I grew up in the 2000s, and by that time I don’t think spanking was really that popular among parents – certainly not the archetypal underpants down, over-the-knee punishments, at least in the north of England where I lived. That said, when I was little I got a smack on the bum about once a […]
Smacking in the family
I’m a long-time reader, first-time writer! Thank you very much for the website you run. My parents were both smacked as children, and they in turn smacked me and my siblings. I and my siblings then smacked our children, and I know they have smacked their children too (some are still minors, so I won’t […]
My spanking history
Thank you for your website and all you do to preserve spanking history – I am a long-term reader and thought it was about time I contributed myself. Mum and dad smacked us right from when we were babies: a smack on our backside if we made too much fuss when being having our nappy […]
An anachronistic childhood
I know you get frequent stories from those of us raised within the upper echelons of society – here is another! I hope to sound less stuffy than some: I’m not a rich, conservative lady who married into more money, had a son and daughter and immediately sent them off to boarding school. I’m a […]
Lined up for chastisement
My family consisted of a younger sister and older brother, while our neighbour’s family was made up of two boys (one younger, one the same age as me) and a girl who was older than me. Us kids usually spent a lot of time together and we usually had great fun. But there was one occasion […]
All in good fun?
I thought I would write in and relate my childhood memories as regards to spanking. I don’t remember being that bothered about the subject, but there was a general sort of curiosity about the thought of having your bum smacked and what it felt like. After a sleepover at my aunt’s house, us kids all […]
Smacky Bums
When I was small, myself and the other children in my street would play a lot of games. Piggy run, hide and seek, leap frogging, footie, kickie can – all sorts. But my favourite game was rather more illicit – we called it Smacky Bums. Us kids would typically only dare play this game in […]
Guided by the Bible
I got the first smacked bum I really remember in 1994. I was four years old and a cheeky little chappie; big smiles and lots of energy. I was Mum’s last child and came seven years after my next sibling – a bit of a surprise. I had a different dad as well. Mum found […]
The view from the stairs
My parents were firm believers in spanking. I recall hearing my mother tell an expecting younger woman that she was a ‘red bottom mom’. I know that she in turn had received serious spanking from her parents, and she was always quick to give out everything from spur-of-the-moment spanks over our undies to serious bare-bum […]
Tanning for a shoplifter
I came from a mixed family background – my mum is African and my dad, who I never knew, is English. Before my mum got ill and I was taken into foster care, life was OK for a working class mother. But the care system was racist, and my first foster family – although ‘good […]