I have been inspired by other contributors to put fingers to keyboard. Here is my spanking journey so far – names have been changed, although I doubt the teachers in question are still with us. Mrs Hardy was the first. Up until the age of seven, I do not recall any discipline worth mentioning. Also, […]
The Christmas party
This is the story of a wonderful party my parents threw one Christmas 20 years ago. I would have just turned 10 years old at the time. Mum and Dad had invited loads of family and friends, with a clear instruction – it was Christmas clothing or dress up smart, preferably both! Everyone arrived dressed […]
Those who love spankings
When I was in my early teens, one day I found myself in my parents’ bedroom, idly rooting around in their dressing table, not looking for anything in particular. What I found was a well-thumbed paperback book entitled Those Who Love. It was basically a ‘how to’ manual for those adults who needed extra assistance in the […]
Brought up right
Growing up in Missouri, I got spanked pretty much every day – but then, so did all the other children around me. Mostly, the spanking would be of the most informal kind – I often got a swat on the seat of my jeans for sassing a grown-up or simply being in the wrong place […]
An intimate moment
I grew up in the 1950s in midwest America and, as you might imagine, the spanking of naughty children was commonplace. From an early age, whenever I saw a spanking portrayed or mentioned on television, it aroused hidden feelings in me. I remember our grade school teacher spanked all of us on our birthdays at […]
Spanking in context
I don’t know how many of your readers will be familiar with the term ‘Third Culture Kids’ (or TCKs for short). Basically, it refers to people growing up in one or more countries, or cultures other than the one of their birth, their family or passport. Military brats are one such group which fits the […]
An unexpected connection
My most interesting spanking story is so absurd as to sound unbelievable: trust me when I say it is true! I have the permission of the relevant party to tell this story, and to give our real first names for publication. I was spanked often growing up during the 1990s, usually on my knickers in […]
Grace – and disgrace
I have previously written about the spankings my three sisters and I received from our parents while growing up, and about a spanking I received from a friend’s parents. I think the idea of receiving a spanking from someone other than my parents has always fascinated me, and I imagine this is true for many […]
The American way
In 1987, I was given the exciting news that our family was to travel to Colorado. As a 12-year-old boy I automatically thought this meant a trip to Disneyland. I had no idea, at that time or age, of the distances involved, and when I found out Disneyland was too far away for us to […]
A spanking, just because
A friend recommended this site to me, and the stories posted here brought back vivid memories of my well-spanked childhood. I decided to share my experiences, and my friend offered to post them for me. Even though the spanking of children was falling out of favour during the 1980s, that is how my brother Troy and I were raised. Our mom 0was spanked in […]