Dacianas Littles Scene 7

  Youre beautiful, you know, she remarked, making delicate passes along his inner thighs. Such a sweet figure¦ almost feminine, if youll pardon me. The curve of your hips and thighs is positively hourglass. See what those vicious brutes have done? But dont worry. When I have healed you, you shall be lovelier still. Irresistibly so. […]

Ellen’s Visitor Scene 132

  From the moment he first saw the nursery, his heart was trying dig deep into these feelings from when I was younger seeing diaper commercials on TV and blushing, seeing large packs of disposable diapers in the grocery store and walking slower to soak in the colored packaging and designs, or getting jealous when […]

A Tough Journey Scene 31

  David sat perched on a swing and as his mother stepped outside, he noticed her. “Mummy!” he yelped before jumping to the ground and running toward her. “David my darling!” his mother gushed. They embraced. “I’ve missed you so much!” she told him, before breaking the hug and looking him up and down. “I […]