When I was a child, I was a bit of a softy. If I was to be spanked, I would be in tears before the punishment was administered. I lived in the north of England and was brought up at home by my mother until just before I was about to go to school, about […]
Over Mrs Johnson’s kneex
While I was spanked numerous times as a child, this one stands out as perhaps the most unusual incident. I was 10 years old and spending the night at my friend Justin’s house after attending his birthday party. Justin had disobeyed his mother and was about to get a spanking, when for some reason I […]
My cousin Daniellex
My first interest in spanking started some 14 years ago now. I was 14 at the time, while my cousin Danielle was 15. My family is fairly large and we range some 15 years between the oldest and youngest. We also all live very close – at the time, both of us lived with our […]
Sobering upx
My family always believed in corporal punishment but the most memorable punishment I ever received occurred at my Aunt Mary’s house when I had just turned 16. Aunt Mary had a large family of seven girls and three boys. I was visiting them for several weeks one summer when I was invited to attend the […]
Erica the babysitterx
When I was about nine or 10, my parents left for a night and got us a babysitter named Erica. She seemed to think that anything I did was insulting towards her or was considered misbehaviour. One time I said or did something (I’m not sure what) and she grabbed my arm and dragged me […]
Mrs Kentx
When I was between 8 and 10 years old, I had a babysitter called Mrs Kent. She sat many children in my neighbourhood – working parents used her because she did not charge much, but everyone knew that she was strict and gave spankings on a regular basis. I witnessed her spank a little girl […]