Todd is average 10 year old who has a little sister,Kim age 7 and lives with both his parents out in rural Texas. One day while in class, Todd had to go pee really bad. The teacher wouldn’t let him go to the restroom. Finally, he couldn’t hold his pee no longer. Soon his pee started to come out. Pretty soon he had a noticeable wet spot in front of his pants. The nurse didn’t have any change of underwear. Since Todd is small for his age, the nurse grab a pear of pampers diapers she got in stock for the younger kids. Todd didn’t want to wear diapers, but the nurse told him that is the only option. After he got diapered, he spend the rest of the day in class hoping no one will notice that he have a diaper on.
When he got home, he was lectured by both his parents about learning to hold his pee. They told him to wear that diaper the rest of the day. His little sister, Kim noticed the diaper. ” Nice diapers big bro,did the poor little baby had a accident today at school,” said Kim. “Shut up you little twerp,” said Todd. “At least I am wearing big girl underwear right now and able to control my bladder, big brother,” said Kim sarcastically. “It’s really embarrassing that I have a older brother who still wets his bed, now I have to hear now that he now wets his pants at school.” Todd’s parents called a family meeting. “Todd, this incident at school was the last straw,” said mom. ” We are going to the store right now and buying you some diapers to control your bedwetting and daytime accidents,” said dad. Kim burst out in laughter.
When we got to Wal-Mart, Kim ask mom,“what kind of diapers will Todd be wearing.” “Lets take a look and see what they have in stock,” said mom. In the diaper aisle their is alot of assortments such as Huggies,Pampers, Luvs and Goodnites. “This will be perfect.” said mom.“Same type of diapers the school nurse put on you.” She grabbed a box of pampers size 6. Kim burst out laughing,” you would look really cute in pampers. I hope your new diapers will keep you warm and dry at night.” Todd could do nothing but bow his head in embarrassment. On the ride back home, Todd pleaded with his parents to not wear diapers to no avail.
After mom diapered me, she let me watch tv in the living room. When Kim saw the bulge in my pajamas she burst out laughing unable to control herself. “Poor baby. Whats the matter, you are afraid you are going to wet your bed tonight.” “Shut up you little brat,” I said. “Or what, you are going wet your diaper like a little baby that you are. Mom should have put you back in diapers a long time ago. You are nothing but a diaper wearing baby who can’t even control his bladder in daytime. And to think you are older than me and I don’t even wet my bed or my pants at school.” Todd had nothing to defend himself with. He sulked the rest of the night in the corner watching tv.
Todd woke up in a wet bed as usual. At least no wet sheets this time.After getting dress out of his diaper Todd went downstair for breakfast. “Did the baby soaked his diaper last night,” teased Kim. “Todd, you better not wet your pants in school again, or your going wear diapers there also,” said mom. At school Todd dreaded about having to wear diapers at night. He fell asleep in class due to not getting enough sleep last night. “Todd, wake up and go to the nurses off you wet your pants again,“shouted the teacher. He was laughed out of the classroom as usual. The nurse put him in another diaper for the rest of the day. She called Todd’s mom. His mom came to the school and gave the nurse few extra diapers for Todd to wear just in case. “For now on if you wet in school you will go see the nurse,” said his mom.“You will wear diapers full time now day and night.” For the rest of the day he wore a diaper in class dealing with teasing from his classmates.
When Todd got home, his little sister was waiting. “It looks like my big brother is now my little brother since he can’t control his bladder at school and stay dry at night,” teased Kim. “Shut up you little twerp,” I said in retaliation.I was so angry that I want to throw her steer across the room.“You shut up, at least I wear underwear see,” said Kim as she lifted up her dress revealing her white panties with flowers on them. “Even though you are my big brother, I am more grown up than you at only seven years old and first grade. Years from now when we are both grown ups I get to brag that I toilet trained before my big brother.I wear underwear at seven years old, while you wear a baby diaper at ten years old.” I could not say anything to defend myself with. “Todd, come upstairs this instant and get ready for bed,” shouted mom. “Yeah baby, time for your diaper change,” laughed Kim.“Get use to wearing these. You will not be wearing underwear for a long time,“said mom. Todd could do nothing be let his mom diaper him. That night he had a dream wear he was in school in nothing but his diapers and it was wet with all the other kids pointing and laughing. Todd awoke in a very wet diaper. When he woke up he was like damn not again.
When mom came to check on me saw the soaked diaper. “my, good thing you are wearing this,” said mom. She change Todd into a new diaper for school. When he came downstairs for breakfast Kim was already sitting at the table eating. “Good morning, I didn’t see you bring down wet sheets so I am assuming that your little baby diapers did its job last night,” teased Kim. Todd just ate his breakfast in silence. At school he was constantly teased and harrassed by his classmates because of his diapers. He constantly have to check in with the nurse and get changed if necesary.The school routine was the same for next few weeks. I manage to make it with no accidents at school the whole time.
Mom sat me down in the kitchen and said since I had no more daytime accidents I get to wear underwear to school again, but still have wear diapers at night to control my bedwetting. She bought me a package of Goodnites to wear at night. Kim snickered a little, but impressed herself that maybe her big brother going to start acting the part. When the family went to a amusement park that weekend mom suggested that I wear a diaper the whole day since long lines to the bathroom. After getting changed in a Goodnite he begin to really enjoy himelf. He was having so much fun he found himself wetting and soaking that Goodnite pretty good. His mom saw the wet diaper and said in frustration,” I guess we got a new baby in that family.” Kim laughed,” I guess Todd is now my little brother and I have to be a role model and teach the little baby how to use the toilet like everyone else.”When we got home Kim drag me into the bathroom and closed the door.He pulled her pants and panties down and sat on the toilet and begin peeing. “This is how big kids use the toilet. Since your little sister going to teach you how to potty like a big boy.” She finished and then started showing off her panties to me. She was wearing Care Bears panties mom recently bought for her the same day she bought me pampers.”You like my new underwear. I am showing you this in case you forget what big kid underwear looks like,”teased Kim.It looks like back to diapers for me.