The Trying Policy Scene 31

Julia didn’t really know what to say. She was still a bit shocked that the girl in front of her was Sam.

“So, I don’t want to pry or anything, but I’m kind of surprised to see you here. You didn’t say much during the introductions, and certainly nothing I didn’t already know. You doing OK? I mean, have you always worn diapers?”

Julia hadn’t thought much about this part. What should she say? It was obvious that the people here, unlike her, were not wearing diapers by choice. Should she lie? She felt that just saying, ‘oh I just wanted to see what it would be like’ would be almost rude or something. On the other hand, Sam had been so open and honest with Julia that she felt somewhat obligated to not just make something up. She decided to try and find a middle ground.

“Well, no, this is all pretty new to me.”

“How new?”

“Uh, I guess it’s been a little over a week now.”

Sam’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open. “You mean like, you just started wearing diapers again last week?” Julia nodded. “Is this like the first time?” Julia nodded again. “Wow! Are you doing ok? I had a really hard time when I first started wearing diapers. I didn’t want to leave the house and was super depressed. Then again, I was like that before kind of too.”

“Uh, I guess I am doing OK. I mean, it is still a little weird for sure, but I’m getting used to it. Mrs Bernard is really nice.” Julia felt a bit of satisfaction knowing that everything she had said was true.

“Yea, you are lucky there. Mrs Bernard is super cool, especially compared to Mrs Lott, the person before her. She was mean and nobody liked her. Anyways, I’m glad you are doing so well. It can be really traumatic for people who haven’t been wearing diapers their whole life to suddenly start again. People like Kate, and I guess Jenna too, have never know anything but diapers so I think they are better adjusted to the whole thing.”

Julia knew that made sense intuitively. “Yea, Tom seemed a bit, angry or something.”

Sam glanced around and saw Tom sitting with a couple of other guys on the other side of the table. “Yea, we get a few people like that for sure. There was a guy who graduated last year that we all worried about a lot. He hated diapers, and was just so angry and bitter. I talked with him a few times, but he wasn’t really interested in listening. I know what it is like to be angry and hurting inside. But I learned that the desire to change has to come from within. My parents had been trying to get me to change for a long time, but I wasn’t interested. And until somebody is ready on their own, there isn’t much you can do.”

Julia noticed that people were starting to clear their trays and head back to the cars. “Well, it was nice seeing you again Sam. I guess folks are gonna get going.”

“Yea, it was nice to see you again.” Sam said as she gently touched Julia’s shoulder. “Look, if you ever need anything, or want to talk or whatever, I’m totally happy to do so.”
“Thanks Sam, that’s really nice of you.”

It was time to go and everyone headed out. Julia got back in the car with Kate. The girls who had ridden with them before got rides in other cars, so it was just the two of them. Julia had kind of hoped to get a moment alone with Kate. She had been wanting to tell her something ever since Mrs Bernard’s office that morning. Shortly after pulling out of the parking lot, Julia broke the silence.

“So, you know how you were telling me how that senior that talked to you when you were a freshman knew you wore diapers?”

Kate was driving so she didn’t turn to look at Julia, but responded “Yea, sure.”

“I think I know how she knew.”

“Oh really?” Kate added with a laugh. She didn’t realize that Julia was serious.

“Yea, I think the school nurse must have told her.”

Kate’s head snapped around and she looked at Julia with wide eyes and a look that said ‘are you kidding me.’ She then shook her head and slowly spoke “How did you know that?”

“It was something Mrs Bernard said this morning. Well, she didn’t really say it so much as it was how she reacted to something I asked her. Plus, I mean, it just makes sense. Who else at the school would be in a position to know who wears diapers and stuff.”

“Wow, you really are smart aren’t you? OK, look I’ll tell you something but you gotta understand this is NOT public knowledge or anything you should tell anyone ever. But yea, you are right. Mrs. Lott was aware of the D Club, and she did tell some people about new people. And it got her fired. It was a really messed up situation. I mean, she was kind of doing a good thing and the D club was able to reach out to some people that we might not have ever known about. But she wasn’t really doing it for the right reasons or anything, and I guess it’s like a huge no-no for her to do that kind of thing.”

“What do you mean she wasn’t doing it for the right reasons?”

“Mrs. Lott had issues. I think sometimes she was kind of being gossipy. She wasn’t doing it to help people, at least not always. I mean, not everyone wants to join the D club, or have anyone ever know that they maybe once had to wear a diaper. I think most people are not like me, you know. I mean I’ve worn my whole life and baring some miracle I always will. A lot of people only end up having to wear them for a little while or something, like cause they had surgery or were in an accident or something. But they get better and the diapers go away.”

“Kind of like Sam.” Julia added.

“Sure, that’s one example. But even in her case, she was in diapers for like a year or something. For a lot of folks, its like a couple of weeks. And I can understand that if it was just for a short period like that, well, you might not want anyone to ever know.”