Theodore & The Three Babysitters Scene 3

Theodore is spanked into submission and agrees to obey his babysitters and not talk back. Before Sandra lets Theodore up he agrees to be diapered and not take off anything he is dressed in.

“Yes mamm, I will obey my babysitters completely,” Theodore said.

Thad’s bottom is a bit red but no real harm is done. His bottom burns and stings a bit after the hard hand spanking. Sandra lets Theodore up only to have Jackie and Caroline put him on the diaper table. Jackie who is 19 and very pretty gets to diaper Thad.

“We need to get rid of his leg and crotch hair,” Caroline said.

Theodore is told to lay still as his legs are covered with Nair a permanent hair remover. His crotch is next and his sore bottom gets the Nair treatment. Five minutes or so later a wet warm towel is used to wipe away the Nair and the hair. Theodore shaved this morning but his face is treated next.

“I love the idea of diapering up a brat like you,” Jackie said getting an Attends disposable diaper.

These diapers back in 1985 are very thick and absorbent. The diaper has a white plastic outside and 6 blue tapes to put it on securely. Size adult small is perfect for Theodore at 100 pounds.

“Lift that red bottom so I can slip your diaper in place,” Jackie said.

Theodore reluctantly does this knowing he has no choice. Jackie slips the diaper in place and Theodore lowers his bottom on the diaper. A container of Desitin is used to rub Thad’s diaper area front and back. Johnson’s baby powder is sprinkled on next.

“Lay still while I fasten your diaper on,” Jackie said sternly.

The front of the diaper is brought up between Thad’s legs. The front and back are made even before all 6 tapes are fastened starting with the bottom tapes. The diaper is put on securely.

Theodore can’t believe all that has happened since he arrived. He is back in diapers as a toddler girl around 3 years old.

“You sure look cute in the diaper,” Jackie said, “like a toddler girl.”

“I did not look like a toddler girl when I arrived,” Theodore objected.

Theodore is stood up next to the diaper table. A cute white girl’s shirt is put on Theodore with a cute blue smurf character on the front. His hair is brushed out and a few hair pins added on top.

“Take a look in the full length mirror on the door,” Sandra said, “you could pass for a large toddler girl anytime.”

Theodore does this and is shocked at the cute toddler girl looking back. He is given the new name Tina by his babysitters. Jackie and Caroline leave to prepare the living room for another child. As usual the couch is covered with a white sheet. The floor has a blanket laid out with some stuffy toys to play with.

This is done in case the rare diaper leak should occur. Theodore will not be using the toilet this weekend. Large blue pillows are on the couch to get comfortable. Theodore is escorted to the living room after several minutes. He is barefoot and diapered as Tina. He sits on the floor looking at his t-shirt. It is about 12 noon when Sandra gives little Tina a baby bottle of apple juice.

“Drink up your juice baby while I fix something for your lunch,” Sandra said going to the kitchen.

A leftover hot dog is cut up in small pieces and added to a small can of pork and beans. This is heated in the microwave to get warn. When called Jackie and Caroline take Tina to the kitchen and place him in a highchair. The food tray is slipped in place and a strap fastened between Tina’s legs.

“I will feed you my sweet baby girl,” Sandra said tying on a bib. “You will like the beans and franks I just heated up.”

Sandra being 21 years old and a dominant female is enjoying spoon feeding the 18 year old sissy she is babysitting. Tina has become very obedient as a diapered toddler girl.

“Over your lips and past your gums,” Sandra said, “open up baby because here it comes.”

Sandra is spoon feeding Tina without wasting much time between spoonfuls of beans and franks. She does this until the bowl is empty. Jackie fixed a baby bottle of warm formula and gives it to Tina who is Thad. He drinks it up slowly in the highchair.

“I want to change the baby’s diaper when she wets,” Caroline said, “Jackie put Tina back in diapers so I get to change her.”

“Ok Caroline, you can change Tina when she needs it,” Sandra said.

Theodore as Tina is not liking this situation and has no choice but to cooperate. He does not want another spanking. Theodore is worried mom set this up on purpose. Truth is Gwendoline only thought Sandra and her roommates would make good babysitters. She knew Theodore would have to behave for the 3 of them.

Theodore is being dominated by his 3 female babysitters with Jackie the youngest being only 1 year older than he is. Theodore finds the babysitters attractive and cannot help but notice things. All 3 are busty and look great in a miniskirt. Theodore is too embarrassed to get excited while all of this took place.

“Come over here Tina and let me check your diaper,” Caroline said.

Tina obeys to have Caroline find she has wet her diaper. Tina was not about to say anything yet being embarrassed. Caroline grabs Tina’s hand and escorts her to the nursey. Jackie and Sandra are walking close behind them.

“Get up on the diaper table so I can change you,” Caroline said, “You will get used to this before the weekend is over.”

Conclusion: Theodore is dominated by his 3 babysitters who have renamed him Tina. It took a bare bottom spanking to convince Theodore to behave and not talk back to his babysitters. The spanking made Theodore quite submissive. He was shaved bare and diapered as a toddler girl Tina.

All 3 female babysitters are pretty and not much older than Thad. Now Tina he can’t help but admire the 3 hot looking females who are dominating Thad. Sandra did the spanking, Jackie put Theodore back in diapers, and Caroline did the first diaper change after lunch.

“I will change Tina the next time she needs changing,” Sandra the babysitter in charge said. “I love the idea of changing her diaper.

Theodore as Tina has 3 babysitters who believe in female domination. All 3 are happy to change Tina’s diaper even if she messes one. So far on Saturday that has not happened. Tina is stuck inside playing on her blanket with plushy toys.

After supper Saturday night Tina is wet once again. The pretty blond Sandra takes her right from the highchair to the diaper table. Jackie and Caroline stay in the kitchen and clean up the mess after a home cooked meal.

“I will get that wet diaper off you and put on a comfy clean one,” Sandra said untaping a very wet diaper. “Oopps! I think someone likes his diapers.”

He is cleaned up with baby wipes, prepped with diaper rash cream and baby powder, and a clean diaper is taped on snugly.


Theodore as Tina enjoys the rest of her weekend back in diapers.