The Curse of Little Ollie, Scene 8

“i-it was an accident… I-I got found by a few cops who pointed guns at me! and I… well I wet myself in fear… then my girlfriend… well not my girlfriend anymore but she put me in the pull up and told me she would visit me a lot… I was going to remove it but lois wouldn’t let me… and I know she would bear my ass If I did. ”

Amaru sighs and smiles comforting at him letting him know it was ok.

“Well when we get you home we can get you in a fresh pull up.”

Ollie’s eyes get big.

“WHAT?! you can’t change me and I don’t need pull ups! Come on please! I’m sorry it was just an accident! it only happened once!”

That was a lie and Ollie knew it but there was no way he was wearing pull ups anymore. He already felt like a child in a wet pull up. Ollie was shaking as Amaru sighs.

” poor kid relax… I didn’t mean I would change you. I just meant we would get you in something clean. and don’t worry about rie doing anything or saying anything. He’s just a diaper-wearing baby now and probably will be for quite a few years.”

Ollie knew amaru was trying to cheer him up and it kinda worked he even laughed a little. He looks back at rie and smiles.

“He is kinda cute like this… hehe was such a bully back in school. but now he’s just a baby it’s strangely satisfying.”

Amaru smiles

“guess you two have one thing in common?”

Ollie blushes and glares at amaru

“I’m not small and cute! I’m small and intimidating!”

Amaru laughs as they reach Amaru place. The place was quite big.

“whoa… this is a nice house.”

Amaru gets out of the car and takes rie out of his car seat. Ollie jumps out and follows Amaru stepping bigger so his wet pull up doesn’t rub against him. He was really hating the feeling.

“Well thank you Ollie. now let’s get inside.”

Amaru takes rie inside and heads into a nursery. Ollie looked confused looking around. It was bigger stuff for bigger babies like rie I guess. He looks up at amaru who beat him In there and saw rie naked his small dick right there and Ollie blushes looking away.

“GROSS! you could have told me!!”

Amaru quiets him.


Rie makes some noises. He saw Ollie, but Ollie wasn’t going to turn around to see him get a flipping diaper change.

“see Ollie you woke the baby up… shh it’s ok rie head on back to sleep.”

He hears sucking rie must have been giving a pacifier. He hears a kiss then the moving of a crib and sees rie laid in a crib.

“night baby, love you.”

Rie hugs his teddy bear looking away from them and Amaru pushes Ollie out of the room. then shuts the door. Ollie felt pretty bad.

“S-sorry for waking rie…”

Amaru smiles and Chuckles a little.

“it’s ok, rie’s just shy during his diaper change.”

Ollie almost felt a second hand embarrassment for him. but he could understand why. Ollie sighs.

“I don’t blame him… anyways can I get a change of clothes now? maybe a shower…”

Amaru nods.

“but on one condition.”

Ollie looked confused.

“condition? what?”

Amaru smirks. Ollie feels very uncomfortable again.

“if you have one more accident you will be diapered the rest of your time here. I know you can’t control it but if you need to use the restroom ask me for the key, I’ll unlock it ok? I keep the bathroom locked in case rie tries to use it. He’s not allowed to with his punishment.”

Ollie rolls his eyes but nods.

“ok ok! fine whatever… I don’t plan on having another accident anyways. but you can’t be serious? diapers? I would rather die…”

Amaru sighs.

“can you not talk about dying? I really don’t like It…”


Amaru shows Ollie the bathroom and where the baby wipes are and snaps giving him a pair of childish underwear. Ollie was about to say something but it was better than the pull up.

“here you go.”

Ollie blushes and rolls his eyes he was so eager to undress he started too right in front of Amaru pulling his pants down his pull up sagging. He blushed insanely.

“c-could you turn around? But uhh hey I get you can’t fix me but can you tell me how I can fix this curse?”

Amaru nods, turning around Ollie pushes his pull up down with a gross something plop. He was so disgusted with himself. and he smelled like pee.

“I can but you won’t like it. Are you sure?”

Ollie grabs the baby wipes and wipes himself clean.

“Yes, I’m positive! please I’m begging you.”