The Return to Innocence (completed) Draft Part 14

Rob woke up in the playpen again. The light shown through the curtains creating sunbeams as Rob played with his fingers and the cobwebs slowly dissipated from his sleepy mind. Benny was still sleeping and the cabin was quiet. Soon Rob realized he was wet however he was not uncomfortable and nor in immediate need of help. The air had the smell of a mess but it could have been his roommate. As he shifted around it didn’t seem like he had pooped in his diaper but he was not sure. He laid back and wondered what time it was, it was hard to tell without a clock, so his best guess was some time after sunrise at 6am.

Soon he realized his sleeper and the floor of the playpen were wet from a leaky diaper. Rob groaned at the fact he probably regressed during the night. His frustration over the pass week began to well up inside him. He had tried to be a good sport over the entire affair, Michelle had not been responsible however she had been supportive and tried to make the best of a bad situation. However it didn’t seem to matter to the little man right now as he balled up his tiny fists fighting back the tears. The more he fought his emotions to stay in control the angrier he became. He squirmed in his wet clothes, which only made him feel more uncomfortable. Sitting up he could feel his sleeper had been soaked all up his back. This didn’t feel like a small accident but the complete emptying of a full bladder. Finally his mind snapped, reverting to a more primal stage in life and he began to cry like the baby he had become.

It felt like an eternity until Michelle came into the room. She picked up Rob and quickly removed his sleeper and before he knew it a dry diaper was fastened into place. He was dressed in a new red sleeper and then placed in the crib with a nipple bottle. Rob picked up the bottle and began nursing while he watched Benny receive the same treatment. After placing Benny back in the crib beside him with a sippy cup. “I’m going to clean the playpen then I’ll let it dry so you two have fun sleeping together for an hour or two.” As turned and grabbed a ragged to mop up the mess. The entire time Rob kept sucking on his bottle as if it was all that matter in his life right now. Michelle tucked her two sons under their blankets and closed the door behind her.

Later in the morning Michelle waked Rob as she entered the room. She removed him from the playpen, checked his diaper and dressed his in a shirt. Finally she placed him on the floor and let him roam free while Ben was dressed for the day. Rob waddled towards the mirror and noticed his balance had decreased substantially over night. Halfway across the room he fell backwards on his bottom however it didn’t hurt dropping from this short height. Attempting to stand up had become much more difficult. Climbing to his knees, he stuck his diapered end into the air before leaning back and finally standing up. Rob swayed in place for a couple of seconds before continuing to the mirror.

Rob stood in amazement at how small he’d become. Now a very cute dimpled 12 month old child smiled back at him. His shirt had a small child kicking a soccer ball and his thick white diaper visibly protruded from below. He giggled at the sight. With a finger stuck in his mouth it did not faze him that a stream of drool ran down his hand. He had noticed a continual drool yesterday and figured it would get worse as his teeth disappeared. Rob happily wandered off into the living room to start a brand new day.

By mid-morning Rob had another accident while sitting in the on the living room rug. He was playing with blocks when the urge in his gut came and just as quickly released without any ability to contain it. This time he didn’t get upset, instead he called for Michelle who took care of him quickly and efficiently. In fact the experience was sort of comforting, as he was content to sit and wait for assistance.

The rest of the day passed without incident. He played by himself mostly preferring to spend time on the couch reading a book or sometimes, when people weren’t looking he might try his hand at the blocks. Rob liked the blocks because they were made for someone his size, even books were awkward to lift and turn pages with his small pudgy hands.

Dinner and then bedtime seemed to come quickly, he noticed that his sense of time had dimished at some point. At one point he was playing with the blocks and didn’t realize an hour had passed until his diaper reminded him lunch had been digested. Tonight Ben and Rob went to bed at the same time and Rob didn’t make a fuss. When Michelle changed him this time she used a size 3 diaper which Ben hadn’t used since he was 11 or 12 months. Seeing this, all he could do was put his thumb in his mouth and hope his regression would end soon.

