Another Maid MemoryX

  Our family maid had full disciplinary authority over me and my sister, which she exercised by taking off her thick leather belt which. she would dangle it from her hand . Mom could always hear when one of us got whipped but she never interfered. The maid knew I had a crush on her […]

Seeing Luca get a spankingx

I grow up in northern Italy in the 80s, as the only child in a fairly middle class family. Although spanking was definitely looked on as old-fashioned by that time – indeed, my mother was unashamedly old-fashioned – such discipline didn’t attract the stigma or indeed the state intervention that it would today. However, the […]

Sarah’s Capable handsx

The most embarrassing corporal punishment I ever got was when I was 11. My mother was just starting to prepare me for my spanking, which had been coming both for sassing her and for playing ball in the house which resulted in a broken window. When it came to administering the spanking, the door bell […]

Two motherly spankingsX

My Aunt Gracie was my dad’s older sister, by about 12 years. I had a great relationship with her and her three boys, Joseph, Patty and Johnny – especially Johnny, as he was only about a year older than me and we were like brothers. I spent many weekends staying with the family, and sleeping […]

Thoughts on school and homeX

Due to my abiding interest in corporal punishment, I do find myself visiting a number of websites related to the subject, most of them demonstrating diametrically opposed attitudes. There are those who have a keen interest in CP, experienced it without regrets as a child and wholeheartedly support it as a means of discipline for […]