The Times, London, 27 August 1904, p.8 A return of all sentences of corporal punishment inflicted under 26 and 27 Vict., c.44, upon persons convicted of offences against section 43 of the Larceny Act, 1861, and section 21 of the Offences against the Person Act, 1861, in England and Wales for the year 1903 has […]
Author Archives: Nina Blyton
Corporal Punishment In The Navy.
The Times, London, 13 June 1904 To The Editor Of The Times. Sir, — Certain doubtless well-intentioned but mischievous persons have of late devoted themselves to raising an agitation against corporal punishment in the Royal Navy. I propose to set forth exactly what are the King’s Regulations on the subject. Section 729. — “It being requisite […]
Daily Mail, London, 3 August 1903, p.4 To the Editor of the “Daily Mail.” Sir, – I am glad you have allowed the subject of “lines” to be ventilated in your columns. They are utterly useless as punishments, and only induce bad writing, which is a very usual fault with boys from a public school. […]
The Naval Manoeuvres.
Daily News, London, 10 August 1903 By A.G. Hales. (extracts) […] The Life of the Sailor. Work, Play, and Punishment. H.M.S. JUPITER, AT SEA, Later. A British ship of war is capable of supplying a journalist with more pen and ink studies than any place of its size I have ever lived in. The life […]
City Education Committee.
Berrow’s Worcester Journal, Worcester, 18 July 1903 Wednesday: present – The Mayor […] (extract) […] Corporal Punishment. Mr Hopton moved that corporal punishment should be administered by the head teacher only, or his representative in his absence, and not by certificated teachers as the regulation provided. Mr Hillard accepted the arguments for limiting the infliction […]
Chastising Schoolboys.
Daily Mail, London, 8 May 1903 “It is news to me,” remarked the magistrate, “that a schoolmaster may not correct a scholar in a proper way. I have never heard of a summons against the headmaster of Eton, Harrow, or Rugby, or any of those schools for assault. The boys get swished for all sort […]
Grenadier Guards Scandal
The New York Times, 12 February 1903 Circumstances That Led to the Expose of the Methods of Punishment of Subalterns — Lord Roberts’s Indignation. Circumstances which led to the exposure of methods of punishment of subalterns in the Guards regiments, I am told, had their beginning one night when two subalterns of the Grenadier Guards […]
Sensation Caused by Rear Admiral Cochrane’s Revelations.
The New York Times, 11 February 1903 British Guards Scandal Subalterns Compelled to Submit to Severe Floggings for Various Social and Military Offenses. LONDON, Feb. 11. – A letter from Rear Admiral Basil Cochrane on the treatment of subalterns in the Guards regiments, which was published yesterday in The Times, is republished throughout the press […]
Art of caning.
Daily Mail, London, 9 August 1902, p.3 How a magistrate would deal with refractory boys. Mr. Webb thrashed your boy for misbehaviour, and ten minutes afterwards he ran out of school and climbed over the wall. I shall not have him here again until his father has thrashed him, and if he will bring him […]
London School Board
The Times, London, 8 November 1901 The weekly meeting of the members of the School Board for London was held yesterday at the Board-room, Victoria-embankment, Mr. LYULPH STANLEY, the vice-chairman, presiding. […] Corporal Punishment. Miss HONNOR MORTEN moved: — “That corporal punishment be abolished in infants’ schools.” She said there was a great deal of […]