbed the side of the playpen as his sphincter involuntarily spasm. Suddenly a wave of pleasure rose from his anus and traveled up his spine. Simultaneously a warm expanding pile of poo spread into the back of his diaper. As his bowels finished their job, Rob gripped the mesh wall with all his might not moving, overwhelmed by the moment, during this nearly orgasmic experience. All he could do is stand there lost in the experience as weight in his diaper grew heavier by the second. “This isn’t so bad.” As he smiled to himself.

The toddler stood at the side of the playpen in a blissful state. Slowly he started to contemplate what had just happened. While in a playpen wearing nothing but a pair of shortalls and a diaper, he managed to completely mess himself. It wasn’t a small mistake but the gesture of a small child not an adult. Rob also noticed that the odor wasn’t as rank as he remembered. It wasn’t a smell he wanted to live with all day but he could stand it sometimes. “Maybe I’m not as smelly as Benny?”

Rob took a few steps and could feel the mess in the back of his diaper shift. Suddenly Ben yelled out, “Da-da go poopies!” Ben squealed at the top of his voice, he was very proud of the fact he could tell that someone else needed to be changed. Immediately Rob tried to turn towards his son but not used to this new coordination he fell on his bottom. The mess inside his diaper immediately spread across his butt however it was the feeling of this poo oozing around his crotch towards the front which disturbed him.

All he could do was sit and wait for Michelle to come and take care of him, there was nothing he could do for himself. For the first time Rob truly felt like a small helpless little baby, especially since it felt like he was about to start leaking all over the floor of the playpen. After a few minutes Rob wasn’t feeling any better about his condition as the recent events played a continuous loop in his mind. A small tear came from his eye as his thumb unnoticed snuck up and deposited itself in his mouth and he instinctively began to rock back and forth waiting for his mommy.