Smacking in the family

I’m a long-time reader, first-time writer! Thank you very much for the website you run. My parents were both smacked as children, and they in turn smacked me and my siblings. I and my siblings then smacked our children, and I know they have smacked their children too (some are still minors, so I won’t […]

All in good fun?

I thought I would write in and relate my childhood memories as regards to spanking. I don’t remember being that bothered about the subject, but there was a general sort of curiosity about the thought of having your bum smacked and what it felt like. After a sleepover at my aunt’s house, us kids all […]

Smacky Bums

When I was small, myself and the other children in my street would play a lot of games. Piggy run, hide and seek, leap frogging, footie, kickie can – all sorts. But my favourite game was rather more illicit – we called it Smacky Bums. Us kids would typically only dare play this game in […]

The view from the stairs

My parents were firm believers in spanking. I recall hearing my mother tell an expecting younger woman that she was a ‘red bottom mom’. I know that she in turn had received serious spanking from her parents, and she was always quick to give out everything from spur-of-the-moment spanks over our undies to serious bare-bum […]