Games in the Dark

Games in the Dark

My parents often travelled on business, and when that occurred, my Aunt Ruth came over and stayed with us. Aunt Ruth was a very caring person, but she was also a no-nonsense sort of woman who didn’t tolerate misbehaviour.  While my parents did sometimes spank us, Aunt Ruth took things to a whole new level […]

Standards of the 70s

Standards of the 70s

I was raised in a very liberal home, at least by 1970s standards. I was never smacked, slapped, spanked, whatever you want to call it. My primary school had no corporal punishment, and while my grammar school did have the cane as a deterrent, I don’t think any pupil actually received it in the five […]

Formative Obsessions

Formative Obsessions

Liz: I grew up obsessed and fascinated by all things to do with spanking. As a young girl, I sought out spankings in cartoons, comics and any other places where I might find even the slightest reference to CP. I spanked my dolls and my teddy bear. I often smacked my own bottom, and if a […]

Clearly good sports

I found your website recently and have become an avid reader. I hope my story will be interesting enough to warrant inclusion – I have changed all the names. A bit of background. A few years ago, my mum made friends with a woman who moved in across the street. Both women had very recently […]

Now you know!

In an earlier story, I told you how my friend Tony and I had got our bottoms playfully smacked by each other’s mum. It was a stand out day for me, both for being both enormous fun and as my introduction to spanking. I liked it – a lot! I had gone to bed that night […]