Sunday started like the past few, his diaper was wet along with the playpen floor. Michelle took care of her boy and afterwards he toddled over to the mirror to see a 10 month old baby looking back at him. Rob unsteadily toddled into the living room to start yet another day of carefree fun.

After lunch Ben was placed in the playpen and given a sippy cup. Michelle picked up Rob and carried him to the couch, where he expected his bottle while cradled in her arms. This had been the routine over the past few days and it was one of Rob’s truly favourite times of the day. He was so close to his wife and she made him feel warm and safe, he had fallen asleep a few times while he nursed on his bottle.

Rob was already feeling groggy from the food he’d consumed and laid back expecting to nurse. “I’ve got a surprise for you honey, I have been taking Domperidone. My breasts are lactating again.” Michelle’s voice wafted across the air and Rob slowly opened his eyes. Her blouse was gone and her breasts lay open before him. He gazed up at his wife however his eyes slowly drifted toward her large bosom. They were inviting as he fixated on the large round nipples. She stroked his hair and soothed him with a slight rocking motion. All he could do was sit in his warm comfy sleeper and suck his thumb longing to touch.

Michelle slowly lifted him towards her breast, instinctively he reached out and touched the left with both hands. The little hands caused a rush through Michelle’s chest. She guided Rob’s head towards her nipple and while half in a trance Rob’s lips unconsciously warped around the tit and began to nurse. Michelle closed her eyes as another orgasm washed over her. Rob hungrily gorged on his mother’s breast. He never recognized he was breastfeeding instead his infantile reactions took over and he had a very narrow focus on life that would only focus on getting his fill of milk. Rob’s attention was momentarily disturbed by the warming sensation in his crotch however it was comforting, not disturbing, so he quickly returned his undivided attention to his mommy. Soon his eyes were getting droopy and while nursing he fell asleep.

The rest of the day went without incident. More and more he noticed Michelle was leaving him in the playpen with Ben. At first he resented being stuck in the same confining space however soon Rob didn’t care. Like most little babies they were only interested in themselves and don’t care about others around them. The same was true for Benny, as he had lost interest in playing with Rob especially when Rob become so much younger. Rob happily played by himself entertaining with his favourite blocks and periods of almost mediation where he’d suck his thumb and stare at the playpen’s wall.

Monday morning, Rob awoke a little happier. He was wet and most likely messy, however this time his playpen’s floor wasn’t wet. It looked like his diaper had not leaked overnight, Rob gave a sigh of relief as it looked like the regression had slowed or stopped. As he lay in his playpen, Rob thought back over the past twenty four hours. He had breastfed more than once and become engrossed in the action loving every minute. There was no regret or revulsion for his truly infantile act, instead he lay in ‘his crib’ sucking his thumb dreaming of his next chance to nurse.

After a short time Michelle came into the room and changed her sons. As she lifted him onto the table her face screwed up. “Oh Rob, you are truly stinky this morning! How can one little man make such a large smell?” Rob giggled at the comment. “I don’h smew dah bad Mommy!” He waived his arms around and beat his legs against the table playfully as Michelle started unbuttoning his sleeper. After getting cleaned up, Michelle put him back in the playpen and gave him a bottle. Rob looked at the baby bottle a little confused. He didn’t want the bottle, he had expected to be breastfed. Before Michelle could turn to leave Rob began to fuss and cry. Michelle picked up her youngest son and cuddled him in her arms. Rob reached for Michelle’s breast but Michelle swatted his hand, which caused him to cry. Michelle quieted him down and slipped the bottle into his mouth. He reluctantly began to nurse and after a few minutes Rob’s belly began to fill as he drifted off to sleep.

