“Yeah, I promise.” Nodding, Dillion noted, “And your dress is nice and big so they’re not gonna see your diapers anyway, right?”
“I guess not…” The little girl squirmed in her seat, ignoring the crinkle her behind made before asking, “But it does make my butt look super-huge….”
“But you’re sitting down, see?” The boy walked around to the back of the highchair, reaching up through the small hole there to give the girl a poke in the bottom that made her giggle. “No one will notice a thing.”
That exclamation got Dillion smiling quite a bit. Afterward, he questioned, “You’re feeling a lot happier now, huh?”
“Uh-huh!” Nodding, the girl cooed out, “‘Since knowing folks won’t think I’mma baby!”
“Glad to hear it. Hang on a second, I’ll be right back…”
As Dillion stepped out of the room, his sister glanced to the grown-up and said, “Dillion said I could haff’ cake.”
Her mother, having just re-entered the room, had to smile at that as approached her daughter. She quickly assured her, “That’s right!”
That of course did plenty more for Karen’s mood. After a moment, however, she decided it was a good idea to get a second opinion on earlier confusion, and questioned, “Mommy, dat funny chair inda potty room ain’t the potty, is it?”
“What funny chair, sweetie pie?” questioned the grown-up. Grinning, she asked, “The big white one?”
“No, I’m sorry sweetie, that’s the potty.” Karen pouted at that information, but was given a pat on the head for effort, “Why the interest in the potty anyway, sweetie?”
That detail started to make the girl upset for a minute. Still, the pat did do a bit to perk her up, and so she explained, “When I goes poopy latuh gonna do it in duh potty.”
“Heh. I think you might be a little too little for that…”
Karen rather doubted that, though. After all, she was pretty big – almost as big as Dillion, even! “Nuh-uh!” She replied boldly. “I c’n go potty! Stupid big diapies like this aren’t o-”
“Hey!” Dillion re-appeared in the doorway, making Karen perk up at once. And just behind him was Nana. “Look who’s here.”
“Nana! Nana!” Smiling excitedly, the girl cried, “Hi, Nana!”
“Heh. Somebody sure is excited today.” The elderly woman walked over as quickly as she could manage, giving the girl a kiss on the head that made her all the more excited.
Karen did find herself slightly distracted, though, when the woman’s attention turned to ask Dillion teasingly, “You being nice to your baby sister?”
“Yeah…” Smiling, Dillion moved to Karen’s side and put a hand around the girl’s shoulder, “She’s been really well-behaved today, haven’tcha, Karen?”
“Oh, that’s a relief,” remarked the older woman with a sigh, “Usually she can be sort of a pain….”
Hey, that wasn’t nice! Karen found herself eager to object to that subject, and the way she squirmed about a bit likely indicated it.
She did settle down a bit, however, when her brother gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder. And that soon changed to excitement once again when she saw the next male to enter the room.
“Hi, Tony!”
That cry actually came from Dillion and not Karen, much to the surprise of the diapered girl. As the cousin came nearer, the until-recently-baby asked, “Hey! Was starting to get worried you wouldn’t come.”
“We were halfway here when I realized I forgot the present….” replied the boy with a blush. Tickling the girl under the chin, he asked, “You a happy baby today, Karen?”
“Uh huh!” A moment after replying, though, Karen did hit on something. Squirming in discomfort, she announced, “But not baby.”
Dillion was quick to explain, “Heh, been on kind of a big girl kick. Being very good today, though.”
“Uh huh! I’s good, so I gets cake. An’….” Karen stopped when she felt a somewhat unfamiliar pressure. Waving it away after a moment, she tried to continue, “And –” only to break off as she felt something enter her diaper.
“Sweetie?” Nana cooed you Karen for a moment, noting the far-away look in her eye, “Are you okay?”
“Erm… I ‘unno,” replied Karen with a shrug. “My diapie feels sorta funny…”
“Oh, no…” Dillion gave a nervous smile, “You didn’t just do what I think you did, didja?”
As Tony leaned closer, he gave Karen a loud whiff, “Smells like it. You need a diaper change, birthday girl?”
There was a second or two of a delay as Karen stared blankly but happily at the boy. Then it hit what he had just asked, and hard.
“No!” Shaking her head quickly, Karen replied, “I gonna poopy potty, not diapies! ‘Cause I’m notta dumb little baby or nuttin’!”
“Eheh… Uh… Karen?” Looking like he wanted to break this gently, Dillion replied, “I think you did use your diaper. You really smell like it.”
“Nuh-uh!” Shaking her head, the girl in the highchair pointed at her brother and demanded, “What makes ya sure it’s not you?”
“Yeah!” Nodding in a serious manner, the girl replied, “You were in diapies for a long time, maybe you just used one!”
“Heh…” That was an odd thing to say. Dillion soon stepped forward, though, to pat the girl on the shoulder and explain, “I was, but that was a long time ago.”
“Uh uh! S’not long, jus’ at the –”