Redeeming Clara Scene 98


I had the costume laid out on my bed. Tomorrow was Halloween and I was all ready to leave. Spending the entire week in diapers had been a pain in the butt, aside from Amy being really angry that I wasn’t having public accidents despite her and the other cheerleaders guarding the bathrooms.

“So what is the green baby food for?” Clara asked.

I looked at Clara. Her batwings were folded and her horns had shrunk to bare nubs, but her skin was still a dark red that highlighted sharp and fierce features. “It’s to stain the nightgown so I look like Regan. Otherwise, I’ll just be a girl who wore her grandmother’s nightie to the school dance.” I walked over the the TV and flicked it on and then got the set top box remote and scrolled through the horror movies.

Clara scooted next to me, just as I picked out a movie. We watched the Exocist and then I educated Clara on horror movies. We got through Jason, Freddie, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre before I was a drooling wreck in Clara’s lap where I slept until Halloween morning.

“Wake up, Miss Maria,” said Leticia. “If you want to have breakfast, we start in half an hour.” I had been eating like crazy. I sat up and rubbed my stomach and hoped I wasn’t making Maria fat.

“I’ll be down for breakfast. I am just going to have my shower.” I stood up and remembered my nighttime attire, but Leticia only blushed and left. I went into the bathroom to shower. I pulled off my dry diaper I wore to bed and kicked it into the trash and then used the toilet. So far I hadn’t had to poop at school, and I didn’t intend on messing in my new school-time underwear.

I through on a bra and my diaper and then went to the closet and chose a black skirt. I had found an orange t-shirt that showed various tools and weapons along with instructions on what to do if there was a zombie apocalypse. That done, I left for school.