“Daniel, I’m going to the mall, keep your eye on Sarah?” mother called up the stairs.
“O.K. mum,” I called back, my heart rate picking up.
As soon as she was out the door I searched through her bedroom for the rings that I’d seen her and dad use. Dad was an archaeologist, he had obtained these rings from an Arabian associate, they were very, very special.
“Where are they?” I searched frantically until I came across the ornate little wooden box in dad’s bedside drawer. I felt elated. Now to experience my fantasy. Ever since I can remember I have fantasised about being her, well not EXACTLY her, as she was severely handicapped, she has been born with a rare disease that had left her with the mind of an 18 month old baby, and a growth disorder, in fact we were twins, although you could never tell. Sarah looked much younger, she looked like she was still a baby and she still spoke in baby words that no one could understand. She also had to wear nappies twenty four hours a day.
To my immense embarrassment, I had always dreamed about was wearing the frilly dresses and frilly baby knickers that mum always put her in. Strange I know, but the thought of wearing those baby clothes turned me on like nothing else. Now I had my chance. I slipped into Sarah’s nursery. She was soundly asleep in her cot, I’d made sure she was exhausted by playing with her all morning without a break. I smiled at her babyish innocence as she laid on her side, sucking her dummy in a contented sleep, if she only knew what was going to happen next, I thought.
She was wearing a very pretty dress and a very frilly pair of baby panties covered her nappy. I had put them on her myself, it was my favourite outfit of hers. As Sarah slept a small thought crept into my head as I wandered what it was like to be trapped in perpetual babyhood, I discounted it immediately but shivered at the thought. It’s a good job she HAS got the mind of a baby I thought. Even though we were twins, her mental state had not developed past infancy, in fact Mom and Dad had insisted that we treat her like the baby she looked like, they recognised that an growing mind trapped in a perpetual baby body would be a terrible thing to bear.
Sarah was as healthy as any other little girl in every way. Mother we had been told that Sarah would not grow any taller than the toddler size she was now, she would never be able to speak.
Susie could walk although it was more like the first awkward steps a baby would take, that’s why she got exhausted so easily. She laughed and giggled when you played with her, cried when you didn’t, and she seemed to love the frilly baby clothes mother kept her in. Mother did not bother to put her in older girls clothes even though she was really sixteen, toddler and baby clothes that were bought off the peg fitted her perfectly well.
Sarah was known to get into all kinds of trouble. She had the curiosity of an infant, and if left unsupervised she would be in danger of hurting herself, that’s why she spent lots of time in her cot and playpen specially built to keep her out of harms way, being a little taller and more heavily built than other baby furniture. When she wasn’t in these she was usually securely strapped into her highchair or baby buggy, and if she was allowed to get out and walk which was not very often, she always had baby reins tightly buckled to her. All our family, friends and neighbours knew of Sarah’s condition, of course, they accepted that she was a perpetual baby and treated her as such, Sarah even spent three days a week at the day-care centre with real babies for company. Sarah loved going there she would smile and gurgle when mum pinched her cheek and told her she was going to play with all the other babies.
I did not envy Sarah nursery lifestyle, trapped in permanent baby hood as she was, but I did envy her clothes, and my heart beat rapidly as I removed the gold rings from the box and slipped one on my finger. This ring had a round red crystal set into it, this is the one I had seen dad put on and rub when he and mother transferred minds. It was slightly too big for my boyish hands but by squeezing my fingers together it stayed in place. I reached through Sarah’s cot bars, I didn’t want to risk disturbing her by lowering the side, and any way it would spoil the baby experience if I wasn’t completely surrounded by bars. I gently pulled back the thin sheet that mother had covered her with when she put her down for her nap, Sarah never moved.
Reaching through the bars again I slipped the other ring with the blue stone on her finger, soon I would transfer minds with my babified sister, my heart thumped wildly in my chest, my manhood throbbing in anticipation. The ring was far too big for Sarah’s little forefinger, but I managed to wedge it in place with her other fingers, carefully curling them around the ring. Next I lay down on the floor making myself comfortable, once we transferred minds, Sarah’s sleeping mind would be in my body, I didn’t want to wake her, so I layed in the same position.
As I laid there in a high state of excitement, I rubbed the red crystal set in the ring, the transfer occurred almost instantly, there was a very short interval while the whole room seemed to spin but it only lasted seconds. I could feel Sarah’s dummy in my mouth, I could feel her thick nappy between my legs, I could feel her long hair on my face. I turned my head to see me sleeping soundly on the floor.
