The landlady and I

The following account is unusual for this site in that it happened when I was no longer at school, and to all intents and purposes an adult by today’s standards. However, when reading this, bear in mind that when these events took place, you had to be 21 before you could vote so I was […]

My aunt’s magazines

When we were kids, we always heard family gossip about how ‘naughty’ our aunt was, but never learned any details. I overheard that she was once in a band, but that was about the extent of my knowledge of her ‘naughtiness’, and us kids rarely interacted with her. After she passed away, my mother started […]

Like daughter, like mum

I was raised in a strict, loving and male-dominated family. My father was most definitely the head of our household and corporal punishment was the most common form of discipline not only for us children when we misbehaved but also for our mother. Bare bottom spankings were common and always included time spent standing in […]

My classmate Yairi

At the school I attended, there was a theoretical possibility of being spanked, but such punishments were rare. Even when given, they were mostly symbolic. However, the few cases in which I saw children being spanked are etched in my memory to this day. One of these incidents occurred in fifth grade, when I was […]

A loving mother

My best friend when I was a child was a girl called Naomi, and when we were both nine years old, I was invited one evening to her house to go for a sleepover. Naomi’s mum was lovely, very hands-on and cuddly with us and giving us plenty of attention. Finally, we were sent outside […]