Curse of the Crinkle Crate Scene 129

She drew a paw over her muzzle, and giggled to herself silently. Ewwwww… she thought, grinning widely, no wonder the poor thing always seems to be so on edge… he’s obviously severely incontinent! But wait… she thought further, her eyebrows furrowing as her mind raced, He never used to be this awkward before… His incontinence must be a recent occurrence… Maybe that condition he was talking about also included incontinence and he just didn’t tell me the full details?

She got off of her behind and brushed a few bits of dirt and leaves off of her pants and crept over to the door again, peeking around the corner of the front porch. She now saw that his living room was now empty along with the clothes he had flung on top of his couch.