Together in trouble

I discovered this website by accident, and have read many of the stories, so I thought I would tell you all about my worst childhood memory. Frankly, it was a day I would prefer to forget but never will – and it was a day that I received a double spanking. It all took place during and after a visit […]

Over Peggy’s knee

One of my most memorable spankings was from a young babysitter called Peggy Parker, who warmed not only my own bottom but that of my younger brother Mark. At the time of this incident, Peggy was 15 and a high school sophomore in the 10th Grade. She was a pretty brunette with medium length hair. […]

Not so sweet

The recent story about ’Mrs Sweets’ reminded me of another lady sweet shop owner in the next town over when I was little. The shop, the town’s cinema and a little milkshake bar were all in the same big, airy building, but I think they were all owned separately and just joined together to save on rent. […]