A Reflection of a Diapered Future Scene 3

After six months, the mental condition of the former Anthea had seriously deteriorated as she became acclimated to her new life and the aphasic part of the pattern she had imposed on Kayla’s physiology became active. Kayla giggled a lot at the strange and funny former things of her life that were forgotten at the end of the day. During the first three months her vocabulary dropped from an educated adult’s high of five hundred thousand words to a younger ones two thousand words. Within a month her vocabulary decreased again to an even younger ones Spartan vocabulary of one thousand words. Anthea resorted to whining when her perceived needs or demands weren’t met immediately. The patience that she had accrued by maturity vanished like an errant snowflake in the Spring Sun. By the end of the fifth month, her vocabulary was that of an even younger one. Language experts have concluded that the tiny vocabulary of a toddler, i.e., three hundred words, is the bare minimum need to communicate for unassisted survival.

Colors lost their names in the following weeks as her verbal skills nose-dived into infancy and the words for common household objects became a mystery to her. Anthea made her needs and desires known by crying and whimpering to gain the attention of the adults around her. After living five and one half months as an infant, Anthea’s vocabulary contained only ten words. When she spoke, which was rarely since her muscular control of her lips, tongue and vocal cords was that of a infant, it was with poorly vocalized, two word sentences like “da-da bye-bye”. One week later her vocabulary was down to a infantile vocabulary of three words; “ma-ma”, “da-da”, and “ba-ba” which forbade meaningful verbal constructions and communication beyond greeting her adopted parents when they came to pick her up from the Daycare Center and demand her bottle when she was hungry. She understood “no” and nothing else of adult speech. Anthea wasn’t physically capable of saying “no” to anyone. Aside from screaming and crying, she had lost the ability to dispute the judgements and ministrations of her towering, giant daughter who ruled every moment of her infant life.

Since most adult memories are encoded with verbal tags indicating the meaning of the sights and sounds of what the individual had sensed while forming the memory, her recollections and experience became useless images and half-remembered sensory impressions of objects, places and people who had no meaning or relevance to her. Her condition was far worse than an adult amnesiac; adults who lost their memories retained their education and verbal skills even though they couldn’t remember how they had obtained them. Anthea’s recollections of her life was still intact, but her aphasic loss of verbal and logical skills had made her memories useless to her as an intellectual reference point. With the loss of meaningful experiences, however, she was blessed with the discovery of life each morning when she awoke. Every day was a new toy to be tasted, sucked, gnawed, touched, cuddled, and drooled over.

Meeting the new things or people was a delight each day, whether the new person populated her new life or whether they were lost in the passing of the day. Somehow her soul’s connection to the hypocampus of Kayla’s former brain had been oddly damaged by her personality’s regression. While she could remember things throughout the period of a day, by the next morning the previous day’s events had been forgotten. She existed in the eternal “Now” which had no past and no future.

As her psychological calendar rewound itself backwards through her preadolescent years into toddlerhood and early infancy, she began to focus on the toys she discovered daily on the floors and in the playpens of her nursery and Daycare that were properly a part of her much reduced personal Universe. Not only had her epistemological understanding slipped from polymorphic to simplex, but her emotional needs and perception of the world had transmogrified into an accepting, demanding infantile Weltlichkeit as well. She was perfectly content to play with blocks, brightly-colored objects or merely lay in her crib and playpen while sucking on her pacifier. She enjoyed peeing and pooping in her diaper and loved nursing on her formula from baby bottles. The only thing she enjoyed more than her other activities was nursing at her mommy’s titties every night before she was tucked into her crib each night.