The morning routine had become predictable as he expected to get a morning bottle, nap before getting up for breakfast and then play time. The only major difference was in his physical abilities. Rob was a little discouraged to find walking was becoming increasingly difficult. The diapers seemed a little thicker spreading his legs apart however he didn’t figure that was the real reason. It was difficult to balance correctly and his walk seemed more awkward. He fell constantly as he tried to cross the room. Even standing took effort as he usually needed a couple of attempts to before he was successful. Rob would get to his knees, stick his diapered butt in the air, then using his hands push his torso up until he could stand but somehow he seemed to fall backwards most of the time needing a second or third attempt. Soon he got tired of struggling to walk and started to crawl on all fours.

Around 10am Rob noticed Michelle began to pack Benny’s diaper bag. Rob figured they were going somewhere however it he wasn’t concerned, he was far more interested in his blocks. Michelle collected up extra bottles of baby food and prepared baby bottles before placing it all in the bag. Soon Michelle picked up Ben and took him back to the nursery, a few minutes later Ben came out dressed in smart clothes and shoes ready to go out.

Next it was Rob’s turn, he was stripped of his clothes as she stuck two fingers down his diaper. Rob didn’t even flinch at his lack of privacy, he had been checked for dryness continually over the past few days and had become used to the action. In fact more than once Michelle had checked his diaper and found he’d soaked it yet he hadn’t realized the mistake. “Just a little damp honey, but I think you will be fine until we get to the neighbours.”

Rob’s eyes grew wide as he realized what was happening. “You can take me out like dis, I’m wearing diapahs!”

Michelle just giggled at the obvious comment. “No honey we are going out, I’ve been stuck here with you two rugrats. I need to socialize with adults for a change. We won’t be there for too long, just relax and enjoy the attention.”

Public attention was the last thing Rob needed right now. It was one thing having Michelle, his life partner, taking care of him and knowing about his condition. However it was a completely different having others around when he was diapered and toddling around in this infantile state. “Pwease honey, I’m an adulw. I can’t be seen like dis.” Rob pleaded with his wife, his baby blue eyes begged for understanding. Michelle finished dressing her little man and picked him up cuddling and bouncing the child in her arms to calm him down. Rob burrowed his face in between her arm and breast hoping he could hide from the world.

Michelle finally calmed the baby down and stood him on the floor. Rob got about three steps before falling on his bottom. Again instead of trying to stand, he just got on all fours and made his way to the mirror. Once at the mirror he grabbed on to the leg of a chair and pulled himself up to a standing position.

This time he saw the 10-moth-old child, this time wearing the baby blue romper with a yellow t-shirt that had pant legs, instead there was elastic openings with lace around the edge. The soft blue outfit with a yellow shirt, socks and shoes was obviously bought as a set since the bird pattern on the socks matched the romper. Because there were elastic leg openings and the curved features of the waist Rob’s diaper bulged significantly from underneath. He stared at the sight for a minute, he looked like the epitome of a cute baby. A high pitched giggle came out as he wiggled his butt. Quickly his attention span drifted and he proceeded to the living room. After about 10 steps of an awkward waddled, he ended up on all fours, crawling madly towards his destination.

Rob stopped in mid crawl when a knock came at the door and a 14 year-old came wandering into the house. “Mrs. Leahey! It’s Sarah Barton! I’ve come to give you a hand!” Michelle scooped up Rob and deposited him in Ben’s stroller. “Thanks Sarah, if you could push Robbie’s stroller and carry the diaper bag, I’ll take Benny and the playpen.” With everything packed Michelle took Ben by the hand and proceeded to the door. Rob tried to look up and see the teenager but the stroller’s roof blocked his view, the only person he could see was his brother…err, son Benny.

As they walked down the lane, Rob saw the cottages he’d jogged past a few days before. The mailboxes were gigantic like everything else they passed. Suddenly a woman’s voice came from behind. “Margaret! Is that your son Benny? I haven’t met your son yet.” It was their next-door neighbour, Rachel. He had said hello during his jog but never stopped to have a conversation and this was definitely NOT the time to start.