How mum used to slipper

As a child of the 60s, it will come as no surprise to learn that my mother was a firm believer in smacking her children when they misbehaved. This account gives a few details about my own spankings at home. I presume that I received, as most children do, more informal slaps on both my […]

Lying means a spanking

This happened when I was about 10 or11 years old. I had asked my mom if I could go out to play with my friend Thomas. She said ‘yes’ – but then I went and played with some other kids instead. Meanwhile, Thomas called at my house and asked my mom if I wanted to […]

Up on the roof

My parents were the greatest. They treated my sisters and I with love and tenderness. We had a wonderful life and all have gone on to be success stories in later life. The following happened when I was 11. My friend Sarah and I were at our cottage with my mom one summer week. My […]

Water and hairbrush

My brother, who was two years older, and I got spanked once in a water-related escapade. We had come home from school and were going out to a church dinner that evening. We were sent upstairs to take a bath and get ready. During the transition from my brother getting out of the tub and […]

Roadside spanking

Did anyone else ever go on a road trip with their parents, and do something that made their mother or father so annoyed that they pulled the car off the road and delivered a spanking on the spot? Mine did. Actually, in retrospect, I guess I was lucky it didn’t happen sooner than it did, […]

On the beach

I have few memories of being five, but this particular day at the beach is recalled in part in vivid detail. Being a city boy, it was rare that my family made the long drive to the ocean for a day at the beach. On this particular day, mom and I as well as my […]