The Witches Next Door Part 6

He looked up at the girl’s mother with tears in his eyes. He had just now become fully aware of the squishy mess in the seat of his diaper pressing back against his bottom. He could feel it squishing between his cheeks and pressing against his anus. He sniffled and nodded his head “yes”.

The mother smiled down at him. “I think I smell a poo poo diaper,” she said with a giggle. The cheerleader dolls giggled too, some were pointing at him and laughing. “He went poo poo in his diaper!” one shouted. “Goo goo gaa gaa pamper baby!” another one shouted. They all giggled.

“Now now, you pay no attention to those silly dolls sweetie…I’ll take care of you.” The girl’s mother said as she leaned down and scooped him up off the floor. Something seemed different now, she lifted him up so easily, and she looked so huge to him.

“Oopsie…look at that, she’s made you even younger now.” The mother placed him on the changing table and pointed to the mirror on the wall just behind the table.

He turned his head to see himself on the table; he was now the size of a toddler. “Whaaaa how…she’s sleeping…why am I smaller…I don’t want to be a baby…please make me big again please…!” he cried.

“Shhhh there there sweetie…don’t be afraid. You’ll be safe here. She’s just dreaming, and in her dream, she has made the two of you even younger than before…see” She told him as she pointed to her daughter’s sleeping body on the floor.

He looked at the red-headed girl who was now also a small toddler. Her diaper, like his own, had resized itself to fit her smaller form.

“You’ll be fine when she wakes up, she’ll be able to change you both back to your normal size when she’s awake.” The mother told him.

“Can’t you change me back to normal now?” He asked the mother.

“No sweetie I can’t, it was her energy that made you this way, she’s in control…you’ll have to wait it out. She’s still very young…even at her normal size. She’s just starting to learn how to control her powers and well…I think she overdid it today. You’re excitement  sort of…overloaded her system, so she passed out.”

He blushed and wondered if the mother had known what they were doing all along.

“Yes, I did know what you two were doing.” The mother told him, having read his thoughts. “Don’t be embarrassed, I could feel your experiences too…and I have to thank you…that was quite enjoyable cutie!” She said as she gave the seat of his poopy diaper a pat. “Wow, that feels like a big poo poo in there. Let’s get you cleaned up now.” She went to work changing him, opening the diaper, and making a face that showed she could smell the contents of his diaper. “ what a stinky baby you are” she said with a giggle.

“But I’m not a baby…” he told her.

“I know cutie…but we can have fun with this, just relax and enjoy the experience.”

And he did. He lay there on the changing table as she cleaned his bottom thoroughly with baby wipes. He felt her fingers through the wipes pressing in between his bottom cheeks cleaning every bit of him. He couldn’t take his eyes of her as she worked, she was beautiful he thought. A shiver of excitement went through his body.

“That’s a good baby, just relax, Mommy is almost done.” She cooed to him softly as she held his legs by his ankles, lifted him up, and slid the dirty diaper out from under him. She gave his bottom a few more wipes and then lowered his legs and rear back onto the changing mat. He watched as she rolled up the dirty diaper and dropped it in the diaper pail. She then retrieved a fresh diaper from the shelf below the table, opened the bottom half, lifted his legs and rear again and placed it under his bottom, then lowered his legs back down, bringing his behind in contact with the soft thick lining of the fresh diaper. A wave of happiness and excitement went through him as she brought the front of the diaper up between his legs and taped it securely around his waist.

“There we go…all better cutie.” She said with a smile. She scooped him up off the table and carried him over to the crib, gently placing him on the mattress and raising the sidebar, trapping him inside.

“Why do I have to be in the crib?” He asked.

“Well sweetie…she’s still asleep…we don’t know how long it will take her to get her strength back. She could be out for a few more hours…or a few more days. She’s still dreaming…and if she makes you even younger, I wouldn’t want you falling down and getting hurt. I think the crib will be the safest place for you until she wakes up.”

“Days!” he said within a tiny squeaky voice. “I can’t be a baby for days; I have to go to school on Monday! And my parents will be home this evening…they’ll wonder where I am and freak out if I don’t come home!” He said in a panic, practically crying again.

“Shhhh don’t worry sweetie…I can take care of everything. I’ll put a charm on your parents to make them forget about you until we can return you…and if she’s not awake by Monday…well…I can always adjust the school attendance system for you…everyone will think you’re at school even if you’re not present.”

“But I’ll miss everything…I won’t know what I’m supposed to be doing.” He said.

“Don’t panic cutie, if it comes to Monday and my daughter is still asleep, I’ll be able to fill your head with everything that you missed at school, I can just tap into one or more of your schoolmates’ experiences and give them to you…I have that ability you know.”

“Really?” he asked.

“Really,” she told him. “Someday my daughter will be able to do that as well, but first she needs to gain her strength back and learn how to not get overwhelmed by too much pleasure at once…You’ll help her with that…which I’m sure you’ll enjoy.” She giggled and winked at him.
She then scooped her daughter’s small form up off the floor and proceeded to check her diaper on the changing table. “Just wet it looks like…she’ll probably make a poo poo when she wakes up though…those cheerleaders will want to tease her too I’m sure.” The red-haired girl slept right through the diaper change. When her mother had the girl in a fresh diaper, she picked her daughter up and carried her over to the crib, laying her down on the mattress next to him.

As he heard the words he felt her turn him towards the mirror. He detached himself from her to look and saw that he was no longer a toddler, but an actual baby.

“I’d say you’re about six months old now cutie…there’s no choice now but to wait it out in the crib…look, she’s done it to herself too, she must be having a wonderful dream.”

He began to cry again, sounding exactly like the baby he had become. He felt completely helpless and scared. What if she didn’t wake up for days, what if she made him even smaller still. The girl’s mother comforted him.

“ little guy, it’s going to be fine, you’ll see when she wakes up, everything will be fine. I’ll keep you both safe while you wait. You lay down with her in the crib and rest, everything will be back to normal before you know it.”

She held him for a while, gently patting his diapered bottom and rubbing his back until he calmed down. When he finally stopped crying, she laid him down in the crib beside her sleeping daughter. “Go to sleep cutie, you’ll see, when you wake up, she’ll be awake and ready to make you both normal again.” She smiled at him and left the room, closing the door behind her.

As he lay there in the crib he began to feel sleepy. He knew he had already slept for quite a while and wondered if this too was the work of the red-haired girl. He heard giggling and rolled his head towards the shelf where the cheerleader dolls were. They were giggling and pointing at him. “awww…such a cute little diaper baby.” One said. “He’s gonna make more wet wets and poo poos in his pampers!” another said. This was followed by another round of giggles and then the group broke out into their cheer again. “Poo poo in your diaper pampy pamp….poo poo in your diaper pampy pamp…poo poo in your diaper pampy pamp…” was all he heard as he drifted off to sleep.