You Can Always Go Back Scene 1

You can always go back, but you can’t go back all the way
– Missisippi, Sheryl Crow vocals, Bob Dylan lyrics

Greetings, I’m Trish. I wrote a few stories on the Network54 site, and the first follow-up site (which was eventually destroyed I think.) Also, about that time, my hard drive died and destroyed a story I was writing. This seriously ruffled my feathers and I haven’t written anything since. Honestly, if anyone still has my story which ends with mall security going to a different bathroom than the one the protagonists fear, well let me know.

But in honor of the brave writers who continue to churn out brilliant material, here’s a story for you. Again, I’m not really interested in constructive feedback (only praise), so I’m just going to post this all at once.

A few more words of warning, since this intro is so short already.
-This story contains elements of truth, but is just a fantasy.
-Chapter 3 contains adult material, but I think it is crucial for the character development.
-The story is written in a different style than my past stories, but I’m a different writer now. If you look for the themes in this, you should understand why my style of writing has changed. I also have a few comments at the end.


Perhaps the light blue pair of flip-flops Karen tried on weren’t “adorable”, but they were at least “cute”. And at $7, the price was right. The only question was whether or not they would be comfortable for long walks in the park. Due to the elastic band holding the pair of flip-flops together, Karen certainly wasn’t going to be able to test them out completely. But Karen took a few mini-steps, with her feet shuffling together down the aisle.

“Mommy, I’m going potty.”

What? Karen was suddenly shocked out of her shoe euphoria. She heard the statement from the aisle next to her. Did I just hear what I thought I heard? Karen quickly poked her head around the corner and noticed a 3 year old girl sitting in a cart while her mom was talking on the cell phone.

“We’ll be out of here in a minute sweety,” the mom said before returning to her phone conversation.