Soon he was as hairless as a baby was again, what he didn’t know was that the cream was permanent.
“There now you’re smooth just like a baby again.” Natasha cooed as she diapered the happy Baby Daniel.
“Lunchtime,” Natasha announced as she led Daniel back into the kitchen.
Again he was fed several jars of baby food.
After that his two bottles and he was set down for his nap.
Today he awoke before Anna was home and he started to babble which caused Natasha to come to his room.
“Is my baby up already?”
“Well let’s get him all set for Mommy’s arrival.”
She placed him on the changing table and again began to change his dirty diapers.
Daniel watched as Mommy Anna forced Natasha into his crib and locked it.
Anna then turned her attention back to Daniel.
She soon had him cleaned up, diapered, and dressed again. Anna then placed him back into his playpen.
“Mommy will be back in a moment.” She said then kissed him on the cheek.
Natasha cowered in the crib as Anna stormed back into the room.
“How dare you play with the baby without asking?”
Natasha averted her eyes until she felt something stab her in the butt.
Soon her mind became foggy and she passed out.
Anna administered to her the same drugs she had given Daniel.
While she slept she was made to listen to the same tape that reinforced Daniel’s babyish behavior.