Some ideas fail because they are too far ahead of their time. In the case of Safe Smack, you could say that it failed because it was literally too far behind. Safe Smack was a ‘parenting programme’ launched in 1997. It was pro-spanking and, as the name suggests, had the aim of promoting safer corporal […]
Advertising DisciplineX
One of the oldest and immutable principles of advertising has been to identify with your target audience, and reflect their daily lives in your imagery and copy. So, over the many years when it was the unchallenged and acceptable norm, it’s not surprising that the spanking of the household’s children was one of those touchstones […]
Over Mrs Johnson’s lapX
I grew up a somewhat undisciplined child – I was adopted at the age of three and my new parents were to afraid to give me what I needed (i.e. a damn good spanking) for fear of having me taken away. So by the time I was in my teens, I pretty much got away […]
Lori often came over to babysit me, sometimes three or four times a week. Mother and father often went out at night to be alone and left me in her care.Because I never received much attention from mother and father, I would sometimes act like a brat just to get Lori’s attention when she was […]
Double whooping at campX
The summer was a great one – I spent nearly every waking hour with my best friend Katie. We mostly hung out at my house or at one of the parks in town. We avoided Katie’s home mostly because her dad was a bit of a control freak and was strict. I knew Katie […]
I met Omolade at university – we were both studying history of art at Cambridge. She was Nigerian and her mother was a quite prominent diplomat. For a long time we were just friends, but after getting drunk at a party one night, we spent most of the evening kissing and petting, with Omolade […]
Beatrice Reinhart’s 1937 book
The following text is an introductory note and preface to Beatrice Reinhart’s 1937 book Back To Common Sense, a child training manual emphatically advocating the practice of spanking, and going into great detail as to how it should be done. the book’s background, it owes a great deal to a 1920s predecessor, Correction That Corrects by […]
Fire Crackers & The Worksx
I was at a family picnic for the Fourth of July. It was at my aunt and uncle’s home, which had a swimming pool and a huge plot of land, so it was the ideal place to host a party that would feature lots of kids. My cousins and I were swimming when […]
Sister in Chargex
When we were children (during the 1960s and 70s), my parents had us understand that a bottom spanking was their last resort in terms of punishments. In practice, though, we weren’t really very naughty children at all and I never found myself across the parental lap with my pants down – nor (as far as […]
‘Were you naughty?x
The part of spanking stories that appeal to me the most is the embarrassment. I’m not sure why but as long as I can remember, it’s been that way. This story is pretty commonplace – but the aftermath is interesting and that’s where the embarrassment, that makes it so memorable, comes in. I was in […]