I smiled, I was Sarah.
I sat up, I was wearing her dress. I looked over to the mirrored wardrobe that ran the full length of Sarah’s nursery and saw me, laying on the floor, sleeping like a baby while Sarah, as I was now, smiled at her reflection as she sat up in her cot. I stood up, I wanted a full view of myself in Sarah’s pretty dress and frillies, I felt the warm wetness between my legs. YUK Sarah had wet her nappy, I shivered at the feel.
“Oh well it could have been worse,” I laughed to myself, much worse she could have soiled it!!!!
I was enraptured by my reflection as I stood there, my little hands clinging to the wooden cot bars. I made faces at myself, Sarah’s dummy obscuring most of them. I turned so that I could get a better look at my frilly panties sticking out beneath my dress, I wanted to see the rows and rows of lace running across my be-nappied bottom, I reached down to lift my dress to expose them all to the mirror.
That is when disaster struck.
The ring on my finger began to slip as I reached down for the hem of my dress. I watched in horror as the ring began to fall off. In desperation I tried to catch it, almost succeeding, but instead it rolled along the cot mattress, then through the bars onto the floor. I stared in disbelief for a few seconds, panic began welling up inside me, I had to get that ring back. I tried to climb out of the cot, I couldn’t, the rails were too high, I remembered. It had been specially built to keep Sarah in. Panic rose higher, I threw myself on to the mattress, I laid on my face, feeling and hearing the protective rubber sheet, and reached through the bars. I was just able to touch the carpet with my finger tips if I really strained, relief washed over me, I felt the ring, but try as I might I just I couldn’t pick it up. Panic reared it’s head once more, as soon as I retrieved the ring I would rub it and get back inside my own body I decided. I pulled the mattress back to give my small body more room and I reached through the bars again to where I thought I felt the ring, my hand frantically searched the floor.
“Come on, come on,” I cried to myself, “where are you?”
“Is this what you’re looking for Daniel?” I heard myself say out loud.
I looked up in horror to see my former self standing there on the outside of the cot, towering above me, holding the ring between my fingers.
“It feels kinda strange to be a boy,” Sarah yawned in my body.
“Y..y..you c..c..can t..t..talk…..” I stuttered. “G..g..ga-ga-ga g..g..goo-goo,” actually came out of my mouth.
She could talk but I couldn’t.
“OH NO,” I cried. “GA GOO,” I actually wailed and burst into tears.
My former self picked the dummy up that had fell from my mouth when I saw myself standing in front of the cot, and pushed it in between my lips.
“Now where did you get these lovely rings from Daniel?” Sarah smiled tossing the two rings in her hand.
I held out my small hands through the cot bars, pointing to my finger.
“Sarah put the rings back on our fingers,” I tried to demand, meaningless baby gurglings gushed from my mouth.
“Sarah COME BACK HERE NOW,” I screamed as she turned and exited the nursery, the room filling with my meaningless baby screams.
This was all going horribly wrong, panic and fear were causing feelings of nausea to curse through my small body as I saw my former self leaving the room with the only means of getting me back to normal. I frantically threw myself at the cot bars, I could not climb over them, I could not slip through them and I could not break them down, I cursed at their ability to keep me effectively caged. Dejectedly I fell onto my frilly bottom, tears streaming down my cheeks.
“Why, oh, why had I used the rings,” I severely admonished myself, “why didn’t I lower the cot side to put the rings on Sarah’s finger, then I would have been able to get out when I dropped it. YOU FOOL!!! YOU FOOL!!!” I screamed to myself. “You’re trapped inside Sarah’s body, you absolute fool.”
Sarah walked back in the room in the shape of me, minus the rings. I pulled myself up to a standing position.
“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sarah GO AND GET THOSE RINGS,” I cried loudly in my baby talk.
She saw the pleading look in my tearful eyes.
“Daniel. I’m never going back to being me again.” She shrugged her now boys shoulders. “It may be wrong, and I know how awful this must be for you, but you were the one that wanted to swap places with me.”
I could not believe she was saying this, she had to change us back, she just had to, I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life like this. The absolute terror of my situation caused me to be sick, vomit spewed from my mouth, covering the cot bedding, the dress that I was wearing, my legs and my arms.
“Oh Daniel!!!” Sarah cried as she lowered the cot side. “Don’t worry you’ll get taken care of,” she smiled picking me out of my own mess.