Alvin in the Fourth Scene 7

Having grown up with the Navy shipyards literally and figuratively in my back yard, you’d think I would have heard about a show called Gilligan’s Island, but I hadn’t. Flying back to Maine with my mom, I was able to ask her about it and she told me all about the show and how funny it had been. I’ve since watched a couple episodes and she was right, it was funny.

However, at the time I had no clue, so of course I had to ask the obvious question, “What’s a Gilligan?”

Thank the good Lord above that looks don’t kill, because if they did, I’d of been pushing up daisies to welcome the sun and the morning dew.

Sounding exasperated he answered back with a loud reference to excrement followed by, “…not what, who!”

“Alright then, WHO is Gilligan?” I asked with lots of emphasis on ‘WHO’.